Part 532 - Contract Financing  

Subpart 532.1 - Non-Commercial Item Purchase Financing
§ 532.111 - Contract clauses for non-commercial purchases.
§ 532.112 - Payment of subcontractors under contracts for non-commercial items.
§ 532.112-1 - Subcontractor assertions of nonpayment.
Subpart 532.2 - Commercial Item Purchase Financing
§ 532.206 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
Subpart 532.4 - Advance Payments
§ 532.402 - General.
§ 532.407 - Interest.
Subpart 532.5 - Progress Payments Based on Costs
§ 532.501 - General.
§ 532.502 - Preaward matters.
§ 532.501-2 - Unusual progress payments.
§ 532.501-70 - Use of benchmarks with progress payments based on costs.
§ 532.502-2 - Contract finance office clearance.
§ 532.502-4 - Contract clauses.
§ 532.503-5 - Administration of progress payments.
§ 532.503-6 - Suspension or reduction of payments.
§ 532.503-9 - Liquidation rates—alternate method.
Subpart 532.6 - Contract Debts
§ 532.601 - Definitions.
§ 532.606 - Debt determination and collection.
§ 532.606-70 - Referral of delinquent debts.
Subpart 532.7 - Contract Funding
§ 532.700 - Scope.
§ 532.705 - Unenforceability of unauthorized obligations.
§ 532.705-1 - Clauses for contracting in advance of funds.
§ 532.706-3 - Contract clauses for unenforceability of unauthorized obligations.
Subpart 532.8 - Assignment of Claims
§ 532.805 - Procedures.
§ 532.806 - Contract clauses.
Subpart 532.9 - Prompt Payment
§ 532.902 - Definitions.
§ 532.904 - Determining payment due dates.
§ 532.905 - Payment documentation and process.
§ 532.908 - Contract clauses.
§ 532.905-70 - Final payment - construction and building service contracts.
§ 532.905-71 - Final payment—construction and building service contracts.
Subpart 532.70 - Authorizing Payment by Government Charge Card
§ 532.7001 - Definition.
§ 532.7002 - Solicitation requirements.
§ 532.7003 - Contract clause.
Subpart 532.71 - Payments for Recurring Services
§ 532.7101 - Definitions.
§ 532.7102 - Applicability.
§ 532.7103 - Action upon receipt of an audit report.
§ 532.7104 - Contract clauses.