Part 2525 - National Service Trust  

Subpart A - Purpose and Definitions
§ 2525.1 - What is the National Service Trust?
§ 2525.2 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Eligibility for an Education Award
§ 2525.10 - When can an Eligible Individual receive an education award from the National Service Trust?
§ 2525.15 - Upon what basis may an entity responsible for the supervision of an Eligible Individual certify that the Eligible Individual successfully completed a term of service?
§ 2525.20 - Under what circumstances is an Eligible Individual who does not complete an approved term of service eligible to receive a pro-rated education award?
§ 2525.25 - If a participant in an approved Summer of Service or Silver Scholar position does not complete their term of service, are they eligible to receive a pro-rated education award?
§ 2525.30 - How do convictions for the possession or sale of controlled substances affect an Eligible Individual's ability to use their award?
§ 2525.40 - How long is an education award available for use?
§ 2525.41 - When must an application for an extension be submitted?
§ 2525.42 - Under what circumstances will AmeriCorps grant an extension?
§ 2525.43 - What if the request for an extension is missing information or documentation?
§ 2525.44 - How will AmeriCorps notify the Eligible Individual or Designated Recipient of its decision on the extension request?
§ 2525.45 - Can an Eligible Individual or Designated Recipient appeal a denied request for an extension?
§ 2525.50 - Is there a limit on the total amount of education awards an individual may receive?
§ 2525.55 - What is the impact of the aggregate value of education awards received on an individual's ability to serve in additional terms of service?
§ 2525.60 - May an individual receive an education award and related interest benefits from the National Service Trust as well as other loan cancellation benefits for the same term of service?
§ 2525.70 - What are the effects of an erroneous certification of successful completion of a term of service?
Subpart C - Determining the Amount of an Education Award
§ 2525.100 - What is the amount of an education award?
Subpart D - Using an Education Award
§ 2525.210 - For what purposes may an education award be used?
§ 2525.220 - What steps are necessary to use an education award to repay a qualified student loan?
§ 2525.230 - What steps are necessary to use an education award to pay all or part of the current educational expenses at an institution of higher education?
§ 2525.240 - Is there a limit on the amount of an Eligible Individual's education award that AmeriCorps will disburse to an institution for a given period of enrollment?
§ 2525.250 - What happens if an individual withdraws or fails to complete the period of enrollment in an institution of higher education for which AmeriCorps has disbursed all or part of that individual's education award?
§ 2525.260 - Who may use the education award to pay expenses incurred in enrolling in a G.I. Bill-approved program?
§ 2525.270 - What steps are necessary to use an education award to pay expenses incurred in enrolling in a G.I. Bill-approved program?
§ 2525.280 - What happens if an individual for whom AmeriCorps has disbursed education award funds withdraws or fails to complete the period of enrollment in a G.I. Bill approved program?
§ 2525.290 - What happens to an education award upon divorce or death?
Subpart E - Payment of Accrued Interest
§ 2525.310 - Under what circumstances will AmeriCorps pay interest that accrues on qualified student loans during an individual's term of service in an approved position?
§ 2525.320 - What steps are necessary to obtain forbearance in the repayment of a qualified student loan during an individual's term of service in an approved AmeriCorps position?
§ 2525.330 - What steps are necessary for AmeriCorps to pay interest that has accrued on a qualified student loan in forbearance?
Subpart F - Transfer of Education Awards
§ 2525.410 - Under what circumstances may an Eligible Individual transfer an education award?
§ 2525.420 - For what purposes may a transferred award be used?
§ 2525.430 - What steps are necessary to transfer an education award?
§ 2525.440 - Is there a limit on the number of recipients an individual may designate to receive a transferred award?
§ 2525.450 - Is there a limit on the amount of transferred education awards a Designated Recipient may receive?
§ 2525.460 - What is the impact of transferring or receiving a transferred education award on an Eligible Individual's eligibility to receive additional education awards?
§ 2525.470 - Is a Designated Recipient required to accept a transferred education award?
§ 2525.480 - Under what circumstances is a transfer revocable?
§ 2525.485 - What steps are necessary to revoke a transfer?
§ 2525.487 - What happens to a transferred education award upon divorce or death?
§ 2525.490 - Is a recipient of a transferred education award eligible for the payment of accrued interest for their own student loans?