Part 212 - State Safety Participation Regulations  

Subpart A - General
§ 212.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 212.3 - Definitions.
§ 212.5 - Filing.
Subpart B - State/Federal Roles
§ 212.101 - Program principles.
§ 212.103 - Investigative and surveillance authority.
§ 212.105 - Agreements.
§ 212.107 - Certification.
§ 212.109 - Joint planning of inspections.
§ 212.111 - Monitoring and other inspections.
§ 212.113 - Program termination.
§ 212.115 - Enforcement actions.
Subpart C - State Inspection Personnel
§ 212.201 - General qualifications of State inspection personnel.
§ 212.203 - Track inspector.
§ 212.205 - Apprentice track inspector.
§ 212.207 - Signal and train control inspector.
§ 212.209 - Train control inspector.
§ 212.211 - Apprentice signal and train control inspector.
§ 212.213 - Motive power and equipment (MP&E) inspector.
§ 212.215 - Locomotive inspector.
§ 212.217 - Car inspector.
§ 212.219 - Apprentice MP&E inspector.
§ 212.221 - Operating practices inspector.
§ 212.223 - Operating practices compliance inspector.
§ 212.225 - Apprentice operating practices inspector.
§ 212.227 - Hazardous materials inspector.
§ 212.229 - Apprentice hazardous materials inspector.
§ 212.231 - Highway-rail grade crossing inspector.
§ 212.233 - Apprentice highway-rail grade crossing inspector.
§ 212.235 - Inapplicable qualification requirements.