Part 800 - Administrative Rules  

Subpart A - Organization and Functions
§ 800.1 - Purpose.
§ 800.2 - Organization.
§ 800.3 - Functions.
§ 800.4 - Operation.
§ 800.5 - Office locations.
§ 800.6 - Availability of information and materials.
Subpart B - Delegations of Authority to Staff Members
§ 800.21 - Purpose.
§ 800.22 - Delegation to the Managing Director.
§ 800.23 - Delegation to the administrative law judges, Office of Administrative Law Judges.
§ 800.24 - Delegation to the General Counsel.
§ 800.25 - Delegation to the Directors of Office of Aviation Safety, Office of Railroad Safety, Office of Highway Safety, Office of Marine Safety, and Office of Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety.
§ 800.26 - Delegation to the Chief, Public Inquiries Branch.
§ 800.27 - Delegation to investigative officers and employees of the Board.
§ 800.28 - Delegation to the Chief Financial Officer.
Subpart C - Procedures for Adoption of Rules
§ 800.30 - Applicability.
§ 800.31 - Public reading room.
§ 800.32 - Initiation of rulemaking.
§ 800.33 - Notice of proposed rulemaking.
§ 800.34 - Contents of notices of proposed rulemaking.
§ 800.35 - Participation of interested persons.
§ 800.36 - Petitions for extension of time to comment.
§ 800.37 - Contents of written comments.
§ 800.38 - Consideration of comments received.
§ 800.39 - Additional rulemaking proceedings.
§ 800.40 - Hearings.
§ 800.41 - Adoption of final rules.
§ 800.42 - Petitions for rulemaking.
§ 800.43 - Processing of petition.
§ 800.44 - Direct final rulemaking procedures.
§ 800.45 - Interim rulemaking procedures.
Appendix to Part 800 - Request to the Secretary of the Department of Transportation To Investigate Certain Aircraft Accidents