Part 333 - Emergency Management Priorities and Allocations System  

§ 333.4 - Procedures.
§ 333.5 - Responsibilities.
Subpart A - Purpose
§ 333.1 - Purpose of this part.
Subpart B - Overview
§ 333.2 - Program eligibility.
§ 333.3 - Priority ratings and rated orders.
§§ 333.4--333.7 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Definitions
§ 333.8 - Definitions.
Subpart D - Priorities and Placement of Rated Orders
§ 333.10 - Authority.
§ 333.11 - Priority ratings.
§ 333.12 - Elements of a rated order.
§ 333.13 - Acceptance and rejection of rated orders.
§ 333.14 - Preferential scheduling.
§ 333.15 - Extension of priority ratings.
§ 333.16 - Changes or cancellations of priority ratings and rated orders.
§ 333.17 - Use of rated orders.
§ 333.18 - Limitations on placing rated orders.
§ 333.19 - Special provisions applicable to rated orders for third parties.
Subpart E - Special Priorities Assistance
§ 333.20 - General provisions.
§ 333.21 - Requests for priority rating authority.
§ 333.22 - Examples of assistance.
§ 333.23 - Criteria for assistance.
§ 333.24 - Instances where assistance will not be provided.
Subpart F - Allocation Actions
§ 333.30 - Policy.
§ 333.31 - General procedures.
§ 333.32 - Controlling the general distribution of a material in the civilian market.
§ 333.33 - Types of allocation orders.
§ 333.34 - Elements of an allocation order.
§ 333.35 - Mandatory acceptance of an allocation order.
§ 333.36 - Changes or cancellations of allocation orders.
Subpart G - XXX
Subpart H - Official Actions
§ 333.50 - General provisions.
§ 333.51 - Rating authorizations.
§ 333.52 - Directives.
§ 333.53 - Letters and memoranda of understanding.
Subpart I - Compliance
§ 333.60 - General provisions.
§ 333.61 - Audits and investigations.
§ 333.62 - Compulsory process.
§ 333.63 - Notification of failure to comply.
§ 333.64 - Violations, penalties, and remedies.
§ 333.65 - Compliance conflicts.
Subpart J - Adjustments, Exceptions, and Appeals
§ 333.70 - Adjustments or exceptions.
§ 333.71 - Appeals.
Subpart K - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 333.80 - Protection against claims.
§ 333.81 - Records and reports.
§ 333.82 - Applicability of this part and official actions.
§ 333.83 - Communications.
§ 333.84 - Severability.