§ 501.3 - Procedure for responding to requests regarding the existence of records pertaining to an individual.  

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  • § 501.3 Procedure for responding to requests regarding the existence of records pertaining to an individual.

    Any individual may submit a request to be notified whether a system of records, with respect to which the Commission has published a notice in the Federal Register, contains a record pertaining to him or her. Requests may be made in writing to the Privacy Officer or by appearing in person at the Commission offices located at 1625 I Street, NW., Room 307, Washington, DC 20006 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any working day. Systems of records that are the subject of a request should be identified by reference to the system name designated in the Notice of Systems of Records published in the Federal Register. In the event a system name is not known to the individual, a general request will suffice if it indicates reasons for the belief that a record pertaining to the named individual is maintained by the Commission. Receipt of inquiries submitted by mail will be acknowledged within 10 days of receipt (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) unless a response can also be prepared and forwarded to the individual within that time.