Part 172 - Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency Response Information, Training Requirements, and Security Plans  

Subpart A - General
§ 172.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 172.3 - Applicability.
Subpart B - Table of Hazardous Materials and Special Provisions
§ 172.101 - Purpose and use of the hazardous materials table.
§ 172.102 - Special provisions.
Appendix A to § 172.101 - List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities
Appendix B to § 172.101 - List of Marine Pollutants
Subpart C - Shipping Papers
§ 172.200 - Applicability.
§ 172.201 - Preparation and retention of shipping papers.
§ 172.202 - Description of hazardous material on shipping papers.
§ 172.203 - Additional description requirements.
§ 172.204 - Shipper's certification.
§ 172.205 - Hazardous waste manifest.
Subpart D - Marking
§ 172.300 - Applicability.
§ 172.301 - General marking requirements for non-bulk packagings.
§ 172.302 - General marking requirements for bulk packagings.
§ 172.303 - Prohibited marking.
§ 172.304 - Marking requirements.
§ 172.306 - [Reserved]
§ 172.308 - Authorized abbreviations.
§ 172.310 - Class 7 (radioactive) materials.
§ 172.312 - Liquid hazardous materials in non-bulk packagings.
§ 172.313 - Poisonous hazardous materials.
§ 172.315 - Limited quantities.
§ 172.316 - [Reserved]
§ 172.317 - KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT handling mark.
§ 172.320 - Explosive hazardous materials.
§ 172.321 - Air eligibility mark.
§ 172.322 - Marine pollutants.
§ 172.323 - Infectious substances.
§ 172.324 - Hazardous substances in non-bulk packagings.
§ 172.325 - Elevated temperature materials.
§ 172.326 - Portable tanks.
§ 172.327 - Petroleum sour crude oil in bulk packaging.
§ 172.328 - Cargo tanks.
§ 172.330 - Tank cars and multi-unit tank car tanks.
§ 172.331 - Bulk packagings other than portable tanks, cargo tanks, tank cars and multi-unit tank car tanks.
§ 172.332 - Identification number markings.
§ 172.334 - Identification numbers; prohibited display.
§ 172.336 - Identification numbers; special provisions.
§ 172.338 - Replacement of identification numbers.
Subpart E - Labeling
§ 172.400 - General labeling requirements.
§ 172.401 - Prohibited labeling.
§ 172.402 - Additional labeling requirements.
§ 172.403 - Class 7 (radioactive) material.
§ 172.404 - Labels for mixed and consolidated packaging.
§ 172.405 - Authorized label modifications.
§ 172.406 - Placement of labels.
§ 172.407 - Label specifications.
§ 172.411 - EXPLOSIVE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 labels, and EXPLOSIVE Subsidiary label.
§ 172.415 - NON-FLAMMABLE GAS label.
§ 172.416 - POISON GAS label.
§ 172.417 - FLAMMABLE GAS label.
§ 172.419 - FLAMMABLE LIQUID label.
§ 172.420 - FLAMMABLE SOLID label.
§ 172.423 - DANGEROUS WHEN WET label.
§ 172.426 - OXIDIZER label.
§ 172.427 - ORGANIC PEROXIDE label.
§ 172.430 - POISON label.
§ 172.431 - [Reserved]
§ 172.432 - INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCE label.
§ 172.436 - RADIOACTIVE WHITE-I label.
§ 172.438 - RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-II label.
§ 172.440 - RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-III label.
§ 172.441 - FISSILE label.
§ 172.442 - CORROSIVE label.
§ 172.444 - [Reserved]
§ 172.446 - CLASS 9 label.
§ 172.447 - LITHIUM BATTERY label.
§ 172.448 - CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY label.
§ 172.450 - EMPTY label.
§ 172.400a - Exceptions from labeling.
Subpart F - Placarding
§ 172.500 - Applicability of placarding requirements.
§ 172.502 - Prohibited and permissive placarding.
§ 172.503 - Identification number display on placards.
§ 172.504 - General placarding requirements.
§ 172.505 - Placarding for subsidiary hazards.
§ 172.506 - Providing and affixing placards: Highway.
§ 172.507 - Special placarding provisions: Highway.
§ 172.508 - Placarding and affixing placards: Rail.
§ 172.510 - Special placarding provisions: Rail.
§ 172.512 - Freight containers and aircraft unit load devices.
§ 172.514 - Bulk packagings.
§ 172.516 - Visibility and display of placards.
§ 172.519 - General specifications for placards.
§ 172.521 - DANGEROUS placard.
§ 172.522 - EXPLOSIVES 1.1, EXPLOSIVES 1.2 and EXPLOSIVES 1.3 placards.
§ 172.523 - EXPLOSIVES 1.4 placard.
§ 172.524 - EXPLOSIVES 1.5 placard.
§ 172.525 - EXPLOSIVES 1.6 placard.
§ 172.526 - [Reserved]
§ 172.527 - Background requirements for certain placards.
§ 172.528 - NON-FLAMMABLE GAS placard.
§ 172.530 - OXYGEN placard.
§ 172.532 - FLAMMABLE GAS placard.
§ 172.536 - [Reserved]
§ 172.540 - POISON GAS placard.
§ 172.542 - FLAMMABLE placard.
§ 172.544 - COMBUSTIBLE placard.
§ 172.546 - FLAMMABLE SOLID placard.
§ 172.548 - DANGEROUS WHEN WET placard.
§ 172.550 - OXIDIZER placard.
§ 172.552 - ORGANIC PEROXIDE placard.
§ 172.553 - [Reserved]
§ 172.554 - POISON placard.
§ 172.555 - POISON INHALATION HAZARD placard.
§ 172.556 - RADIOACTIVE placard.
§ 172.558 - CORROSIVE placard.
§ 172.560 - CLASS 9 placard.
Subpart G - Emergency Response Information
§ 172.600 - Applicability and general requirements.
§ 172.602 - Emergency response information.
§ 172.604 - Emergency response telephone number.
§ 172.606 - Carrier information contact.
Subpart H - Training
§ 172.700 - Purpose and scope.
§ 172.701 - Federal-State relationship.
§ 172.702 - Applicability and responsibility for training and testing.
§ 172.704 - Training requirements.
Subpart I - Safety and Security Plans
§ 172.800 - Purpose and applicability.
§ 172.802 - Components of a security plan.
§ 172.804 - Relationship to other Federal requirements.
§ 172.820 - Additional planning requirements for transportation by rail.
§ 172.822 - Limitation on actions by states, local governments, and Indian tribes.
Appendix A to Part 172 - Office of Hazardous Materials Transportation Color Tolerance Charts and Tables
Appendix B to Part 172 - Trefoil Symbol
Appendix C to Part 172 - Dimensional Specifications for Recommended Placard Holder
Appendix D to Part 172 - Rail Risk Analysis Factors