§ 131.320 - Safety orientation for offshore workers.  

Latest version.
  • § 131.320 Safety orientation for offshore workers.

    (a) Before a vessel gets under way on a voyage, the master shall ensure that suitable public announcements are made informing each offshore worker of -

    (1) In general terms, emergency and evacuation procedures;

    (2) Locations of emergency exits and of embarkation areas for survival craft;

    (3) Locations of stowage of lifejackets and immersion suits;

    (4) With demonstration, proper method or methods of donning and adjusting lifejackets and immersion suits of the type or types carried on the vessel;

    (5) Locations of the instruction placards for lifejackets and other lifesaving devices;

    (6) Explanation that each offshore worker shall don an immersion suit and a lifejacket when the master determines that hazardous conditions do or might exist but that offshore workers may don lifejackets whenever they feel it necessary;

    (7) Which hazardous conditions might require the donning of lifejackets and immersion suits;

    (8) Types and locations of any other lifesaving device carried on the vessel;

    (9) Locations and contents of the “Emergency Instructions” required by § 131.330;

    (10) Survival craft to which assigned;

    (11) Any hazardous materials on the vessel; and

    (12) Any conditions or circumstances that constitute a risk to safety.

    (b) The master of each vessel shall ensure that each offshore worker boarding the vessel on a voyage after the initial public announcement has been made, as required by paragraph (a) of this section, also hears the information in paragraph (a) of this section.