Part 515 - Contracting by Negotiation  

Subpart 515.1 - General Requirements for Negotiation
§ 515.106 - Contract clauses.
§ 515.106-70 - Examination of records by GSA clause.
Subpart 515.2 - Solicitation and Receipt of Proposals and Information
§ 515.204 - Contract format.
§ 515.205 - Issuing solicitations.
§ 515.209 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
§ 515.204-1 - Uniform contract format.
§ 515.209-70 - Contract clause.
Subpart 515.3 - Source Selection
§ 515.305 - Proposal evaluation.
§ 515.305-70 - Use of outside evaluators.
Subpart 515.4 - Contract Pricing
§ 515.402 - General.
§ 515.405 - Solicitations for information or planning purposes.
§ 515.406 - Preparing requests for proposals (RFP's) and requests for quotations (RFQ's).
§ 515.408 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
§ 515.411 - Receipt of proposals and quotations.
§ 515.414 - Forms.
§ 515.411-70 - Recording of offers.
§ 515.414-70 - GSA forms.
§ 515.405-1 - General.
§ 515.406-1 - Uniform contract format.
Subpart 515.5 - Preaward, Award, and Postaward Notifications, Protests, and Mistakes
§ 515.501 - Definitions.
§ 515.504 - Advance guidance.
§ 515.506 - Postaward debriefing of offerors.
§ 515.506-2 - Evaluation.
Subpart 515.6 - Source Selection
§ 515.608 - Proposal evaluation.
§ 515.612 - Formal source selection.
§ 515.608-70 - Rejection of all proposals.
§ 515.608-71 - Discounts for prompt payment.
Subpart 515.8 - Price Negotiation
§ 515.803 - General.
§ 515.804 - Cost or pricing data and information other than cost or pricing data.
§ 515.805 - Proposal analysis.
§ 515.804-2 - Requiring certified cost or pricing data.
§ 515.804-3 - [Reserved]
§ 515.804-6 - Instructions for submission of cost or pricing data or information other than cost or pricing data.
§ 515.805-5 - Field pricing support.
Subpart 515.9 - Profit
§ 515.902 - Policy.
§ 515.905 - Profit-analysis factors.
§ 515.905-1 - Common factors.
§ 515.905-70 - Nonprofit organizations.
Subpart 515.10 - Preaward, Award, and Postaward Notifications, Protests, and Mistakes
§ 515.1070 - Release of information concerning unsuccessful offerors.
Subpart 515.70 - Use of Samples
§ 515.7000 - Scope of subpart.
§ 515.7001 - General.
§ 515.7002 - Procedures.
§ 515.7003 - Procedural requirements.