Part 1356 - Requirements Applicable to Title Iv-E  

§ 1356.10 - Scope.
§ 1356.20 - Title IV-E plan document and submission requirements.
§ 1356.21 - Foster care maintenance payments program implementation requirements.
§ 1356.22 - Implementation requirements for children voluntarily placed in foster care.
§ 1356.30 - Safety requirements for foster care and adoptive home providers.
§ 1356.40 - Adoption assistance program: Administrative requirements to implement section 473 of the Act.
§ 1356.41 - Nonrecurring expenses of adoption.
§ 1356.50 - Withholding of funds for non-compliance with the approved title IV-E plan.
§ 1356.60 - Fiscal requirements (title IV-E).
§ 1356.65 - State foster care allotment (title IV-E).
§ 1356.66 - [Reserved]
§ 1356.67 - Procedures for the transfer of placement and care responsibility of a child from a State to a Tribal title IV-E agency or an Indian Tribe with a title IV-E agreement.
§ 1356.68 - Tribal title IV-E agency requirements for in-kind administrative and training contributions from third-party sources.
§ 1356.69 - [Reserved]
§ 1356.70 - Transfer of funds from title IV-E to title IV-B.
§ 1356.71 - Federal review of the eligibility of children in foster care and the eligibility of foster care providers in title IV-E programs.
§ 1356.80 - Scope of the National Youth in Transition Database.
§ 1356.81 - Reporting population.
§ 1356.82 - Data collection requirements.
§ 1356.83 - Reporting requirements and data elements.
§ 1356.84 - Sampling.
§ 1356.85 - Compliance.
§ 1356.86 - Penalties for noncompliance.
Appendix A to Part 1356 - NYTD Data Elements
Appendix B to Part 1356 - NYTD Youth Outcome Survey
Appendix C to Part 1356 - Calculating Sample Size for NYTD Follow-Up Populations
§§ 1356.65--1356.66 - [Reserved]
§§ 1356.65--1356.70 - [Reserved]
§§ 1356.69--1356.70 - [Reserved]