§ 660.324 - Pacific Coast treaty Indian fisheries.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Pacific Coast treaty Indian tribes have treaty rights to harvest groundfish in their usual and accustomed fishing areas in U.S. waters.

    (b) For the purposes of this part, Pacific Coast treaty Indian tribes means the Hoh, Makah, and Quileute Indian Tribes and the Quinault Indian Nation.

    (c) The Pacific Coast treaty Indian tribes' usual and accustomed fishing areas within the fishery management area (FMA) are set out below in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(4) of this section. Boundaries of a tribe's fishing area may be revised as ordered by a Federal court.

    (1) Makah That portion of the FMA north of 48°02.25′ N. lat. (Norwegian Memorial) and east of 125°44′ W. long.

    (2) Quileute That portion of the FMA between 48°07.60′ N. lat. (Sand Point) and 47°31.70′ N. lat. (Queets River) and east of 125°44′ W. long.

    (3) Hoh That portion of the FMA between 47°54.30′ N. lat. (Quillayute River) and 47°21′ N. lat. (Quinault River) and east of 125°44′ W. long.

    (4) Quinault That portion of the FMA between 47°40.10′ N. lat. (Destruction Island) and 46°53.30′ N. lat. (Point Chehalis) and east of 125°44′ W. long.

    (d) Procedures. The rights referred to in paragraph (a) of this section will be implemented by the Secretary, after consideration of the tribal request, the recommendation of the Council, and the comments of the public. The rights will be implemented either through an allocation of fish that will be managed by the tribes, or through regulations in this section that will apply specifically to the tribal fisheries. An allocation or a regulation specific to the tribes shall be initiated by a written request from a Pacific Coast treaty Indian tribe to the Regional Administrator, prior to the first Council meeting in which biennial harvest specifications and management measures are discussed for an upcoming biennial management period. The Secretary generally will announce the annual tribal allocations at the same time as the announcement of the harvest specifications. The Secretary recognizes the sovereign status and co-manager role of Indian tribes over shared Federal and tribal fishery resources. Accordingly, the Secretary will develop tribal allocations and regulations under this paragraph in consultation with the affected tribe(s) and, insofar as possible, with tribal consensus.

    (e) Identification. A valid treaty Indian identification card issued pursuant to 25 CFR part 249, subpart A, is prima facie evidence that the holder is a member of the Pacific Coast treaty Indian tribe named on the card.

    (f) A limited entry permit under § 660.331 through § 660.341 is not required for participation in a tribal fishery described in paragraph (d) of this section.

    (g) Fishing under this section and § 660.385 by a member of a Pacific Coast treaty Indian tribe within their usual and accustomed fishing area is not subject to the provisions of other sections of this subpart.

    (h) Any member of a Pacific Coast treaty Indian tribe must comply with this section and § 660.385, and with any applicable tribal law and regulation, when participating in a tribal groundfish fishery described in paragraph (d) of this section.

    (i) Fishing by a member of a Pacific Coast treaty Indian tribe outside the applicable Indian tribe's usual and accustomed fishing area, or for a species of groundfish not covered by an allocation or regulation under this section, is subject to the regulations in the other sections of this part.

    (j) Black rockfish. Harvest guidelines for commercial harvests of black rockfish by members of the Pacific Coast Indian tribes using hook and line gear will be established biennially for two subsequent one-year periods for the areas between the U.S.-Canadian border and Cape Alava (48°09.50′ N. lat.) and between Destruction Island (47°40′ N. lat.) and Leadbetter Point (46°38.17′ N. lat.), in accordance with the procedures for implementing harvest specifications and management measures. Pacific Coast treaty Indians fishing for black rockfish in these areas under these harvest guidelines are subject to the provisions in this section §§ 660.321 and 660.385, and not to the restrictions in other sections of this part.

    (k) Groundfish without a tribal allocation. Makah tribal members may use midwater trawl gear to take and retain groundfish for which there is no tribal allocation and will be subject to the trip landing and frequency and size limits applicable to the limited entry fishery.