Part 240 - Qualification and Certification of Locomotive Engineers  

Subpart A - General
§ 240.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 240.3 - Application and responsibility for compliance.
§ 240.5 - Effect and construction.
§ 240.7 - Definitions.
§ 240.9 - Waivers.
§ 240.11 - Penalties and consequences for noncompliance.
§ 240.13 - Information collection requirements.
Subpart B - Component Elements of the Certification Process
§ 240.101 - Certification program required.
§ 240.103 - Approval of design of individual railroad programs by FRA.
§ 240.104 - Criteria for determining whether movement of roadway maintenance equipment or a dual purpose vehicle requires a certified locomotive engineer.
§ 240.105 - Criteria for selection of designated supervisors of locomotive engineers.
§ 240.107 - Types of service.
§ 240.109 - General criteria for eligibility based on prior safety conduct.
§ 240.111 - Individual's duty to furnish data on prior safety conduct as motor vehicle operator.
§ 240.113 - Individual's duty to furnish data on prior safety conduct as an employee of a different railroad.
§ 240.115 - Criteria for consideration of prior safety conduct as a motor vehicle operator.
§ 240.117 - Criteria for consideration of operating rules compliance data.
§ 240.119 - Criteria for consideration of data on substance abuse disorders and alcohol/drug rules compliance.
§ 240.121 - Criteria for vision and hearing acuity data.
§ 240.123 - Training.
§ 240.125 - Knowledge testing.
§ 240.127 - Criteria for examining skill performance.
§ 240.129 - Criteria for monitoring operational performance of certified engineers.
Subpart C - Implementation of the Certification Process
§ 240.201 - Implementation.
§ 240.203 - Determinations required as a prerequisite to certification.
§ 240.205 - Procedures for determining eligibility based on prior safety conduct.
§ 240.207 - Procedures for making the determination on vision and hearing acuity.
§ 240.209 - Procedures for making the determination on knowledge.
§ 240.211 - Procedures for making the determination on performance skills.
§ 240.213 - Procedures for making the determination on completion of training program.
§ 240.215 - Retaining information supporting determinations.
§ 240.217 - Time limitations for making determinations.
§ 240.219 - Denial of certification.
§ 240.221 - Identification of qualified persons.
§ 240.223 - Criteria for the certificate.
§ 240.225 - Reliance on qualification determinations made by other railroads.
§ 240.227 - Reliance on qualification requirements of other countries.
§ 240.229 - Requirements for joint operations territory.
§ 240.231 - Requirements for locomotive engineers unfamiliar with physical characteristics in other than joint operations.
Subpart D - Administration of the Certification Program
§ 240.301 - Replacement of certificates.
§ 240.303 - Operational monitoring requirements.
§ 240.305 - Prohibited conduct.
§ 240.307 - Revocation of certification.
§ 240.308 - xxx
§ 240.309 - Railroad oversight responsibilities.
Subpart E - Dispute Resolution Procedures
§ 240.401 - Review board established.
§ 240.403 - Petition requirements.
§ 240.405 - Processing certification review petitions.
§ 240.407 - Request for a hearing.
§ 240.409 - Hearings.
§ 240.411 - Appeals.
Appendix A to Part 240
Appendix A to Part 240 - Schedule of Civil Penalties 1
Appendix B to Part 240 - Procedures for Submission and Approval of Locomotive Engineer Qualification Programs
Appendix C to Part 240 - Procedures for Obtaining and Evaluating Motor Vehicle Driving Record Data
Appendix D to Part 240 - Identification of State Agencies That Perform National Driver Register Checks
Appendix E to Part 240 - Recommended Procedures for Conducting Skill Performance Tests
Appendix F to Part 240 - Medical Standards Guidelines
Appendix G to Part 240 - Application of Revocable Events