Part 216 - Regulations Governing the Taking and Importing of Marine Mammals  

Subpart A - Introduction
§ 216.1 - Purpose of regulations.
§ 216.2 - Scope of regulations.
§ 216.3 - Definitions.
§ 216.4 - Other laws and regulations.
§ 216.5 - Payment of penalty.
§ 216.6 - Forfeiture and return of seized property.
§ 216.7 - Holding and bonding.
§ 216.8 - Enforcement officers.
Subpart B - Prohibitions
§ 216.11 - Prohibited taking.
§ 216.12 - Prohibited importation.
§ 216.13 - Prohibited uses, possession, transportation, sales, and permits.
§ 216.14 - Marine mammals taken before the MMPA.
§ 216.15 - Depleted species.
§ 216.16 - Prohibitions under the General Authorization for Level B harassment for scientific research.
§ 216.17 - General prohibitions.
§ 216.18 - Approaching humpback whales in Alaska.
§ 216.19 - Special restrictions for humpback whales in waters surrounding the islands of Hawaii.
§ 216.20 - Special restrictions for Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
Subpart C - General Exceptions
§ 216.21 - Actions permitted by international treaty, convention, or agreement.
§ 216.22 - Taking by State or local government officials.
§ 216.23 - Native exceptions.
§ 216.24 - Taking and related acts in commercial fishing operations including tuna purse seine vessels in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.
§ 216.25 - Exempted marine mammals and marine mammal products.
§ 216.26 - Collection of certain marine mammal parts without prior authorization.
§ 216.27 - Release, non-releasability, and disposition under special exception permits for rehabilitated marine mammals.
Subpart D - Special Exceptions
§ 216.30 - [Reserved]
§ 216.31 - Definitions.
§ 216.32 - Scope.
§ 216.33 - Permit application submission, review, and decision procedures.
§ 216.34 - Issuance criteria.
§ 216.35 - Permit restrictions.
§ 216.36 - Permit conditions.
§ 216.37 - Marine mammal parts.
§ 216.38 - Reporting.
§ 216.39 - Permit amendments.
§ 216.40 - Penalties and permit sanctions.
§ 216.41 - Permits for scientific research and enhancement.
§ 216.42 - Photography.
§ 216.43 - Public display.
§ 216.44 - Applicability/transition.
§ 216.45 - General Authorization for Level B harassment for scientific research.
§ 216.46 - U.S. citizens on foreign flag vessels operating under the International Dolphin Conservation Program.
§ 216.47 - Access to marine mammal tissue, analyses, and data.
§§ 216.46--216.49 - [Reserved]
§§ 216.47--216.49 - [Reserved]
§§ 216.48--216.49 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - Designated Ports
§ 216.50 - Importation at designated ports.
Subpart F - Pribilof Islands, Taking for Subsistence Purposes
§ 216.71 - Allowable take of fur seals.
§ 216.72 - Restrictions on subsistence use of fur seals.
§ 216.73 - Disposition of fur seal parts.
§ 216.74 - Cooperation between fur seal subsistence users, tribal and Federal officials.
Subpart G - Pribilof Islands Administration
§ 216.81 - Visits to fur seal rookeries.
§ 216.82 - Dogs prohibited.
§ 216.83 - Importation of birds or mammals.
§ 216.84 - [Reserved]
§ 216.85 - Walrus and Otter Islands.
§ 216.86 - Local regulations.
§ 216.87 - Wildlife research.
Subpart H - Dolphin Safe Tuna Labeling
§ 216.90 - Purposes.
§ 216.91 - Dolphin-safe labeling standards.
§ 216.92 - Dolphin-safe requirements for tuna harvested in the ETP by large purse seine vessels.
§ 216.93 - Tracking and verification program.
§ 216.94 - False statements or endorsements.
§ 216.95 - Official mark for “Dolphin-safe” tuna products.
§ 216.96 - Official mark for “Dolphin-safe” tuna products.
Subpart I - General Regulations Governing Small Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities
§ 216.101 - Purpose.
§ 216.102 - Scope.
§ 216.103 - Definitions.
§ 216.104 - Submission of requests.
§ 216.105 - Specific regulations.
§ 216.106 - Letter of Authorization.
§ 216.107 - Incidental harassment authorization for Arctic waters.
§ 216.108 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting under incidental harassment authorizations for Arctic waters.
Subpart J - Taking of Eastern North Pacific (ENP) Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus) by the Makah Indian Tribe Off the Coast of Washington State
§ 216.110 - Purpose.
§ 216.111 - Scope.
§ 216.112 - Definitions.
§ 216.113 - Issuance and duration of permits.
§ 216.114 - Hunt management requirements and restrictions.
§ 216.115 - Accounting and identification of gray whales.
§ 216.116 - Use of edible and nonedible whale products.
§ 216.117 - Prohibited acts.
§ 216.118 - Requirements for monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping.
§ 216.119 - Expiration and amendment.
§ 216.120 - [Reserved]
Subparts J--X - XXX
Subpart K - Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Space Vehicle and Test Flight Activities
§ 216.121 - Effective dates.
§ 216.122 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.123 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.124 - Mitigation.
§ 216.125 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.126 - Applications for Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.127 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.128 - Renewal of Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.129 - Modifications of Letters of Authorization.
Subpart L - Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Power Plant Operations
§ 216.130 - Specified activity, specified geographical region, and incidental take levels.
§ 216.131 - Effective dates.
§ 216.132 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.133 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.134 - [Reserved]
§ 216.135 - Monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.136 - Renewal of the Letter of Authorization.
§ 216.137 - Modifications to the Letter of Authorization.
§§ 216.138--216.140 - [Reserved]
Subpart M - Taking of Bottlenose Dolphins and Spotted Dolphins Incidental to Oil and Gas Structure Removal Activities
§ 216.141 - Specified activity and specified geographical region.
§ 216.142 - Effective dates.
§ 216.143 - Permissible methods of taking; mitigation.
§ 216.144 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.145 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.146 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.147 - Modifications to Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.148 - Modifications to Letters of Authorization.
Subpart N - Taking Of Marine Mammals Incidental To Missile Launch Activities from San Nicolas Island, CA
§ 216.150 - Specified activity and specified geographical region.
§ 216.151 - Effective dates.
§ 216.152 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.153 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.154 - Mitigation.
§ 216.155 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.156 - Applications for Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.157 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.158 - Renewal of Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.159 - Modifications of Letters of Authorization.
Subpart O - Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Shock Testing the USS MESA VERDE (LPD 19) by Detonation of Conventional Explosives in the Offshore Waters of the U.S. Atlantic Coast
§ 216.161 - Specified activity and incidental take levels by species.
§ 216.162 - Effective dates.
§ 216.163 - Mitigation.
§ 216.164 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.165 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.166 - Modifications to the Letter of Authorization.
§§ 216.167--216.169 - [Reserved]
Subpart P - Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to U.S. Navy Training in the Hawaii Range Complex (HRC)
§ 216.170 - Specified activity and specified geographical region.
§ 216.171 - Effective dates and definitions.
§ 216.172 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.173 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.174 - Mitigation.
§ 216.175 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.176 - Applications for Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.177 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.178 - Renewal of Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.179 - Modifications to Letters of Authorization.
Subpart Q - Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Navy Operations of Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA sonar) Sonar
§ 216.180 - Specified activity.
§ 216.181 - Effective dates.
§ 216.182 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.183 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.184 - Mitigation.
§ 216.185 - Requirements for monitoring.
§ 216.186 - Requirements for reporting.
§ 216.187 - Applications for Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.188 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.189 - Renewal of Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.190 - Modifications to Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.191 - Designation of Offshore Biologically Important Marine Mammal Areas.
Subpart R - Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Construction and Operation of Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities in the U.S. Beaufort Sea
§ 216.200 - Specified activity and specified geographical region.
§ 216.201 - Effective dates.
§ 216.202 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.203 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.204 - Mitigation.
§ 216.205 - Measures to ensure availability of species for subsistence uses.
§ 216.206 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.207 - Applications for Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.208 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.209 - Renewal of Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.210 - Modifications to Letters of Authorization.
Subpart S - Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Explosive Severance Activities Conducted During Offshore Structure Removal Operations on the Outer Continental Shelf in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
§ 216.211 - Specified activity and specified geographical region.
§ 216.212 - Effective dates.
§ 216.213 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.214 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.215 - Definitions, terms, and criteria
§ 216.216 - Mitigation.
§ 216.217 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.218 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.219 - Renewal and modifications of Letters of Authorization.
Subpart U - Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Rocket Launches from the Kodiak Launch Complex, Kodiak Island, AK
§ 216.230 - Specified activity and specified geographical region.
§ 216.231 - Effective dates.
§ 216.232 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.233 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.234 - Mitigation, monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.235 - Letter of Authorization.
§ 216.236 - Renewal of a Letter of Authorization.
§ 216.237 - Modifications to a Letter of Authorization.
Subpart V - Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; U.S. Navy's Atlantic Fleet Active Sonar Training (AFAST)
§ 216.240 - Specified activity and specified geographical region.
§ 216.241 - Effective dates and definitions.
§ 216.242 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.243 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.244 - Mitigation.
§ 216.245 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.246 - Applications for Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.247 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.248 - Renewal of Letters of Authorization and Adaptive Management.
§ 216.249 - Modifications to Letters of Authorization.
Subpart W - Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Conducting Precision Strike Weapon Missions in the Gulf of Mexico
§ 216.250 - Specified activity and specified geographical region.
§ 216.251 - Effective dates.
§ 216.252 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.253 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.254 - Mitigation.
§ 216.255 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.256 - Applications for Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.257 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.258 - Renewal of Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.259 - Modifications to Letters of Authorization.
Subpart X - Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to U.S. Navy Training in the Southern California Range Complex (SOCAL Range Complex)
§ 216.270 - Specified activity and specified geographical region.
§ 216.271 - Effective dates and definitions.
§ 216.272 - Permissible methods of taking.
§ 216.273 - Prohibitions.
§ 216.274 - Mitigation.
§ 216.275 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
§ 216.276 - Applications for Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.277 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 216.278 - Renewal of Letters of Authorization and Adaptive Management.
§ 216.279 - Modifications to Letters of Authorization.
Figure 1 to Part 216 - Northern Fur Seal Breeding Areas (Rookeries) and Hauling Grounds on St. George Island, Alaska