Part 60 - National Practitioner Data Bank  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 60.1 - The National Practitioner Data Bank.
§ 60.2 - Applicability.
§ 60.3 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Reporting of Information
§ 60.4 - How information must be reported.
§ 60.5 - When information must be reported.
§ 60.6 - Reporting errors, omissions, revisions or whether an action is on appeal.
§ 60.7 - Reporting medical malpractice payments.
§ 60.8 - Reporting licensure actions taken by Boards of Medical Examiners.
§ 60.9 - Reporting licensure and certification actions taken by states.
§ 60.10 - Reporting Federal licensure and certification actions.
§ 60.11 - Reporting negative actions or findings taken by peer review organizations or private accreditation entities.
§ 60.12 - Reporting adverse actions taken against clinical privileges.
§ 60.13 - Reporting Federal or state criminal convictions related to the delivery of a health care item or service.
§ 60.14 - Reporting civil judgments related to the delivery of a health care item or service.
§ 60.15 - Reporting exclusions from participation in Federal or state health care programs.
§ 60.16 - Reporting other adjudicated actions or decisions.
Subpart C - Disclosure of Information by the National Practitioner Data Bank
§ 60.17 - Information which hospitals must request from the National Practitioner Data Bank.
§ 60.18 - Requesting information from the National Practitioner Data Bank.
§ 60.19 - Fees applicable to requests for information.
§ 60.20 - Confidentiality of National Practitioner Data Bank information.
§ 60.21 - How to dispute the accuracy of National Practitioner Data Bank information.
§ 60.22 - Immunity.