§ 2552.92 - What are project funding requirements?  

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  • § 2552.92 What are project funding requirements?

    (a) Is non-Corporation CNCS support required? A Corporation CNCS grant may be awarded to fund up to 90 percent of the cost of development and operation of a Foster Grandparent project. The sponsor is required to contribute at least 10 percent of the total project cost from non-Federal sources or authorized Federal sources.

    (b) Under what circumstances does the Corporation CNCS allow less than the 10 percent non-Corporation CNCS support? The Corporation CNCS may allow exceptions to the 10 percent local support requirement in cases of demonstrated need such as:

    (1) Initial difficulties in the development of local funding sources during the first three years of operations; or

    (2) An economic downturn, the occurrence of a natural disaster, or similar events in the service area that severely restrict or reduce sources of local funding support; or

    (3) The unexpected discontinuation of local support from one or more sources that a project has relied on for a period of years.

    (c) May the Corporation CNCS restrict how a sponsor uses locally generated contributions in excess of the 10 percent non-Corporation CNCS support required? Whenever locally generated contributions to Foster Grandparent projects are in excess of the minimum 10 percent non-Corporation CNCS support required, the Corporation CNCS may not restrict the manner in which such contributions are expended provided such expenditures are consistent with the provisions of the Act.

    (d) Are program expenditures subject to audit ? All expenditures by the grantee of Federal and non-Federal funds, including expenditures from excess locally generated contributions in support of the grant , are subject to audit by the CorporationCNCS, its Inspector General, or their authorized agents.

    (e) How are Foster Grandparent cost reimbursements budgeted?

    (1) Except as provided in (e)(2) of this section, the total of cost reimbursements for Foster Grandparents, including stipends, insurance, transportation, meals, physical examinations, and recognition, shall be a sum equal to at least 80 percent of the amount of the Federal share of the grant award. Federal, required non-Federal, and excess non-Federal resources can be used to make up the amount allotted for cost reimbursements.

    (2) The Corporation may allow exceptions to the 80 percent cost reimbursement requirement in cases of demonstrated need such as:

    (i) Initial difficulties in the development of local funding sources during the first three years of operations; or

    (ii) An economic downturn, the occurrence of a natural disaster, or similar events in the service area that severely restrict or reduce sources of local funding support; or

    (iii) The unexpected discontinuation of local support from one or more sources that a project has relied on for a period of years.


    May a sponsor pay stipends at

    a rate

    rates different than

    the rate

    those established by

    the Corporation? A

    CNCS? No, a sponsor shall pay stipends at

    the same rate as that

    rates established by

    the Corporation


    [64 FR 14126, Mar. 24, 1999, as amended at 75 FR 51415, Aug. 20, 2010; 83 FR 64652, Dec. 17, 2018]