Part 213 - Track Safety Standards  

Subpart A - General
§ 213.1 - Scope of part.
§ 213.2 - Preemptive effect.
§ 213.3 - Application.
§ 213.4 - Excepted track.
§ 213.5 - Responsibility for compliance.
§ 213.7 - Designation of qualified persons to supervise certain renewals and inspect track.
§ 213.9 - Classes of track: operating speed limits.
§ 213.11 - Restoration or renewal of track under traffic conditions.
§ 213.13 - Measuring track not under load.
§ 213.14 - Application of requirements to curved track.
§ 213.15 - Penalties.
§ 213.17 - Waivers.
§ 213.19 - Information collection.
Subpart B - Roadbed
§ 213.31 - Scope.
§ 213.33 - Drainage.
§ 213.37 - Vegetation.
Subpart C - Track Geometry
§ 213.51 - Scope.
§ 213.53 - Gage.
§ 213.55 - Track alinement.
§ 213.57 - Curves; elevation and speed limitations.
§ 213.59 - Elevation of curved track; runoff.
§ 213.63 - Track surface.
§ 213.65 - Combined track alinement and surface deviations.
Subpart D - Track Structure
§ 213.101 - Scope.
§ 213.103 - Ballast; general.
§ 213.109 - Crossties.
§ 213.110 - Gage restraint measurement systems.
§ 213.113 - Defective rails.
§ 213.115 - Rail end mismatch.
§ 213.118 - Continuous welded rail (CWR); plan review and approval.
§ 213.119 - Continuous welded rail (CWR); plan contents.
§ 213.121 - Rail joints.
§ 213.122 - Torch cut rail.
§ 213.123 - Tie plates.
§ 213.127 - Rail fastening systems.
§ 213.133 - Turnouts and track crossings generally.
§ 213.135 - Switches.
§ 213.137 - Frogs.
§ 213.139 - Spring rail frogs.
§ 213.141 - Self-guarded frogs.
§ 213.143 - Frog guard rails and guard faces; gage.
Subpart E - Track Appliances and Track-Related Devices
§ 213.201 - Scope.
§ 213.205 - Derails.
Subpart F - Inspection
§ 213.231 - Scope.
§ 213.233 - Visual track inspections.
§ 213.234 - Automated inspection of track constructed with concrete crossties.
§ 213.235 - Inspection of switches, track crossings, and lift rail assemblies or other transition devices on moveable bridges.
§ 213.237 - Inspection of rail.
§ 213.238 - Qualified operator.
§ 213.239 - Special inspections.
§ 213.240 - Continuous rail testing.
§ 213.241 - Inspection records.
Subpart G - Train Operations at Track Classes 6 and Higher
§ 213.301 - Scope of subpart.
§ 213.303 - Responsibility for compliance.
§ 213.305 - Designation of qualified individuals; general qualifications.
§ 213.307 - Classes of track: operating speed limits.
§ 213.309 - Restoration or renewal of track under traffic conditions.
§ 213.311 - Measuring track not under load.
§ 213.313 - Application of requirements to curved track.
§ 213.317 - Waivers.
§ 213.319 - Drainage.
§ 213.321 - Vegetation.
§ 213.323 - Track gage.
§ 213.327 - Track alinement.
§ 213.329 - Curves; elevation and speed limitations.
§ 213.331 - Track surface.
§ 213.332 - Combined track alinement and surface deviations.
§ 213.333 - Automated vehicle-based inspection systems.
§ 213.334 - Ballast; general.
§ 213.335 - Crossties.
§ 213.337 - Defective rails.
§ 213.339 - Inspection of rail in service.
§ 213.341 - Initial inspection of new rail and welds.
§ 213.343 - Continuous welded rail (CWR).
§ 213.345 - Vehicle/track system qualification.
§ 213.347 - Automotive or railroad crossings at grade.
§ 213.349 - Rail end mismatch.
§ 213.351 - Rail joints.
§ 213.352 - Torch cut rail.
§ 213.353 - Turnouts, crossovers, and lift rail assemblies or other transition devices on moveable bridges.
§ 213.355 - Frog guard rails and guard faces; gage.
§ 213.357 - Derails.
§ 213.359 - Track stiffness.
§ 213.361 - Right of way.
§ 213.365 - Visual track inspections.
§ 213.367 - Special inspections.
§ 213.369 - Inspection records.
Appendix A to Part 213 - Maximum Allowable Curving Speeds
Appendix B to Part 213 - Schedule of Civil Penalties
Appendix C to Part 213 - [Reserved]
Appendix D to Part 213 - Minimally Compliant Analytical Track (MCAT) Simulations Used for Qualifying Vehicles To Operate at High Speeds and at High Cant Deficiencies
Appendixes B-C to Part 213 - [Reserved]
Appendixes B-C to Part 213 - [Reserved]