Part 2551 - Senior Companion Program  

Subpart A - General
§ 2551.11 - What is the Senior Companion Program?
§ 2551.12 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Eligibility and Responsibilities of a Sponsor
§ 2551.21 - Who is eligible to serve as a sponsor?
§ 2551.22 - What are the responsibilities of a sponsor?
§ 2551.23 - What are a sponsor's project responsibilities?
§ 2551.24 - What are a sponsor's responsibilities for securing community participation?
§ 2551.25 - What are a sponsor's administrative responsibilities?
§ 2551.26 - To whom does this part apply?
§ 2551.27 - What two search components of the National Service Criminal History Check must I satisfy to determine an individual's suitability to serve in a covered position?
§ 2551.28 - When must I conduct a State criminal registry check and a NSOPR check on an individual in a covered position?
§ 2551.29 - What procedures must I follow in conducting a National Service Criminal History Check?
§ 2551.30 - What documentation must I maintain regarding a National Service Criminal History Check?
§ 2551.31 - Under what circumstances may I follow alternative procedures in conducting a State criminal registry check?
§ 2551.32 - Is an individual who refuses to consent to a State criminal registry check, or who makes a false statement in connection with a grantee's inquiry concerning the individual's criminal history, eligible to serve in a covered position?
§ 2551.33 - May a sponsor administer more than one program grant from the Corporation?
§§ 2551.26--2551.32 - [Reserved]
§§ 2551.26--2551.33 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Suspension and Termination of Corporation Assistance
§ 2551.34 - What are the rules on suspension, termination, and denial of refunding of grants?
Subpart D - Senior Companion Eligibility, Status, and Cost Reimbursements
§ 2551.41 - Who is eligible to be a Senior Companion?
§ 2551.42 - What types of criminal convictions or other adjudications disqualify an individual from serving as a Senior Companion or as a Senior Companion grant-funded employee?
§ 2551.43 - What income guidelines govern eligibility to serve as a stipended Senior Companion?
§ 2551.44 - What is considered income for determining volunteer eligibility?
§ 2551.45 - Is a Senior Companion a federal employee, an employee of the sponsor or of the volunteer station?
§ 2551.46 - What cost reimbursements are provided to Senior Companions?
§ 2551.47 - May the cost reimbursements and benefits of a Senior Companion be subject to any tax or charge, be treated as wages or compensation, or affect eligibility to receive assistance from other programs?
Subpart E - Senior Companion Terms of Service
§ 2551.51 - What are the terms of service of a Senior Companion?
§ 2551.52 - What factors are considered in determining a Senior Companion's service schedule?
§ 2551.53 - Under what circumstances may a Senior Companion be removed from service?
Subpart F - Responsibilities of a Volunteer Station
§ 2551.61 - May a sponsor serve as a volunteer station?
§ 2551.62 - What are the responsibilities of a volunteer station?
Subpart G - Senior Companion Placements and Assignments
§ 2551.71 - What requirements govern the assignment of Senior Companions?
§ 2551.72 - Is a written volunteer assignment plan required for each Senior Companion?
§ 2551.73 - xxx
Subpart H - Clients Served
§ 2551.81 - What type of clients are eligible to be served?
Subpart I - Application and Fiscal Requirements
§ 2551.91 - What is the process for application and award of a grant?
§ 2551.92 - What are project funding requirements?
§ 2551.93 - What are a sponsor's legal requirements in managing grants?
Subpart J - Non-Stipended Senior Companions
§ 2551.101 - What rule governs the recruitment and enrollment of persons who do not meet the income eligibility guidelines to serve as Senior Companions?
§ 2551.102 - What are the conditions of service of non-stipended Senior Companions?
§ 2551.103 - Must a sponsor be required to enroll non-stipended Senior Companions?
§ 2551.104 - [Reserved]
Subpart K - Non-CNCS Funded Senior Companion Projects
§ 2551.111 - Under what conditions may an agency or organization sponsor a Senior Companion project without CNCS funding?
§ 2551.112 - What are the resources and benefits to which a non-CNCS funded project is entitled?
§ 2551.113 - What financial obligation does CNCS incur for non-CNCS funded projects?
§ 2551.114 - What happens if a non-CNCS funded sponsor does not comply with the NGA?
Subpart L - Restrictions and Legal Representation
§ 2551.121 - What legal limitations apply to the operation of the Senior Companion Program and to the expenditure of grant funds?
§ 2551.122 - What legal coverage does CNCS make available to Senior Companions?