Part 235 - Research and Development Contracting  

§ 235.001 - Definitions.
§ 235.070-1 - Indemnification under research and development contracts.
§ 235.070-2 - Indemnification under contracts involving both research and development and other work.
§ 235.070-3 - Contract clauses.
§ 235.006 - Contracting methods and contract type.
§ 235.007 - Solicitations.
§ 235.008 - Evaluation for award.
§ 235.010 - Scientific and technical reports.
§ 235.015 - Contracts for research with educational institutions and nonprofit organizations.
§ 235.016 - Broad agency announcement.
§ 235.017 - Federally Funded Research and Development Centers.
§ 235.070 - Indemnification against unusually hazardous risks.
Subpart 235.70 - Research and Development Streamlined Contracting Procedures
§ 235.7000 - Scope.
§ 235.7001 - Definitions.
§ 235.7002 - Applicability.
§ 235.7003 - Research and development streamlined solicitation and contract.
§ 235.7003-1 - General.
§ 235.7003-2 - RDSS process.
§ 235.7003-3 - Proposal evaluation and contract award.
§ 235.7003-4 - Additional provisions and clauses.
§ 235.071 - Export-controlled items.
§ 235.072 - Additional contract clauses.
§ 235.015-70 - Special use allowances for research facilities acquired by educational institutions.
§ 235.015-71 - Short form research contract (SFRC).
§ 235.006-70 - Manufacturing Technology Program.
§ 235.006-71 - Competition.
§ 235.017-1 - Sponsoring agreements.