Part 410 - Care and Placement of Unaccompanied Children  

Subpart A - Care and Placement of Unaccompanied Children
§ 410.100 - Scope of this part.
§ 410.101 - Definitions.
§ 410.102 - ORR care and placement of unaccompanied alien children.
§ 410.1000 - Scope of this part.
§ 410.1001 - Definitions.
§ 410.1002 - ORR care and placement of unaccompanied children.
§ 410.1003 - General principles that apply to the care and placement of unaccompanied children.
§ 410.1004 - ORR custody of unaccompanied children.
Subpart B - Determining the Placement of an Unaccompanied Child at a Care Provider Facility
§ 410.200 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.201 - Considerations generally applicable to the placement of an unaccompanied alien child.
§ 410.202 - Placement of an unaccompanied alien child in a licensed program.
§ 410.203 - Criteria for placing an unaccompanied alien child in a secure facility.
§ 410.204 - Considerations when determining whether an unaccompanied alien child is an escape risk.
§ 410.205 - Applicability of § 410.203 for placement in a secure facility.
§ 410.206 - Information for unaccompanied alien children concerning the reasons for his or her placement in a secure or staff secure facility.
§ 410.207 - Custody of an unaccompanied alien child placed pursuant to this subpart.
§ 410.208 - Special needs minors.
§ 410.209 - Procedures during an emergency or influx.
§ 410.1100 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.1101 - Process for placement of an unaccompanied child after referral from another Federal agency.
§ 410.1102 - Care provider facility types.
§ 410.1103 - Considerations generally applicable to the placement of an unaccompanied child.
§ 410.1104 - Placement of an unaccompanied child in a standard program that is not restrictive.
§ 410.1105 - Criteria for placing an unaccompanied child in a restrictive placement.
§ 410.1106 - Unaccompanied children who need particular services and treatment.
§ 410.1107 - Considerations when determining whether an unaccompanied child is a runaway risk for purposes of placement decisions.
§ 410.1108 - Placement and services for children of unaccompanied children.
§ 410.1109 - Required notice of legal rights.
Subpart C - Releasing an Unaccompanied Child From ORR Custody
§ 410.300 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.301 - Sponsors to whom ORR releases an unaccompanied alien child.
§ 410.302 - Sponsor suitability assessment process requirements leading to release of an unaccompanied alien child from ORR custody to a sponsor.
§ 410.1200 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.1201 - Sponsors to whom ORR releases an unaccompanied child.
§ 410.1202 - Sponsor suitability.
§ 410.1203 - Release approval process.
§ 410.1204 - Home studies.
§ 410.1205 - Release decisions; denial of release to a sponsor.
§ 410.1206 - Appeals of release denials.
§ 410.1207 - Ninety (90)-day review of pending sponsor applications.
§ 410.1208 - ORR's discretion to place an unaccompanied child in the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program.
§ 410.1209 - Requesting specific consent from ORR regarding custody proceedings.
§ 410.1210 - Post-release services.
Subpart D - Licensed Programs
§ 410.400 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.401 - Applicability of this subpart.
§ 410.402 - Minimum standards applicable to licensed programs.
§ 410.403 - Ensuring that licensed programs are providing services as required by the regulations in this part.
§ 410.1300 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.1301 - Applicability of this subpart.
§ 410.1302 - Minimum standards applicable to standard programs and secure facilities.
§ 410.1303 - ORR Reporting, monitoring, quality control, and recordkeeping standards.
§ 410.1304 - Behavior management and prohibition on seclusion and restraint.
§ 410.1305 - Staff, training, and case manager requirements.
§ 410.1306 - Language access services.
§ 410.1307 - Healthcare services.
§ 410.1308 - Child advocates.
§ 410.1309 - Legal services.
§ 410.1310 - Psychotropic medications.
§ 410.1311 - Unaccompanied children with disabilities.
Subpart E - Transportation of an Unaccompanied Alien Child
§ 410.500 - Conducting transportation for an unaccompanied alien child in ORR's custody.
§ 410.1400 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.1401 - Transportation of an unaccompanied child in ORR's care.
Subpart F - Transfer of an Unaccompanied Alien Child
§ 410.600 - Principles applicable to transfer of an unaccompanied alien child.
§ 410.1500 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.1501 - Data on unaccompanied children.
Subpart G - Age Determinations
§ 410.700 - Conducting age determinations.
§ 410.701 - Treatment of an individual who appears to be an adult.
§ 410.1600 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.1601 - Transfer of an unaccompanied child within the ORR care provider facility network.
Subpart H - Unaccompanied Alien Children's Objections to ORR Determinations
§ 410.800 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.801 - Procedures.
§ 410.810 - Hearings.
§ 410.1700 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.1701 - Applicability.
§ 410.1702 - Conducting age determinations.
§ 410.1703 - Information used as evidence to conduct age determinations.
§ 410.1704 - Treatment of an individual whom ORR has determined to be an adult.
Subpart I - Emergency and Influx Operations
§ 410.1800 - Contingency planning and procedures during an emergency or influx.
§ 410.1801 - Minimum standards for emergency or influx facilities.
§ 410.1802 - Placement standards for emergency or influx facilities.
Subpart J - Availability of Review of Certain ORR Decisions
§ 410.1900 - Purpose of this subpart.
§ 410.1901 - Restrictive placement case reviews.
§ 410.1902 - Placement Review Panel.
§ 410.1903 - Risk determination hearings.
Subpart K - Unaccompanied Children Office of the Ombuds (UC Office of the Ombuds)
§ 410.2000 - Establishment of the UC Office of the Ombuds.
§ 410.2001 - UC Office of the Ombuds policies and procedures; contact information.
§ 410.2002 - UC Office of the Ombuds scope and responsibilities.
§ 410.2003 - Organization of the UC Office of the Ombuds.
§ 410.2004 - Confidentiality.