Part 2415 - Contracting by Negotiation  

Subpart 2415.2 - Solicitation and Receipt of Proposals and Quotations
§ 2415.203 - Requests for proposals.
§ 2415.204 - Contract format.
§ 2415.209 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
Subpart 2415.3 - Source Selection
§ 2415.303 - Responsibilities.
§ 2415.304 - Evaluation factors and significant subfactors.
§ 2415.305 - Proposal evaluation.
§ 2415.308 - Source selection decision.
§ 2415.370 - Solicitation provision.
Subpart 2415.4 - Solicitation and Receipt of Proposals and Quotations
§ 2415.407 - Solicitation provisions.
§ 2415.413 - Disclosure and use of information before award.
§ 2415.413-1 - Alternate I.
§ 2415.413-2 - Alternate II.
Subpart 2415.5 - Preaward, Award, and Postaward notifications, Protests, and Mistakes
§ 2415.505 - Content of unsolicited proposals.
§ 2415.506 - Agency procedures.
§ 2415.507 - Protests against award.
§ 2415.505-70 - Unsolicited research proposals.
Subpart 2415.6 - Source Selection
§ 2415.604 - Responsibilities.
§ 2415.605 - Content of unsolicited proposals.
§ 2415.606 - Agency procedures.
§ 2415.608 - Proposal evaluation.
§ 2415.610 - Written or oral discussion.
§ 2415.611 - Best and final offers.
§ 2415.613 - Alternative source selection procedures.
§ 2415.613-70 - Technical evaluation.
§ 2415.613-71 - Limited written or oral discussions.
§ 2415.613-72 - Selection and final negotiation.
§ 2415.605-70 - Unsolicited research proposals.
Subpart 2415.10 - Preaward, Award, and Postaward Notifications, Protests, and Mistakes
§ 2415.1005 - Protests against award.