Part 19 - Small Business Programs  

§ 19.000 - Scope of part.
§ 19.001 - Definitions.
Subpart 19.1 - Size Standards
§ 19.101 - [Reserved]
§ 19.102 - Small business size standards and North American Industry Classification System codes.
§ 19.103 - xxx
Subpart 19.2 - Policies
§ 19.201 - General policy.
§ 19.202 - Specific policies.
§ 19.203 - Relationship among small business programs.
§ 19.202-1 - Encouraging small business participation in acquisitions.
§ 19.202-2 - Locating small business sources.
§ 19.202-3 - Equal low bids.
§ 19.202-4 - Solicitation.
§ 19.202-5 - Data collection and reporting requirements.
§ 19.202-6 - Determination of fair market price.
Subpart 19.3 - Determination of Small Business Size and Status for Small Business Programs
§ 19.301 - Representations and rerepresentations.
§ 19.302 - Protesting a small business representation or rerepresentation.
§ 19.303 - [Reserved]
§ 19.304 - Small disadvantaged business status.
§ 19.305 - Reviews of SDB status.
§ 19.306 - Protesting a firm's status as a HUBZone small business concern.
§ 19.307 - Protesting a firm's status as a service-disabled veteran-owned small business concern.
§ 19.308 - Protesting a firm's status as an economically disadvantaged women-owned small business concern or women-owned small business concern eligible under the Women-Owned Small Business Program.
§ 19.309 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
§ 19.301-1 - Representation by the offeror.
§ 19.301-2 - Rerepresentation by a contractor that represented itself as a small business concern.
§ 19.301-3 - Rerepresentation by a contractor that represented itself as other than a small business concern.
Subpart 19.4 - Cooperation With the Small Business Administration
§ 19.401 - General.
§ 19.402 - Small Business Administration procurement center representatives.
§ 19.403 - [Reserved]
Subpart 19.5 - Small Business Total Set-Asides, Partial Set-Asides, and Reserves
§ 19.501 - General.
§ 19.502 - Setting aside acquisitions.
§ 19.503 - Reserves.
§ 19.504 - Orders under multiple-award contracts.
§ 19.505 - Limitations on subcontracting and nonmanufacturer rule.
§ 19.506 - Documentation requirements.
§ 19.507 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
§ 19.508 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
§ 19.502-1 - Requirements for setting aside acquisitions.
§ 19.502-2 - Total small business set-asides.
§ 19.502-3 - Partial set-asides of contracts other than multiple-award contracts.
§ 19.502-4 - Partial set-asides of multiple-award contracts.
§ 19.502-5 - Insufficient reasons for not setting aside an acquisition.
§ 19.502-6 - Setting aside a class of acquisitions for small business.
§ 19.502-7 - xxx
§ 19.502-8 - Rejecting Small Business Administration recommendations.
§ 19.502-9 - xxx
§ 19.502-10 - xxx
§ 19.502-11 - Solicitation notice regarding administration of change orders for construction.
Subpart 19.6 - Certificates of Competency and Determinations of Responsibility
§ 19.601 - General.
§ 19.602 - Procedures.
§ 19.602-1 - Referral.
§ 19.602-2 - Issuing or denying a Certificate of Competency (COC).
§ 19.602-3 - Resolving differences between the agency and the Small Business Administration.
§ 19.602-4 - Awarding the contract.
Subpart 19.7 - The Small Business Subcontracting Program
§ 19.701 - Definitions.
§ 19.702 - Statutory requirements.
§ 19.703 - Eligibility requirements for participating in the program.
§ 19.704 - Subcontracting plan requirements.
§ 19.705 - Responsibilities of the contracting officer under the subcontracting assistance program.
§ 19.706 - Responsibilities of the cognizant administrative contracting officer.
§ 19.707 - The Small Business Administration's role in carrying out the program.
§ 19.708 - Contract clauses.
§ 19.705-1 - General.
§ 19.705-2 - Determining the need for a subcontracting plan.
§ 19.705-3 - Preparing the solicitation.
§ 19.705-4 - Reviewing the subcontracting plan.
§ 19.705-5 - Awards involving subcontracting plans.
§ 19.705-6 - Postaward responsibilities of the contracting officer.
§ 19.705-7 - Compliance with the subcontracting plan.
Subpart 19.8 - Contracting With the Small Business Administration (the 8(a) Program)
§ 19.800 - General.
§ 19.801 - [Reserved]
§ 19.802 - Determining eligibility for the 8(a) program.
§ 19.803 - Selecting acquisitions for the 8(a) Program.
§ 19.804 - Evaluation, offering, and acceptance.
§ 19.805 - Competitive 8(a).
§ 19.806 - Pricing the 8(a) contract.
§ 19.807 - Estimating the fair market price.
§ 19.808 - Contract negotiation.
§ 19.809 - Preaward considerations.
§ 19.810 - SBA appeals.
§ 19.811 - Preparing the contracts.
§ 19.812 - Contract administration.
§ 19.813 - Protesting an 8(a) participant's eligibility or size status.
§ 19.814 - Requesting a formal size determination (8(a) sole source requirements).
§ 19.815 - Release and notification requirements for non-8(a) procurement.
§ 19.816 - Exiting the 8(a) program.
§ 19.811-1 - Sole source.
§ 19.811-2 - Competitive.
§ 19.811-3 - Contract clauses.
§ 19.804-1 - Agency evaluation.
§ 19.804-2 - Agency offering.
§ 19.804-3 - SBA acceptance.
§ 19.804-4 - Repetitive acquisitions.
§ 19.804-5 - Basic ordering agreements and blanket purchase agreements.
§ 19.804-6 - Indefinite-delivery contracts.
§ 19.805-1 - General.
§ 19.805-2 - Procedures.
§ 19.808-1 - Sole source.
§ 19.808-2 - Competitive.
§ 19.809-1 - Preaward survey.
§ 19.809-2 - Limitations on subcontracting and nonmanufacturer rule.
Subpart 19.9 - Very Small Business Pilot Program
§ 19.901 - General.
§ 19.902 - Designated SBA district.
§ 19.903 - Applicability.
§ 19.904 - Procedures.
§ 19.905 - Solicitation provision and contract clause.
Subpart 19.10 - Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program
§ 19.1001 - General.
§ 19.1002 - Definitions.
§ 19.1003 - Purpose.
§ 19.1004 - Participating agencies.
§ 19.1005 - Applicability.
§ 19.1006 - Exclusions.
§ 19.1007 - Procedures.
§ 19.1008 - Solicitation provisions.
Subpart 19.11 - Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns
§ 19.1101 - General.
§ 19.1102 - Applicability.
§ 19.1103 - Procedures.
§ 19.1104 - Contract clause.
Subpart 19.12 - Small Disadvantaged Business Participation Program
§ 19.1201 - General.
§ 19.1202 - Evaluation factor or subfactor.
§ 19.1203 - Incentive subcontracting with small disadvantaged business concerns.
§ 19.1204 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
§ 19.1202-1 - General.
§ 19.1202-2 - Applicability.
§ 19.1202-3 - Considerations in developing an evaluation factor or subfactor.
§ 19.1202-4 - Procedures.
Subpart 19.13 - Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Program
§ 19.1301 - General.
§ 19.1302 - [Reserved]
§ 19.1303 - Status as a HUBZone small business concern.
§ 19.1304 - Exclusions.
§ 19.1305 - HUBZone set-aside procedures.
§ 19.1306 - HUBZone sole-source awards.
§ 19.1307 - Price evaluation preference for HUBZone small business concerns.
§ 19.1308 - [Reserved]
§ 19.1309 - Contract clauses.
Subpart 19.14 - Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program
§ 19.1401 - General.
§ 19.1402 - Applicability.
§ 19.1403 - Status.
§ 19.1404 - Exclusions.
§ 19.1405 - Set-aside procedures.
§ 19.1406 - Sole-source awards.
§ 19.1407 - [Reserved]
§ 19.1408 - Contract clauses.
Subpart 19.15 - Women-Owned Small Business Program
§ 19.1500 - General.
§ 19.1501 - [Reserved]
§ 19.1502 - Applicability.
§ 19.1503 - Status.
§ 19.1504 - Exclusions.
§ 19.1505 - Set-aside procedures.
§ 19.1506 - Women-Owned Small Business Program sole-source awards.
§ 19.1507 - [Reserved]
§ 19.1508 - xxx
Subparts 19.9--19.12 - XXX