§ 9901.907 - National Security Labor Relations Board.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Secretary has sole, exclusive, and unreviewable authority to determine the effective date for the establishment of the National Security Labor Relations Board.

    (b)(1) The National Security Labor Relations Board is composed of at least three members who are appointed by the Secretary for terms of 3 years, except that the appointments of the initial Board members will be for terms of 1, 2, and 3 years, respectively. The Secretary may extend the term of any member beyond 3 years when necessary to provide for an orderly transition and/or appoint the member for up to two additional 1-year terms. The Secretary, in his or her sole and exclusive discretion, may appoint additional members to the Board; in so doing, he or she will make such appointments to ensure that the Board consists of an odd number of members.

    (2) Members of the Board will be independent, distinguished citizens of the United States who are well known for their integrity, impartiality, and expertise in labor relations, and/or the DoD mission and/or other related national security matters, and will be able to acquire and maintain an appropriate security clearance. Members may be removed by the Secretary only for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office.

    (3) An individual chosen to fill a vacancy on the Board will be appointed for the unexpired term of the member who is replaced and, at the Secretary's option, an additional term or terms.

    (c) Appointment of the Chair. The Secretary, at his or her sole and exclusive discretion, will appoint one member to serve as Chair of the NSLRB.

    (d) Appointment procedures for non-Chair NSLRB members. (1) The appointments of the two non-Chair NSLRB members will be made by the Secretary, at his or her sole and exclusive discretion, after he or she considers any lists of nominees submitted by labor organizations that represent employees in the Department.

    (2) The submission of lists of recommended nominees by labor organizations must be in accordance with timelines and requirements set forth by the Secretary, who may provide for consultation in order to obtain further information about a recommended nominee. The ability of the Secretary to appoint NSLRB members may not be delayed or otherwise affected by the failure of any labor organization to provide a list of nominees that meets the timeframe and requires established by the Secretary.

    (e) Appointment of additional non-Chair NSLRB members. If the Secretary determines that additional members are needed, he or she may, subject to the criteria set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, appoint the additional members according to the procedures established by paragraph (d) of this section.

    (f) A Board vacancy will be filled according to the procedure used to appoint the member whose position was vacated.

    (g)(1) The Board will establish procedures for the fair, impartial, and expeditious assignment and disposition of cases, including standards for asserting or declining jurisdiction.

    (2) To the extent practicable, the Board will use a single, integrated process to address all matters associated with a negotiations dispute, including unfair labor practices, negotiability disputes, and bargaining impasses. The Board may, pursuant to its regulations, use a combination of mediation, factfinding, and any other appropriate dispute resolution methods to resolve all such disputes at the earliest practicable time and with a minimum administrative burden.

    (3) A vote of the majority of the Board (or a three-person panel of the Board) will be final. A vacancy on the Board does not impair the right of the remaining members to exercise all of the powers of the Board. The vote of the Chair will be dispositive in the event of a tie.

    (h) Decisions of the Board are final and binding.