§ 544.5 - General requirements for reports.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each insurer to which this part applies shall submit a report annually before October 25, beginning on October 25, 1986. This report shall contain the information required by §544.6 of this part for the calendar year 3 years previous to the year in which the report is filed ( e.g., the report due by October 25, 2011 will contain the required information for the 2008 calendar year).

    (b) Each report required by this part must:

    (1) Have a heading preceding its text that includes the words “Insurer Report”;

    (2) Identify the insurer, including all subsidiary companies, on whose behalf the report is submitted, and the designated agent, if any, submitting the report or that will submit further documents to complete the report;

    (3) Identify the State or States in which the insurer did business during the reporting period;

    (4) State the full name and title of the official responsible for preparing the report, and the address of the insurer;

    (5) Identify the reporting period covered by the report;

    (6) Be written in the English language;

    (7) Include a glossary defining all acronyms and terms of art used in the report, unless those acronyms and terms of art are defined immediately after they first appear in the report;

    (8) Be submitted in three copies to: Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590; and

    (9) If the insurer wishes to submit certain information under a claim of confidentiality, be submitted in accordance with part 512 of this chapter.

    [52 FR 76, Jan. 2, 1987]

    Editorial Note:   For  Federal Register  citations affecting §544.5 see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov .