Part 411 - Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment Involving Unaccompanied Children  

§ 411.5 - General definitions.
§ 411.6 - Definitions related to sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
Subpart A - Coverage
§ 411.10 - Coverage of ORR care provider facilities.
Subpart B - Prevention Planning
§ 411.11 - Zero tolerance toward sexual abuse and sexual harassment; Prevention of Sexual Abuse Coordinator and Compliance Manager.
§ 411.12 - Contracting with or having a grant from ORR for the care of UCs.
§ 411.13 - UC supervision and monitoring.
§ 411.14 - Limits to cross-gender viewing and searches.
§ 411.15 - Accommodating UCs with disabilities and UCs who are limited English proficient (LEP).
§ 411.16 - Hiring and promotion decisions.
§ 411.17 - Upgrades to facilities and technologies.
Subpart C - Responsive Planning
§ 411.21 - Victim advocacy, access to counselors, and forensic medical examinations.
§ 411.22 - Policies to ensure investigation of allegations and appropriate agency oversight.
Subpart D - Training and Education
§ 411.31 - Care provider facility staff training.
§ 411.32 - Volunteer and contractor training.
§ 411.33 - UC education.
§ 411.34 - Specialized training: Medical and mental health care staff.
Subpart E - Assessment for Risk of Sexual Victimization and Abusiveness
§ 411.41 - Assessment for risk of sexual victimization and abusiveness.
§ 411.42 - Use of assessment information.
Subpart F - Reporting
§ 411.51 - UC reporting.
§ 411.52 - Grievances.
§ 411.53 - UC access to outside confidential support services.
§ 411.54 - Third-party reporting.
§ 411.55 - UC access to attorneys or other legal representatives and families.
Subpart G - Official Response Following a UC Report
§ 411.61 - Staff reporting duties.
§ 411.62 - Protection duties.
§ 411.63 - Reporting to other care provider facilities and DHS.
§ 411.64 - Responder duties.
§ 411.65 - Coordinated response.
§ 411.66 - Protection of UCs from contact with alleged abusers.
§ 411.67 - Protection against retaliation.
§ 411.68 - Post-allegation protection.
Subpart H - ORR Incident Monitoring and Evaluation
§ 411.71 - ORR monitoring and evaluation of care provider facilities following an allegation of sexual abuse or sexual harassment.
§ 411.72 - Reporting to UCs.
Subpart I - Interventions and Discipline
§ 411.81 - Disciplinary sanctions for staff.
§ 411.82 - Corrective actions for contractors and volunteers.
§ 411.83 - Interventions for UCs who engage in sexual abuse.
Subpart J - Medical and Mental Health Care
§ 411.91 - Medical and mental health assessments; history of sexual abuse.
§ 411.92 - Access to emergency medical and mental health services.
§ 411.93 - Ongoing medical and mental health care for sexual abuse and sexual harassment victims and abusers.
Subpart K - Data Collection and Review
§ 411.101 - Sexual abuse and sexual harassment incident reviews.
§ 411.102 - Data collection.
§ 411.103 - Data review for corrective action.
§ 411.104 - Data storage, publication, and destruction.
Subpart L - Audits and Corrective Action
§ 411.111 - Frequency and scope of audits.
§ 411.112 - Auditor qualifications.
§ 411.113 - Audit contents and findings.
§ 411.114 - Audit corrective action plan.
§ 411.115 - Audit appeals.