Part 392 - Driving of Commercial Motor Vehicles  

Subpart A - General
§ 392.1 - Scope of the rules in this part.
§ 392.2 - Applicable operating rules.
§ 392.3 - Ill or fatigued operator.
§ 392.4 - Drugs and other substances.
§ 392.5 - Alcohol prohibition.
§ 392.6 - Schedules to conform with speed limits.
§ 392.7 - Equipment, inspection and use.
§ 392.8 - Emergency equipment, inspection and use.
§ 392.9 - Inspection of cargo, cargo securement devices and systems.
§ 392.9a - Operating authority.
§ 392.9b - Prohibited transportation.
Subpart B - Driving of Commercial Motor Vehicles
§ 392.10 - Railroad grade crossings; stopping required.
§ 392.11 - Railroad grade crossings; slowing down required.
§ 392.12 - Highway-rail crossings; safe clearance.
§ 392.13 - [Reserved]
§ 392.14 - Hazardous conditions; extreme caution.
§ 392.15 - Prohibited driving status.
§ 392.16 - Use of seat belts.
§ 392.18 - [Reserved]
§§ 392.12--392.13 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Stopped Commercial Motor Vehicles
§§ 392.20--392.21 - [Reserved]
§ 392.22 - Emergency signals; stopped commercial motor vehicles.
§ 392.24 - Emergency signals; flame-producing.
§ 392.25 - Flame producing devices.
Subpart D - Use of Lighted Lamps and Reflectors
§§ 392.30--392.32 - [Reserved]
§ 392.33 - Obscured lamps or reflective devices/material.
Subpart E - License Revocation; Duties of Driver
§§ 392.40--392.41 - [Reserved]
Subpart F - Fueling Precautions
§ 392.50 - Ignition of fuel; prevention.
§ 392.51 - Reserve fuel; materials of trade.
§ 392.52 - [Reserved]
Subpart G - Prohibited Practices
§ 392.60 - Unauthorized persons not to be transported.
§ 392.61 - [Reserved]
§ 392.62 - Safe operation, buses.
§ 392.63 - Towing or pushing loaded buses.
§ 392.64 - Riding within closed commercial motor vehicles without proper exits.
§ 392.65 - [Reserved]
§ 392.66 - Carbon monoxide; use of commercial motor vehicle when detected.
§ 392.67 - Heater, flame-producing; on commercial motor vehicle in motion.
§ 392.71 - Radar detectors; use and/or possession.
§§ 392.68--392.69 - [Reserved]
Subpart H - Limiting the Use of Electronic Devices
§ 392.80 - Prohibition against texting.
§ 392.82 - Using a hand-held mobile telephone.