Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 46 - Shipping |
Chapter I - Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security |
SubChapter F - Marine Engineering |
Part 58 - Main and Auxiliary Machinery and Related Systems |
Subpart 58.10 - Internal Combustion Engine Installations |
§ 58.10-15 - Gas turbine installations.
§ 58.10-15 Gas turbine installations.
(a) Standards. The design, construction, workmanship and tests of gas turbines and their associated machinery shall must be at least equivalent to the standards of the ABS Steel Marine Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR § 58.03-1).
(b) Materials. The materials used for gas turbine installations shall must have properties suitable for the intended service. When materials not conforming to standard ASTM specifications are employed, data concerning their properties, including high temperature strength data, where applicable, shall must be furnished.
(c) Exhausts.
(1) Where piping is used for gas turbine exhaust lines, Class II is required as a minimum. (See subpart 56.04 of this subchapter.) Where the exhaust pressure exceeds 150 pounds per square inchpsig, such as in closed cycle systems, Class I shall must be used. Where ducting other than pipe is employed, the drawings and design data shall must be submitted to substantiate suitability and safety for the intended service.
(2) Where considered necessary, gas turbines and associated exhaust systems shall must be suitably insulated or cooled, by means of lagging, water spray, or a combination thereof.
(3) Gas turbine exhausts shall must not be interconnected with boiler uptakes except for gas turbines used for emergency power and lighting or for emergency propulsion. Dampers or other suitable means shall must be installed to prevent backflow of boiler exhaust gases through the turbine. Interconnected exhausts must be specifically approved by the Commandant.
(4) A gas turbine exhaust on a mobile offshore drilling unit must not discharge in a classified location. (See note 1 to this section.)
(d) Air inlets. Air inlets must be designed as follows:
(1) Each air inlet must have means to protect the safety of life and to prevent the entrance of harmful foreign material, including water, into the system.
(2) A gas turbine air inlet must not be in a classified location. [1] (See note 1 to this section.)
(e) Cooling and ventilation. Means shall must be provided for circulating air, either natural or forced, through the engine compartment for cooling and ventilation.
(f) Automatic shutdown.
(1) The control system shall must be designed for automatic shutdown of the engine with actuation of audible and visible alarms at shutdown. The visible malfunction indicator shall must indicate what condition caused the shutdown and remain visible until reset. Automatic shutdown shall must occur under the following conditions:
(i) Overspeed.
(ii) Low lubricating oil pressure. Consideration will be given providing alarm only (without shutdown) in those cases where suitable antifriction bearings are fitted.
(2) Audible or visible alarms shall must also be provided for:
(i) Excessive gas temperature, measured at the turbine inlet, gas generator, interstage turbine or turbine exhaust.
(ii) Excessive lubricating oil temperature.
(iii) Excessive speed.
(iv) Reduced lubricating oil pressure.
(3) A remote, manually operated shutdown device shall must be provided. Such device may be totally mechanical or may be electrical with a manually actuated switch.
(g) Drawings and design data. Drawings and design data of the following components shall must be submitted to substantiate their suitability and safety for the service intended:
(1) Combustion chamber.
(2) Regenerator or recuperator.
(3) Casing or piping conveying the gas from the combustion device to the gas turbine.
(h) Fuel systems. Gas turbine fuel systems shall must meet the requirements of part 56 of this subchapter.
(i) Fire extinguishing systems. A special local fire extinguishing system may be required for gas turbine installations if considered necessary by the Commandant. Such a system would be in addition to any other required in the compartment in which the gas turbine is located.
[CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGFR 72-59R, 37 FR 6190, Mar. 25, 1972; CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56801, Dec. 4, 1978; CGD 83-043, 60 FR 24776, May 10, 1995; USCG-2003-16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31, 2008]
Footnotes -[1]Note 1 to § 58.10-15:Sections 108.171 to 108.175 of this chapter define classified locations for mobile offshore drilling units.