Part 29 - Land Use Management  

Subpart A - General Rules
§ 29.1 - May we allow economic uses on national wildlife refuges?
§ 29.2 - Cooperative land management.
§ 29.3 - Nonprogram uses.
§ 29.4 - [Reserved]
§ 29.5 - Fees.
§§ 29.3--29.4 - [Reserved]
Subpart B - Rights-of-Way General Regulations
§ 29.21 - What do these terms mean?
§ 29.22 - Hearing and appeals procedures.
§ 29.21-1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 29.21-2 - Application procedures.
§ 29.21-3 - Nature of interest granted.
§ 29.21-4 - Terms and conditions.
§ 29.21-5 - Construction.
§ 29.21-6 - Disposal, transfer or termination of interest.
§ 29.21-7 - What payment do we require for use and occupancy of national wildlife refuge lands?
§ 29.21-8 - Electric power transmission line rights-of-way.
§ 29.21-9 - Rights-of-way for pipelines for the transportation of oil, natural gas, synthetic liquid or gaseous fuels, or any refined product produced therefrom.
Subpart C - Mineral Operations
§ 29.31 - Mineral ownerships in the United States.
§ 29.32 - Non-Federal mineral rights.
Subpart D - Management of Non-Federal Oil and Gas Rights
Access Fees
§ 29.140 - May I cross Federal property to reach the boundary of my oil and gas right?
§ 29.141 - Will the Service charge me a fee for access?
§ 29.142 - Will I be charged a fee for emergency access to my operations?
Modification to an Operation
§ 29.160 - Can I modify operations under an approved permit?
Purpose and Scope
§ 29.40 - What are the purpose and scope of the regulations in this subpart?
§ 29.41 - When does this subpart apply to me?
§ 29.42 - What authorization do I need to conduct operations?
§ 29.43 - If I am already operating under Service authorization, what do I need to do?
§ 29.44 - If I am operating without prior Service authorization, what do I need to do?
Accessing Oil and Gas Rights from a Non-Federal Surface Location
§ 29.80 - Do I need a permit for accessing oil and gas rights from a non-Federal location?
Operating Standards
§ 29.110 - What are the purposes of the Service's operating standards?
§ 29.111 - What general facility design and management standards must I meet?
§ 29.112 - What fish and wildlife protection standards must I meet?
§ 29.113 - What hydrologic standards must I meet?
§ 29.114 - What safety standards must I meet?
§ 29.115 - What lighting and visual standards must I meet?
§ 29.116 - What noise reduction standards must I meet?
§ 29.117 - What reclamation and protection standards must I meet?
§ 29.118 - What additional operating standards apply to geophysical operations?
§ 29.119 - What additional operating standards apply to drilling and production operations?
Change of Operator
§ 29.170 - What are my responsibilities if I transfer my right to operate?
§ 29.171 - What must I do if operations are transferred to me?
Public Information
§ 29.210 - How can the public learn about oil and gas activities on refuge lands?
§ 29.50 - What do the terms used in this subpart mean?
Operations Permit: Application
§ 29.90 - Who must apply for an operations permit?
§ 29.91 - What should I do before filing an application?
§ 29.92 - May I use previously submitted information?
§ 29.93 - Do I need to submit information for all possible future operations?
§ 29.94 - What information must be included in all applications?
§ 29.95 - What additional information must be included if I am proposing geophysical exploration?
§ 29.96 - What additional information must be included if I am proposing drilling operations?
§ 29.97 - What additional information must be included if I am proposing production operations?
Well Plugging
§ 29.180 - When must I plug my well?
§ 29.181 - Can I get an extension to the well plugging requirement?
General Terms and Conditions
§ 29.120 - What terms and conditions apply to all operators?
§ 29.121 - What monitoring and reporting is required for all operators?
§ 29.122 - For how long is my operations permit valid?
Financial Assurance
§ 29.150 - When do I have to provide financial assurance to the Service?
§ 29.151 - How does the Service establish the amount of financial assurance?
§ 29.152 - Will the Service adjust the amount required for my financial assurance?
§ 29.153 - When will the Service release my financial assurance?
§ 29.154 - Under what circumstances will I forfeit my financial assurance?
Prohibited Acts and Penalties
§ 29.190 - What acts are prohibited under this subpart?
§ 29.191 - What enforcement actions can the Service take?
§ 29.192 - How do violations affect my ability to obtain a permit?
Operations Permit: Application Review and Approval
§ 29.100 - How will the Service process my application?
§ 29.101 - How will the Service conduct an initial review?
§ 29.102 - How will the Service conduct a formal review?
§ 29.103 - What standards must be met to approve my application?
§ 29.104 - What actions may the Service take on my operations permit application?
§ 29.200 - Can I, as operator, appeal Service decisions?
Temporary Access Permits
§ 29.70 - When do I need a temporary access permit?
§ 29.71 - How do I apply for a temporary access permit?
§ 29.72 - When will the Service grant a temporary access permit?
§ 29.73 - How much time will I have to conduct my reconnaissance surveys?
Pre-Existing Operations
§ 29.60 - Do I need an operations permit for my pre-existing operation?
§ 29.61 - What information must I provide to the Service?
§ 29.62 - What if I intend to conduct new operations or modify my pre-existing operations?
§ 29.63 - What plugging and reclamation requirements apply to my pre-existing operations?
§ 29.64 - What other provisions apply to my operations?
Information Collection
§ 29.220 - Has the Office of Management and Budget approved the collection of information?