§ 502.119 - Documents containing confidential materials.  

Latest version.
  • Except as otherwise provided in the rules of this part, all filings which contain information previously designated as confidential pursuant to §§ 502.167, 502.201(i)(1)(vii), or any other rules of this part or for which a request for protective order pursuant to § 502.201(i)(1)(vii) is pending, are subject to the following requirements:

    (a) Filings shall be accompanied by a transmittal letter which identifies the filing as “confidential” and describes the nature and extent of the authority for requesting confidential treatment. The confidential copies shall consist of the complete filing and shall include a cover page marked “Confidential-Restricted,” with the confidential materials clearly marked on each page.

    (b) Whenever a confidential filing is submitted, there must also be submitted an original and one copy of a public version of the filing. Such public version shall exclude confidential materials, and shall indicate on the cover page and on each affected page “confidential materials excluded.”

    (c) Confidential treatment afforded by this section is subject to the proviso that any information designated as confidential may be used by the administrative law judge or the Commission if deemed necessary to a correct decision in the proceeding. [Rule 119.]