§ 410.402 - Minimum standards applicable to licensed programs.  

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  • § 410.402 Minimum standards applicable to licensed programs.

    Licensed programs must:

    (a) Be licensed by an appropriate State agency to provide residential, group, or foster care services for dependent children;

    (b) Comply with all applicable state child welfare laws and regulations and all state and local building, fire, health and safety codes;

    (c) Provide or arrange for the following services for each UAC in care, including:

    (1) Proper physical care and maintenance, including suitable living accommodations, food, appropriate clothing, and personal grooming items;

    (2) Appropriate routine medical and dental care, family planning services, and emergency health care services, including a complete medical examination (including screening for infectious disease) within 48 hours of admission, excluding weekends and holidays, unless the UAC was recently examined at another facility; appropriate immunizations in accordance with the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS), Center for Disease Control; administration of prescribed medication and special diets; appropriate mental health interventions when necessary;

    (3) An individualized needs assessment that must include:

    (i) Various initial intake forms;

    (ii) Essential data relating to the identification and history of the UAC and family;

    (iii) Identification of the UAC's special needs including any specific problems that appear to require immediate intervention;

    (iv) An educational assessment and plan;

    (v) An assessment of family relationships and interaction with adults, peers and authority figures;

    (vi) A statement of religious preference and practice;

    (vii) An assessment of the UAC's personal goals, strengths and weaknesses; and

    (viii) Identifying information regarding immediate family members, other relatives, godparents or friends who may be residing in the United States and may be able to assist in family reunification;

    (4) Educational services appropriate to the UAC's level of development and communication skills in a structured classroom setting, Monday through Friday, which concentrate primarily on the development of basic academic competencies and secondarily on English Language Training (ELT), including:

    (i) Instruction and educational and other reading materials in such languages as needed;

    (ii) Instruction in basic academic areas that include science, social studies, math, reading, writing, and physical education; and

    (iii) The provision to a UAC of appropriate reading materials in languages other than English for use during the UAC's leisure time;

    (5) Activities according to a recreation and leisure time plan that include daily outdoor activity, weather permitting, at least one hour per day of large muscle activity and one hour per day of structured leisure time activities, which do not include time spent watching television. Activities must be increased to at least three hours on days when school is not in session;

    (6) At least one individual counseling session per week conducted by trained social work staff with the specific objectives of reviewing the UAC's progress, establishing new short-term objectives, and addressing both the developmental and crisis-related needs of each UAC;

    (7) Group counseling sessions at least twice a week. This is usually an informal process and takes place with all the UACs present. This is a time when new UACs are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the staff, other children, and the rules of the program. It is an open forum where everyone gets a chance to speak. Daily program management is discussed and decisions are made about recreational and other program activities, etc. This is a time for staff and UACs to discuss whatever is on their minds and to resolve problems;

    (8) Acculturation and adaptation services that include information regarding the development of social and inter-personal skills that contribute to those abilities necessary to live independently and responsibly;

    (9) Upon admission, a comprehensive orientation regarding program intent, services, rules (provided in writing and verbally), expectations and the availability of legal assistance;

    (10) Whenever possible, access to religious services of the UAC's choice;

    (11) Visitation and contact with family members (regardless of their immigration status) which is structured to encourage such visitation. The staff must respect the UAC's privacy while reasonably preventing the unauthorized release of the UAC;

    (12) A reasonable right to privacy, which must include the right to:

    (i) Wear his or her own clothes, when available;

    (ii) Retain a private space in the residential facility, group or foster home for the storage of personal belongings;

    (iii) Talk privately on the phone, as permitted by the house rules and regulations;

    (iv) Visit privately with guests, as permitted by the house rules and regulations; and

    (v) Receive and send uncensored mail unless there is a reasonable belief that the mail contains contraband;

    (13) Family reunification services designed to identify relatives in the United States as well as in foreign countries and assistance in obtaining legal guardianship when necessary for release of the UAC; and

    (14) Legal services information regarding the availability of free legal assistance, the right to be represented by counsel at no expense to the government, the right to a removal hearing before an immigration judge, the right to apply for asylum or to request voluntary departure in lieu of removal;

    (d) Deliver services in a manner that is sensitive to the age, culture, native language and the complex needs of each UAC;

    (e) Formulate program rules and discipline standards with consideration for the range of ages and maturity in the program and that are culturally sensitive to the needs of each UAC to ensure the following:

    (1) UAC must not be subjected to corporal punishment, humiliation, mental abuse, or punitive interference with the daily functions of living, such as eating or sleeping: And

    (2) Any sanctions employed must not:

    (i) Adversely affect either a UAC's health, or physical or psychological well-being; or

    (ii) Deny UAC regular meals, sufficient sleep, exercise, medical care, correspondence privileges, or legal assistance;

    (f) Develop a comprehensive and realistic individual plan for the care of each UAC in accordance with the UAC's needs as determined by the individualized needs assessment. Individual plans must be implemented and closely coordinated through an operative case management system;

    (g) Develop, maintain and safeguard individual client case records. Licensed programs must develop a system of accountability that preserves the confidentiality of client information and protects the records from unauthorized use or disclosure; and

    (h) Maintain adequate records and make regular reports as required by ORR that permit ORR to monitor and enforce the regulations in this part and other requirements and standards as ORR may determine are in the interests of the UAC.