Part 679 - Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska  

Subpart A - General
§ 679.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 679.2 - Definitions.
§ 679.3 - Relation to other laws.
§ 679.4 - Permits.
§ 679.5 - Recordkeeping and reporting (R&R).
§ 679.6 - Exempted fisheries.
§ 679.7 - Prohibitions.
§ 679.8 - Facilitation of enforcement.
§ 679.9 - Penalties.
Subpart B - Management Measures
§ 679.20 - General limitations.
§ 679.21 - Prohibited species bycatch management.
§ 679.22 - Closures.
§ 679.23 - Seasons.
§ 679.24 - Gear limitations.
§ 679.25 - Inseason adjustments.
§ 679.26 - Prohibited Species Donation Program.
§ 679.27 - Improved Retention/Improved Utilization Program.
§ 679.28 - Equipment and operational requirements.
Subpart C - Western Alaska Community Development Quota Program
§ 679.30 - [Reserved]
§ 679.31 - CDQ and PSQ reserves, allocations, and transfers.
§ 679.32 - Groundfish and halibut CDQ catch monitoring.
§ 679.33 - CDQ cost recovery.
Subpart D - Individual Fishing Quota Management Measures
§ 679.40 - Sablefish and halibut QS.
§ 679.41 - Transfer of quota shares and IFQ.
§ 679.42 - Limitations on use of QS and IFQ.
§ 679.43 - Determinations and appeals.
§ 679.44 - Penalties.
§ 679.45 - IFQ cost recovery program.
Subpart E - North Pacific Observer Program
§ 679.50 - Applicability.
§ 679.51 - Observer and Electronic Monitoring System requirements for vessels and plants.
§ 679.52 - Observer provider permitting and responsibilities.
§ 679.53 - Observer certification and responsibilities.
§ 679.54 - Release of observer data to the public.
§ 679.55 - Observer fees.
Subpart F - American Fisheries Act and Aleutian Island Directed Pollock Fishery Management Measures
§ 679.59 - Authority and related regulations.
§ 679.60 - Authority and related regulations.
§ 679.61 - Formation and operation of fishery cooperatives.
§ 679.62 - Inshore sector cooperative allocation program.
§ 679.63 - Catch weighing requirements for vessels and processors.
§ 679.64 - Harvesting sideboard limits in other fisheries.
§ 679.65 - Bering Sea Chinook Salmon Bycatch Management Program Economic Data Report (Chinook salmon EDR program).
§ 679.66 - AFA cost recovery.
§ 679.67 - Aleutian Islands pollock cost recovery.
Table 2 to Part 679 - Species Codes for FMP Species and non-FMP Species
Subpart G - Rockfish Program
§ 679.70 - Definitions.
§ 679.71 - Loan.
§ 679.72 - Fee payment and collection.
§ 679.73 - Fee collection deposits, disbursements, records, and reports.
§ 679.74 - Late charges.
§ 679.75 - Enforcement.
§ 679.76 - Prohibitions and penalties.
§ 679.80 - Allocation and transfer of rockfish QS.
§ 679.81 - Rockfish Program annual harvester privileges.
§ 679.82 - Rockfish Program use caps and sideboard limits.
§ 679.83 - Rockfish Program entry level longline fishery.
§ 679.84 - Rockfish Program recordkeeping, permits, monitoring, and catch accounting.
§ 679.85 - Cost recovery.
Subpart H - Amendment 80 Program
§ 679.90 - Allocation, use, and transfer of Amendment 80 QS permits.
§ 679.91 - Amendment 80 Program annual harvester privileges.
§ 679.92 - Amendment 80 Program use caps and sideboard limits.
§ 679.93 - Amendment 80 Program recordkeeping, permits, monitoring, and catch accounting.
§ 679.94 - Economic data report (EDR) for the Amendment 80 sector.
§ 679.95 - Amendment 80 Program cost recovery.
Table 1 to Part 679 - Product and Delivery Codes
Table 28 to Part 679 - Qualifying Season Dates in the Central GOA Primary Rockfish Species
Subpart I - Additional Equipment and Operational Requirements for Motherships and Catcher/Processors
§ 679.100 - Longline Catcher/Processor Subsector.
§ 679.101 - Catcher/processors using pot gear for groundfish fishing.
§ 679.102 - Halibut deck sorting.
Subpart J - Salmon Fishery Management
§ 679.110 - Applicability.
§ 679.114 - Permits.
§ 679.115 - Recordkeeping and reporting.
§ 679.116 - [Reserved]
§ 679.117 - Salmon fisheries prohibitions.
§ 679.118 - Management measures.
§ 679.119 - Recreational salmon fisheries.
Table 47a to Part 679 - Percent of the AFA Catcher/Processor Sector's Pollock Allocation, Numbers of Chinook Salmon Used To Calculate the Opt-out Allocation and Annual Threshold Amount, and Percent Used To Calculate IPA Minimum Participation Assigned to Each Catcher/Processor Under § 679.21(f)
Table 47b to Part 679 - Percent of the AFA Mothership Sector's Pollock Allocation, Numbers of Chinook Salmon Used To Calculate the Opt-Out Allocation and Annual Threshold Amount, and Percent Used To Calculate IPA Minimum Participation Assigned to Each Mothership Under § 679.21(f)
Table 47c to Part 679 - Percent of the AFA Inshore Sector's Pollock Allocation, Numbers of Chinook Salmon Used To Calculate the Opt-Out Allocation and Annual Threshold Amount, and Percent Used To Calculate IPA Minimum Participation Assigned to Each Catcher Vessel Under § 679.21(f)
Table 47d to Part 679 - Percent of the CDQ Program's Pollock Allocation, Numbers of Chinook Salmon Used To Calculate the Opt-Out Allocation and Annual Threshold Amount, and Percent Used To Calculate IPA Minimum Participation Assigned to Each CDQ Group Under § 679.21(f)
§§ 679.111--679.113 - [Reserved]
Subpart K - Halibut Deck Sorting
§ 679.120 - Halibut deck sorting.
§ 679.121 - [Reserved]
Subpart L - Pacific Cod Trawl Cooperative Program
§ 679.130 - Allocation, use, and transfer of PCTC Program QS permits.
§ 679.131 - PCTC Program annual harvester privileges.
§ 679.132 - Aleutian Islands CQ set-aside provisions in the PCTC Program.
§ 679.133 - PCTC Program ownership caps, use caps, and sideboard limits.
§ 679.134 - PCTC Program permits, catch monitoring, catch accounting, and recordkeeping and reporting.
§ 679.135 - PCTC Program cost recovery.
Table 12 to Part 679 - Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas, 3nm No Groundfish Fishing Sites
Table 15 to Part 679 - —Gear Codes, Descriptions, and Use
Table 20 to Part 679 - Seabird Avoidance Gear Requirements for Vessels, based on Area, Gear, and Vessel Type. (See § 679.24(e) for complete seabird avoidance program requirements; see 679.24(e)(1) for applicable fisheries)
Table 21 to Part 679 - Eligible Communities, Halibut IFQ Regulatory Area Location, Community Governing Body That Recommends the CQE, and the Fishing Programs and Associated Areas Where a CQE Representing an Eligible Community May Be Permitted To Participate
Table 22 to Part 679 - Alaska Seamount Habitat Protection Areas
Table 23 to Part 679 - Aleutian Islands Coral Habitat Protection Areas
Table 24 to Part 679 - Except as Noted, Locations in the Aleutian Islands Habitat Conservation Area Open to Nonpelagic Trawl Fishing
Table 4 to Part 679 - Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas Pollock Fisheries Restrictions
Table 5 to Part 679 - Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas Pacific Cod Fisheries Restrictions
Table 6 to Part 679 - Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas Atka Mackerel Fisheries Restrictions
Table 7 to Part 679 - Community Development Quota Groups and Communities Eligible To Participate in the CDQ Program
Table 9 to Part 679 - Groundfish LLP Licenses Eligible for Use in the BSAI Longline Catcher/Processor Subsector, Column A. X Indicates Whether Column B or Column C Applies.
Table 30 to Part 679 - Rockfish Program Retainable Percentages
Table 50 to Part 679
Table 48 to Part 679
Table 10 to Part 679 - Gulf of Alaska Retainable Percentages
Table 11 to Part 679 - BSAI Retainable Percentages
Table 13 to Part 679 - Transfer Form Summary
Table 16 to Part 679 - Area Codes and Descriptions for Use With State of Alaska ADF&G Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR)
Table 17 to Part 679 - Process Codes for Use With State of Alaska Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR)
Table 18 to Part 679 - Required Buying and Production Forms for use With State of Alaska Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR)
Table 19 to Part 679 - Seabird Avoidance Gear Codes
Table 25 to Part 679 - Bowers Ridge Habitat Conservation Zone
Table 26 to Part 679 - Gulf of Alaska Coral Habitat Protection Areas
Table 27 to Part 679 - Gulf of Alaska Slope Habitat Conservation Areas
Table 29 to Part 679 - Initial Rockfish QS Pools
Table 3 to Part 679 - Product Recovery Rates for Groundfish Species and Conversion Rates for Pacific Halibut
Table 31 to Part 679 - List of Amendment 80 Vessels and LLP Licenses Originally Assigned to an Amendment 80 Vessel
Table 32 to Part 679 - Amendment 80 Initial QS Pool
Table 33 to Part 679 - Annual Apportion of Amendment 80 Species ITAC Between the Amendment 80 and BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sectors (Except Yellowfin Sole)
Table 34 to Part 679 - Annual Apportionment of BSAI Yellowfin Sole Between the Amendment 80 and BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sectors
Table 35 to Part 679 - —Apportionment of Crab PSC and Halibut PSC Between the Amendment 80 and BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sectors
Table 36 to Part 679 - Percentage of Crab and Halibut PSC Limit Assigned to Each Amendment 80 Species
Table 37 to Part 679 - GOA Amendment 80 Sideboard Limit for Groundfish for the Amendment 80 Sector
Table 38 to Part 679 - GOA Amendment 80 Sideboard Limit for Halibut PSC for the Amendment 80 Sector
Table 39 to Part 679 - Amendment 80 Vessels That May Be Used to Directed Fish for Flatfish in the GOA
Table 40 to Part 679 - —BSAI Halibut PSC Sideboard Limits for AFA Catcher/Processors and AFA Catcher Vessels
Table 41 to Part 679 - BSAI Crab PSC Sideboard Limits for AFA Catcher/Processors and AFA Catcher Vessels
Table 42 to Part 679 - Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Area
Table 43 to Part 679 - Northern Bering Sea Research Area
Table 44 to Part 679 - Nunivak Island, Etolin Strait, and Kuskokwim Bay Habitat Conservation Area
Table 45 to Part 679 - St. Lawrence Island Habitat Conservation Area
Table 46 to Part 679 - St. Matthew Island Habitat Conservation Area
Table 47 to Part 679 - [Reserved]
Table 49 to Part 679 - Groundfish Licenses Qualifying for Hook-and-Line Catcher/Processor Endorsement Exemption
Table 51 to Part 679 - Modified Gear Trawl Zone
Table 52 to Part 679 - Groundfish LLP Licenses Eligible for a BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sector Yellowfin Sole Directed Fishery Endorsement
Table 53 to Part 679 - Groundfish LLP Licenses That Require Qualified Landings Assignment To Be Eligible for a BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sector Yellowfin Sole Directed Fishery Endorsement
Table 54 to Part 679 - BSAI Species and Species Groups for Which Directed Fishing for Sideboard Limits by Listed AFA Catcher/Processors and Catcher/Processors Designated on Listed AFA Catcher/Processor Permits is Prohibited
Table 55 to Part 679 - BSAI Species and Species Groups for Which Directed Fishing for Sideboard Limits by Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels is Prohibited
Table 56 to Part 679 - —GOA Species and Species Groups for Which Directed Fishing for Sideboard Limits by Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels is Prohibited
Table 57 to Part 679 - Groundfish LLP Licenses With Bering Sea or Aleutian Islands Area and Catcher/Processor Operation Endorsements Eligible for a BSAI Pacific Cod Trawl Mothership Endorsement
Table 8 to Part 679 - Harvest Zone Codes for Use With Vessel Activity Reports
Table 11 to Part 679 - BSAI Retainable Percentages
Table 50 to Part 679 - [Reserved]
Table 10 to Part 679 - Gulf of Alaska Retainable Percentages
Table 58 to Part 679 - —Amendment 80 Sector Annual BSAI Pacific Halibut PSC Limits
Figure 10 to Part 679 - Pribilof Islands Habitat Conservation Zone (PIHCZ) in the Bering Sea
Figure 12 to Part 679 - Bristol Bay Trawl Closure Area
Figure 16 to Part 679 - Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Area
Figure 17 to Part 679 - Northern Bering Sea Research Area and Saint Lawrence Island Habitat Conservation Area (HCA)
Figure 21 to Part 679 - Nunivak Island, Etolin Strait, and Kuskokwim Bay Habitat Conservation Area
Figure 22 to Part 679
Figure 23 to Part 679 - Salmon Management Area (see § 679.2)
Figure 3 to Part 679 - Gulf of Alaska Reporting Areas
Figure 4 to Part 679 - BSAI Herring Savings Areas
Figure 5 to Part 679 - Kodiak Island Type 1, 2, and 3 Nonpelagic Trawl Closure Status and Marmot Bay Tanner Crab Protection Area
Figure 8 to Part 679 - Aleutian Islands Chinook Salmon Savings Area
Figure 2 to Part 679 - BSAI Catcher Vessel Operational Area
Figure 6 to Part 679 - Length Overall of Vessel
Figure 7 to Part 679 - Location of Trawl Gear Test Areas in the GOA and the BSAI
Figure 9 to Part 679 - Chum Savings Area (CSSA) of the CVOA
Figure 1 to Part 679 - Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Statistical and Reporting Areas
Figure 11 to Part 679 - Red King Crab Savings Area (RKCSA)
Figure 13 to Part 679 - BSAI C. Opilio Tanner Crab Bycatch Limitations Zone
Figure 14 to Part 679 - Sablefish Regulatory Areas
Figure 15 to Part 679 - Regulatory Areas for the Pacific Halibut Fishery
Figure 18 to Part 679 - Sitka Pinnacles Marine Reserve
Figure 19 to Part 679 - Shelikof Strait Conservation Area
Figure 20 to Part 679 - Steller sea lion conservation area (SCA) of the Bering Sea
Figure 24 to Part 679 - Arctic Management Area
Figure 25 to Part 679 - Elevating Device Clearance Measurement Locations for Modified Nonpelagic Trawl Gear
Figure 26 to Part 679 - Modified Nonpelagic Trawl Gear
Figure 27 to Part 679 - Locations for Measuring Maximum Cross Sections of Line Material (shown as A) and Supporting Material (shown as B) for Modified Nonpelagic Trawl Gear
Figure 22 to Part 679 - —Cook Inlet EEZ Area
Table 14a to Part 679 - Port of Landing Codes 1, Alaska
Table 1a to Part 679 - Delivery Condition* and Product Codes
Table 28a to Part 679 - Qualifying Season Dates for Central GOA Rockfish Primary Species
Table 2a to Part 679 - Species Codes: FMP Groundfish
Table 14b to Part 679 - Port of Landing Codes: Non-Alaska
Table 1b to Part 679 - Discard and Disposition Codes
Table 2b to Part 679 - Species Codes: FMP Prohibited Species and CR Crab
Table 28b to Part 679 - Qualifying Season Dates for Central GOA Rockfish Primary Species
Table 14c to Part 679 - At-sea Operation Type Codes To Be Used as Port Codes for Vessels Matching This Type of Operation
Table 1c to Part 679 - Product Type Codes
Table 2c to Part 679 - Species Codes: FMP Forage Fish Species (All Species of the Following Families), Grenadier Species, Squids, and Sculpins
Table 28c to Part 679 - Allocation of Rockfish Secondary Species
Table 2d to Part 679 - Species Codes: Non-FMP Species
Table 28d to Part 679 - Allocation of Halibut PSC under the Central GOA Rockfish Program
Table 28e to Part 679 - Rockfish Entry Level Longline Fishery Allocations
Tables 47-48 to Part 679
Tables 47-48 to Part 679 - [Reserved]
Appendix A to Part 679 - Performance and Technical Requirements for Scales Used To Weigh Catch at Sea in the Groundfish Fisheries Off Alaska
Table 1d to Part 660, Subpart C - Whiting and non-whiting initial issuance allocation percentage for IFQ decided through the harvest specifications, 2011