§ 1201.301-70 - Amendment of the Transportation Acquisition Regulation.  

Latest version.
  • 1201.301-70 Amendment of (TAR) 48 CFR chapter 12the Transportation Acquisition Regulation.

    (a) Changes to the regulation TAR may be the result of recommendations from internal DOT personnel, other Government agencies, or the public. Changes Proposed changes shall be submitted in the following format to the Office of the Senior Procurement Executive (OSPE), 400 7th Street, SW.1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590 or DOTAcquisitionPolicy@dot.gov and must include the following elements:

    (1) Problem:. Succinctly state the problems created by current ( TAR ) 48 CFR chapter 12 language and describe the factual or legal reasons necessitating regulatory change.

    (2) Recommendation:. Identify the recommended change by using the current language (if applicable) , and crossing out striking through the proposed deleted words with a horizontal line. Insert proposed language in bold and brackets. If the change is extensive, deleted language may be displayed by forming a box with diagonal lines connecting the cornersreflect proposed deleted language in strikethrough and proposed new or revised language with complete paragraphs in bold and brackets.

    (3) Discussion:. Explain why the change is necessary and how it will solve the problem. Address any cost or administrative impact on Government activities, offerors, and contractors, to include potential impact to small businesses. Provide any other information and documents, such as statutes, legal decisions, regulations, and reports, etc., that may be helpful.

    (4) Point of contact:. Provide a point of contact who can answer questions regarding the recommendation.

    (b) The ( TAR ) 48 CFR chapter 12 is maintained by the SPE through the TAR/TAM change process. This process consists of input from various DOT elements including representatives from DOT OAs specifically designated to formulate Departmental acquisition policies and procedures.



    c) Transportation Acquisition


    Circulars (



    . TACs


    (TAR) 48 CFR

    1201.301-72) will be used to

    amend (TAR) 48 CFR chapter 12.

    (2) TAR Notice (TN).

    (i) TNs shall be issued when interim guidance is necessary and as often as may be necessary, under any of the following circumstances:

    (A) To quickly promulgate selected material in a general or narrative manner, in advance of a TAC issuance;

    (B) To disseminate other acquisition related information; or

    (C) To issue guidance which may be effective for a period of 1 year or less.

    (ii) Each TN will expire by a specific date.

    publish the TAR throughout DOT.