Part 1302 - Program Operations  

§ 1302.1 - Overview.
Subpart A - Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance
§ 1302.2 - Definitions.
§ 1302.3 - Consultation with public officials and consumers.
§ 1302.4 - Transfer of unexpended balances.
§ 1302.5 - Notice for show cause and hearing.
§ 1302.10 - Purpose.
§ 1302.11 - Determining community strengths, needs, and resources.
§ 1302.12 - Determining, verifying, and documenting eligibility.
§ 1302.13 - Recruitment of children.
§ 1302.14 - Selection process.
§ 1302.15 - Enrollment.
§ 1302.16 - Attendance.
§ 1302.17 - Suspension and expulsion.
§ 1302.18 - Fees.
Subpart B - Program Structure
§ 1302.20 - Determining program structure.
§ 1302.21 - Center-based option.
§ 1302.22 - Home-based option.
§ 1302.23 - Family child care option.
§ 1302.24 - Locally-designed program option variations.
Subpart C - Education and Child Development Program Services
§ 1302.25 - Control of funds of grantee scheduled for change.
§ 1302.30 - Purpose.
§ 1302.31 - Teaching and the learning environment.
§ 1302.32 - Curricula.
§ 1302.33 - Child screenings and assessments.
§ 1302.34 - Parent and family engagement in education and child development services.
§ 1302.35 - Education in home-based programs.
§ 1302.36 - Tribal language preservation and revitalization.
Subpart D - Health Program Services
§ 1302.40 - Purpose.
§ 1302.41 - Collaboration and communication with parents.
§ 1302.42 - Child health status and care.
§ 1302.43 - Oral health practices.
§ 1302.44 - Child nutrition.
§ 1302.45 - Child mental health and social and emotional well-being.
§ 1302.46 - Family support services for health, nutrition, and mental health.
§ 1302.47 - Safety practices.
Subpart E - Family and Community Engagement Program Services
§ 1302.50 - Family engagement.
§ 1302.51 - Parent activities to promote child learning and development.
§ 1302.52 - Family partnership services.
§ 1302.53 - Community partnerships and coordination with other early childhood and education programs.
Subpart F - Additional Services for Children With Disabilities
§ 1302.60 - Full participation in program services and activities.
§ 1302.61 - Additional services for children.
§ 1302.62 - Additional services for parents.
§ 1302.63 - Coordination and collaboration with the local agency responsible for implementing IDEA.
Subpart G - Transition Services
§ 1302.70 - Transitions from Early Head Start.
§ 1302.71 - Transitions from Head Start to kindergarten.
§ 1302.72 - Transitions between programs.
Subpart H - Services to Enrolled Pregnant Women
§ 1302.80 - Enrolled pregnant women.
§ 1302.81 - Prenatal and postpartum information, education, and services.
§ 1302.82 - Family partnership services for enrolled pregnant women.
Subpart I - Human Resources Management
§ 1302.90 - Personnel policies.
§ 1302.91 - Staff qualifications and competency requirements.
§ 1302.92 - Training and professional development.
§ 1302.93 - Staff health and wellness.
§ 1302.94 - Volunteers.
Subpart J - Program Management and Quality Improvement
§ 1302.100 - Purpose.
§ 1302.101 - Management system.
§ 1302.102 - Achieving program goals.
§ 1302.103 - Implementation of program performance standards.