Part 63 - Grant Programs Administered by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation  

Subpart A - General
§ 63.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 63.2 - Eligibility for award.
§ 63.3 - Program announcements and solicitations.
§ 63.4 - Cooperative arrangements.
§ 63.5 - Effective date of approved grant.
§ 63.6 - Evaluation of applications.
§ 63.7 - Disposition of applications.
§ 63.8 - Supplemental regulations and grant conditions.
§ 73.735-803 - Prohibition against involvement in financial transactions based on information obtained through Federal euation, or demonstration project within the meaning of this section and § 63.1 shall be eligible for an award. Eligible projects may include planning, policy modeling or research utilization studies; experiments; demonstrations; field investigations; statistical data collections or analyses; or other types of investigation or studies, or combinations thereof, and may either be limited to one aspect of a problem or subject, or may consist of two or more related problems or subjects for concurrent or consecutive invest
Subpart B - Financial Provisions
§ 63.16 - Scope of subpart.
§ 63.17 - Amount of award.
§ 63.18 - Limitations on costs.
§ 63.19 - Budget revisions and minor deviations.
§ 63.20 - Period during which grant funds may be obligated.
§ 63.21 - Obligation and liquidation by grantee.
§ 63.22 - Cost sharing.
§ 63.23 - Telecommunications Demonstration Grants.
Subpart C - Special Provisions
§ 63.30 - Scope of subpart.
§ 63.31 - Protection of human subjects.
§ 63.32 - Data collection instruments.
§ 63.33 - Treatment of animals.
§ 63.34 - Principal investigators.
§ 63.35 - Dual compensation.
§ 63.36 - Fees to Federal employees.
§ 63.37 - Leasing facilities.
§ 63.38 - Publications.
§ 63.39 - Religious worship or instruction.