§ 332.103 - Filling certain postmaster positions.

Latest version.
  • (a) When a vacancy occurs or is about to occur in a postmaster position in a fourth-class post office and the position involves fewer than 7 daily hours of service, a representative of the U.S. Postal Service shall visit the locality and, after due public notice has been given, accept applications from interested persons. The representative shall establish a register based on the qualifications and suitability of each applicant and on his ability to provide proper facilities for transacting the business of the office. The U.S. Postal Service shall submit to OPM for postaudit one copy of the representative's report showing the qualifications of all applicants, the basis for ranking the eligibles, and the selection of an eligible from the register. The report shall be accompanied by the applications of all applicants. A person selected for appointment from such a register may be appointed after the date the postmaster position is determined to involve 7 or more daily hours of service only with the prior approval of OPM.

    (b) When making an appointment from a register established under paragraph (a) of this section, the appointing officer shall select an eligible in accordance with §§ 332.404 through 332.407.

    (c) When OPM, after holding two examinations, is unable to secure a complete certificate of three eligibles for a postmaster position involving 7 or more daily hours of service, it may authorize the establishment of a register and selection therefrom in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.