Part 299 - Texas Central Railroad High–Speed Rail Safety Standards  

Subpart A - General Requirements
§ 299.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 299.3 - Applicability.
§ 299.5 - Definitions.
§ 299.7 - Responsibility for compliance.
§ 299.9 - Notifications and filings.
§ 299.11 - Electronic recordkeeping.
§ 299.13 - System description.
§ 299.15 - Special approvals.
§ 299.17 - Incorporation by reference.
Subpart B - Signal and Trainset Control System
§ 299.201 - Technical PTC system requirements.
§ 299.203 - PTC system required.
§ 299.205 - PTC System Certification.
§ 299.207 - PTC Safety Plan content requirements.
§ 299.209 - PTC system use and failures.
§ 299.211 - Communications and security requirements.
§ 299.213 - Records retention.
§ 299.215 - Operations and Maintenance Manual.
Subpart C - Track Safety Standards
§ 299.301 - Restoration or renewal of track under traffic conditions.
§ 299.303 - Measuring track not under load.
§ 299.305 - Drainage.
§ 299.307 - Vegetation.
§ 299.309 - Classes of track: operating speed limits.
§ 299.311 - Track geometry; general.
§ 299.313 - Track geometry; performance based.
§ 299.315 - Curves; elevation and speed limitations.
§ 299.317 - Track strength.
§ 299.319 - Track fixation and support.
§ 299.321 - Defective rails.
§ 299.323 - Continuous welded rail (CWR) plan.
§ 299.325 - Continuous welded rail (CWR); general.
§ 299.327 - Rail end mismatch.
§ 299.329 - Rail joints and torch cut rails.
§ 299.331 - Turnouts and crossings generally.
§ 299.333 - Frog guard rails and guard faces; gauge.
§ 299.335 - Derails.
§ 299.337 - Automated vehicle-based inspection systems.
§ 299.339 - Daily sweeper inspection.
§ 299.341 - Inspection of rail in service.
§ 299.343 - Initial inspection of new rail and welds.
§ 299.345 - Visual inspections; right of way.
§ 299.347 - Special inspections.
§ 299.349 - Inspection records.
§ 299.351 - Qualifications for track maintenance and inspection personnel.
§ 299.353 - Personnel qualified to supervise track restoration and renewal.
§ 299.355 - Personnel qualified to inspect track.
§ 299.357 - Personnel qualified to inspect and restore continuous welded rail.
Subpart D - Rolling Stock
§ 299.401 - Clearance requirements.
§ 299.403 - Trainset structure.
§ 299.405 - Trainset interiors.
§ 299.407 - Glazing.
§ 299.409 - Brake system.
§ 299.411 - Bogies and suspension system.
§ 299.413 - Fire safety.
§ 299.415 - Doors.
§ 299.417 - Emergency lighting.
§ 299.419 - Emergency communication.
§ 299.421 - Emergency roof access.
§ 299.423 - Markings and instructions for emergency egress and rescue access.
§ 299.425 - Low-location emergency exit path marking.
§ 299.427 - Emergency egress windows.
§ 299.429 - Rescue access windows.
§ 299.431 - Driver's controls and cab layout.
§ 299.433 - Exterior lights.
§ 299.435 - Electrical system design.
§ 299.437 - Automated monitoring.
§ 299.439 - Event recorders.
§ 299.441 - Trainset electronic hardware and software safety.
§ 299.443 - Safety appliances.
§ 299.445 - Trainset inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements.
§ 299.447 - Movement of defective equipment.
§ 299.449 - Trainset image and audio recording system.
Subpart E - Operating Rules
§ 299.501 - Purpose.
§ 299.503 - Operating rules; filing and recordkeeping.
§ 299.505 - Programs of operational tests and inspections; recordkeeping.
§ 299.507 - Program of instruction on operating rules; recordkeeping.
Subpart F - System Qualification Tests
§ 299.601 - Responsibility for verification demonstrations and tests.
§ 299.603 - Preparation of system-wide qualification test plan.
§ 299.605 - Functional and performance qualification tests.
§ 299.607 - Pre-revenue service system integration testing.
§ 299.609 - Vehicle/track system qualification.
§ 299.611 - Simulated revenue operations.
§ 299.613 - Verification of compliance.
Subpart G - Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Program
§ 299.701 - General requirements.
§ 299.703 - Compliance.
§ 299.705 - Standard procedures for safely performing inspection, testing, and maintenance, or repairs.
§ 299.707 - Maintenance intervals.
§ 299.709 - Quality control program.
§ 299.711 - Inspection, testing, and maintenance program format.
§ 299.713 - Program approval procedure.
Appendix A to Part 299 - —Criteria for Certification of Crashworthy Event Recorder Memory Module
Appendix B to Part 299 - Cab Noise Test Protocol