Part 1150 - Collection of Claims  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 1150.1 - What definitions apply to the regulations in this part?
§ 1150.2 - What is the Endowment's authority to issue these regulations?
§ 1150.3 - What other regulations also apply to the Endowment's debt collection efforts?
§ 1150.4 - What types of claims are excluded from these regulations?
§ 1150.5 - What notice will I be provided if I owe a debt to the Endowment?
§ 1150.6 - What opportunity do I have to obtain a review of my debt within the Endowment?
§ 1150.7 - What interest, penalty charges, and administrative costs will I have to pay on a debt owed to the Endowment?
§ 1150.8 - Will failure to pay my debt affect my eligibility for Endowment programs?
§ 1150.9 - How can I resolve the Endowment's claim through a voluntary repayment agreement?
§ 1150.10 - What is the extent of the Chairperson's authority to compromise debts owed to the Endowment, or to suspend or terminate collection action on such debts?
§ 1150.11 - How does subdividing or joining debts owed to the Endowment affect the Chairperson's compromise, suspension, or termination authority?
§ 1150.12 - How will the Endowment use credit reporting agencies to collect its claims?
§ 1150.13 - How will the Endowment contract for collection services?
§ 1150.14 - When will the Endowment refer claims to the DOJ?
§ 1150.15 - Will the Endowment use a cross-servicing agreement with the Treasury to collect its claims?
§ 1150.16 - May I use the Endowment's failure to comply with these regulations as a defense?
Subpart B - Salary Offset
§ 1150.20 - What debts are included or excluded from coverage of these regulations on salary offset?
§ 1150.21 - May I ask the Endowment to waive an overpayment that otherwise would be collected by offsetting my salary as a Federal employee?
§ 1150.22 - What are the Endowment's procedures for salary offset?
§ 1150.23 - How will the Endowment coordinate salary offsets with other agencies?
§ 1150.24 - Under what conditions will the Endowment make a refund of amounts collected by salary offset?
§ 1150.25 - Will the collection of a claim by salary offset act as a waiver of my rights to dispute the claimed debt?
Subpart C - Tax Refund Offset
§ 1150.30 - Which debts can the Endowment refer to the Treasury for collection by offsetting tax refunds?
§ 1150.31 - What are the Endowment's procedures for collecting debts by tax refund offset?
Subpart D - Administrative Offset
§ 1150.40 - Under what circumstances will the Endowment collect amounts that I owe to the Endowment (or some other Federal agency) by offsetting the debt against payments that the Endowment (or some other Federal agency) owes me?
§ 1150.41 - How will the Endowment request that my debt to the Endowment be collected by offset against some payment that another Federal agency owes me?
§ 1150.42 - What procedures will the Endowment use to collect amounts I owe to a Federal agency by offsetting a payment that the Endowment would otherwise make to me?
§ 1150.43 - When may the Endowment make an offset in an expedited manner?
§ 1150.44 - Can a judgment I have obtained against the United States be used to satisfy a debt that I owe to the Endowment?