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Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
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Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries |
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Chapter VI - Fishery Conservation and Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce |
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Part 648 - Fisheries of the Northeastern United States |
Subpart A - General Provisions |
§ 648.1 - Purpose and scope. |
§ 648.2 - Definitions. |
§ 648.3 - Relation to other laws. |
§ 648.4 - Vessel permits. |
§ 648.5 - Operator permits. |
§ 648.6 - Dealer/processor permits. |
§ 648.7 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements. |
§ 648.8 - Vessel identification. |
§ 648.9 - VMS vendor and unit requirements. |
§ 648.10 - VMS and DAS requirements for vessel owners/operators. |
§ 648.11 - Monitoring coverage. |
§ 648.12 - Experimental fishing. |
§ 648.13 - Transfers at sea. |
§ 648.14 - Prohibitions. |
§ 648.15 - Facilitation of enforcement. |
§ 648.16 - Penalties. |
§ 648.17 - Exemptions for vessels fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area. |
§ 648.18 - Standardized bycatch reporting methodology. |
Subpart B - Management Measures for the Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fisheries |
§ 648.20 - Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) control rules. |
§ 648.21 - Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council risk policy. |
§ 648.22 - Mackerel, squid, and butterfish specifications. |
§ 648.23 - Mackerel, squid, and butterfish gear restrictions. |
§ 648.24 - Fishery closures and accountability measures. |
§ 648.25 - Mackerel, squid, and butterfish framework adjustments to management measures. |
§ 648.26 - Mackerel, squid, and butterfish possession restrictions. |
§ 648.27 - Frank R. Lautenberg Deep-Sea Coral Protection Area. |
Subpart C - Management Measures for Atlantic Salmon |
§ 648.40 - Prohibition on possession. |
§ 648.41 - Framework specifications. |
Subpart D - Management Measures for the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery |
§ 648.50 - Shell-height standard. |
§ 648.51 - Gear and crew restrictions. |
§ 648.52 - Possession and landing limits. |
§ 648.54 - State waters exemption. |
§ 648.55 - Specifications and framework adjustments to management measures. |
§ 648.56 - Scallop research. |
§ 648.57 - [Reserved] |
§ 648.58 - Closed Area II Seasonal Scallop Closure. |
§ 648.59 - Sea Scallop Rotational Area Management Program and Access Area Program requirements. |
§ 648.60 - Sea Scallop Rotational Areas. |
§ 648.61 - [Reserved] |
§ 648.62 - Northern Gulf of Maine (NGOM) Management Program. |
§ 648.63 - General category Sectors and harvesting cooperatives. |
§ 648.64 - Flounder Stock sub-ACLs and AMs for the scallop fishery. |
§ 648.65 - [Reserved] |
§§ 648.57--648.5 - [Reserved] |
§§ 648.57--648.58 - [Reserved] |
Subpart E - Management Measures for the Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fisheries |
§ 648.70 - Surfclam and ocean quahog Annual Catch Limit (ACL). |
§ 648.71 - Surfclam and ocean quahog Annual Catch Targets (ACT). |
§ 648.72 - Surfclam and ocean quahog specifications. |
§ 648.73 - Surfclam and ocean quahog Accountability Measures. |
§ 648.74 - Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) Program. |
§ 648.75 - Shucking at sea and minimum surfclam size. |
§ 648.76 - Closed areas. |
§ 648.77 - Cage identification. |
§ 648.78 - Maine mahogany quahog zone. |
§ 648.79 - Surfclam and ocean quahog framework adjustments to management measures. |
Subpart F - Management Measures for the NE Multispecies and Monkfish Fisheries |
§ 648.80 - NE Multispecies regulated mesh areas and restrictions on gear and methods of fishing. |
§ 648.81 - NE multispecies year-round and seasonal closed areas. |
§ 648.82 - Effort-control program for NE multispecies limited access vessels. |
§ 648.83 - Multispecies minimum fish sizes. |
§ 648.84 - Gear-marking requirements and gear restrictions. |
§ 648.85 - Special management programs. |
§ 648.86 - NE Multispecies possession restrictions. |
§ 648.87 - Sector allocation. |
§ 648.88 - Multispecies open access permit restrictions. |
§ 648.89 - Recreational and charter/party vessel restrictions. |
§ 648.90 - NE multispecies assessment, framework procedures and specifications, and flexible area action system. |
§ 648.91 - Monkfish regulated mesh areas and restrictions on gear and methods of fishing. |
§ 648.92 - Effort-control program for monkfish limited access vessels. |
§ 648.93 - Monkfish minimum fish sizes. |
§ 648.94 - Monkfish possession and landing restrictions. |
§ 648.95 - Offshore Fishery Program in the SFMA. |
§ 648.96 - FMP review, specification, and framework adjustment process. |
§ 648.97 - Closed areas. |
Subpart G - Management Measures for the Summer Flounder Fisheries |
§ 648.100 - Summer flounder Annual Catch Limit (ACL). |
§ 648.101 - Summer flounder Annual Catch Target (ACT). |
§ 648.102 - Summer flounder specifications. |
§ 648.103 - Summer flounder accountability measures. |
§ 648.104 - Summer flounder size requirements. |
§ 648.105 - Summer flounder recreational fishing season. |
§ 648.106 - Summer flounder possession restrictions. |
§ 648.107 - Conservation equivalent measures for the summer flounder fishery. |
§ 648.108 - Summer flounder gear restrictions. |
§ 648.109 - Sea turtle conservation. |
§ 648.110 - Summer flounder framework adjustments to management measures. |
§ 648.111 - xxx |
Subpart H - Management Measures for the Scup Fishery |
§ 648.120 - Scup Annual Catch Limit (ACL). |
§ 648.121 - Scup Annual Catch Target (ACT). |
§ 648.122 - Scup specifications. |
§ 648.123 - Scup accountability measures. |
§ 648.124 - Scup commercial season and commercial fishery area restrictions. |
§ 648.125 - Scup gear restrictions. |
§ 648.126 - Scup minimum fish sizes. |
§ 648.127 - Scup recreational fishing season. |
§ 648.128 - Scup possession restrictions. |
§ 648.129 - Protection of threatened and endangered sea turtles. |
§ 648.130 - Scup framework adjustments to management measures. |
§ 648.131 - xxx |
Subpart I - Management Measures for the Black Sea Bass Fishery |
§ 648.140 - Black sea bass Annual Catch Limit (ACL). |
§ 648.141 - Black sea bass Annual Catch Target (ACT). |
§ 648.142 - Black sea bass specifications. |
§ 648.143 - Black sea bass Accountability Measures. |
§ 648.144 - Black sea bass gear restrictions. |
§ 648.145 - Black sea bass possession limit. |
§ 648.146 - Black sea bass recreational fishing season. |
§ 648.147 - Black sea bass size requirements. |
§ 648.148 - Special management zones. |
§ 648.149 - Black sea bass framework adjustments to management measures. |
§ 648.150 - Block Island Sound Transit Zone. |
§ 648.151 - Black sea bass conservation equivalency. |
Subpart J - Management Measures for the Atlantic Bluefish Fishery |
§ 648.160 - Bluefish Annual Catch Limit (ACL). |
§ 648.161 - Bluefish Sector ACLs and Annual Catch Targets (ACTs). |
§ 648.162 - Bluefish specifications. |
§ 648.163 - Bluefish Accountability Measures (AMs). |
§ 648.164 - Bluefish possession restrictions. |
§ 648.165 - Bluefish minimum fish sizes. |
§ 648.166 - Bluefish gear restrictions. |
§ 648.167 - Bluefish framework adjustment to management measures. |
Subpart K - Management Measures for the Atlantic Herring Fishery |
§ 648.200 - Specifications. |
§ 648.201 - AMs and harvest controls. |
§ 648.202 - Season and area restrictions. |
§ 648.203 - Gear restrictions. |
§ 648.204 - Possession restrictions. |
§ 648.205 - VMS requirements. |
§ 648.206 - Framework provisions. |
§ 648.207 - Herring Research Set-Aside (RSA). |
Subpart L - Management Measures for the Spiny Dogfish Fishery |
§ 648.230 - Spiny dogfish Annual Catch Limits (ACLs). |
§ 648.231 - Spiny dogfish Annual Catch Target (ACT) and Total Allowable Level of Landings (TAL). |
§ 648.232 - Spiny dogfish specifications. |
§ 648.233 - Spiny dogfish Accountability Measures (AMs). |
§ 648.234 - Gear restrictions. |
§ 648.235 - Spiny dogfish possession and landing restrictions. |
§ 648.236 - Special Management Zones. |
§ 648.237 - Framework provisions. |
§ 648.238 - [Reserved] |
§ 648.239 - Spiny dogfish framework adjustments to management measures. |
§§ 648.237--648.238 - [Reserved] |
Subpart M - Management Measures for the Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Fishery |
§ 648.260 - Specifications. |
§ 648.261 - Framework adjustment process. |
§ 648.262 - Accountability measures for red crab limited access vessels. |
§ 648.263 - Red crab possession and landing restrictions. |
§ 648.264 - Gear requirements/restrictions. |
§ 648.265 - Possession and landing limits. |
§ 648.266 - Trap/pot limits. |
§ 648.267 - Incidental catch. |
§ 648.268 - Prohibitions. |
Subpart N - Management Measures for the Golden Tilefish and Blueline Tilefish Fisheries |
§ 648.290 - Tilefish Annual Catch Limits (ACL). |
§ 648.291 - Tilefish Annual Catch Targets (ACT). |
§ 648.292 - Tilefish specifications. |
§ 648.293 - Tilefish accountability measures. |
§ 648.294 - Golden tilefish individual fishing quota (IFQ) program. |
§ 648.295 - Tilefish commercial trip limits and landing condition. |
§ 648.296 - Tilefish recreational possession limits and gear restrictions. |
§ 648.297 - Tilefish gear restricted areas. |
§ 648.298 - Blueline tilefish management measures. |
§ 648.299 - Tilefish framework specifications. |
Subpart O - Management Measures for the NE Skate Complex Fisheries |
§ 648.320 - Skate FMP review and monitoring. |
§ 648.321 - Framework adjustment process. |
§ 648.322 - Skate allocation, possession, and landing provisions. |
§ 648.323 - Accountability measures. |
Subpart P - Mid-Atlantic Forage Species |
§ 648.350 - Mid-Atlantic forage species landing limits. |
§ 648.351 - Mid-Atlantic forage species possession limits. |
§ 648.352 - Mid-Atlantic forage species framework measures. |
Subpart Q - Habitat-Related Management Measures |
§ 648.370 - Habitat Management Areas. |
§ 648.371 - Dedicated Habitat Research Areas. |
§ 648.372 - Frank R. Lautenberg Deep-Sea Coral Protection Area. |
§ 648.373 - xxx |
Figure 1 to Part 648 |