§ 541.12 - Inmate rights and responsibilities.  

Latest version.
  • RightsResponsibilities1. You have the right to expect that as a human being you will be treated respectfully, impartially, and fairly by all personnel. 1. You have the responsibility to treat others, both employees and inmates, in the same manner.2. You have the right to be informed of the rules, procedures, and schedules concerning the operation of the institution. 2. You have the responsibility to know and abide by them.3. You have the right to freedom of religious affiliation, and voluntary religious worship. 3. You have the responsibility to recognize and respect the rights of others in this regard.4. You have the right to health care, which includes nutritious meals, proper bedding and clothing, and a laundry schedule for cleanliness of the same, an opportunity to shower regularly, proper ventilation for warmth and fresh air, a regular exercise period, toilet articles and medical and dental treatment. 4. It is your responsibility not to waste food, to follow the laundry and shower schedule, to maintain neat and clean living quarters, to keep your area free of contraband, and to seek medical and dental care as you may need it.5. You have the right to visit and correspond with family members, and friends, and correspond with members of the news media in keeping with Bureau rules and institution guidelines. 5. It is your responsibility to conduct yourself properly during visits, not to accept or pass contraband, and not to violate the law or Bureau rules or institution guidelines through your correspondence.6. You have the right to unrestricted and confidential access to the courts by correspondence (on matters such as the legality of your conviction, civil matters, pending criminal cases, and conditions of your imprisonment). 6. You have the responsibity to present honestly and fairly your petitions, questions, and problems to the court.7. You have the right to legal counsel from an attorney of your choice by interviews and correspondence. 7. It is your responsibility to use the services of an attorney honestly and fairly.8. You have the right to participate in the use of law library reference materials to assist you in resolving legal problems. You also have the right to receive help when it is available through a legal assistance program. 8. It is your responsibility to use these resources in keeping with the procedures and schedule prescribed and to respect the rights of other inmates to the use of the materials and assistance.9. You have the right to a wide range of reading materials for educational purposes and for your own enjoyment. These materials may include magazines and newspapers sent from the community, with certain restrictions. 9. It is your responsibility to seek and utilize such materials for your personal benefit, without depriving others of their equal rights to the use of this material.10. You have the right to participate in education, vocational training and employment as far as resources are available, and in keeping with your interests, needs, and abilities.10. You have the responsibity to take advantage of activities which may help you live a successful and law-abiding life within the institution and in the community. You will be expected to abide by the regulations governing the use of such activities.11. You have the right to use your funds for commissary and other purchases, consistent with institution security and good order, for opening bank and/or savings accounts, and for assisting your family. 11. You have the responsibility to meet your financial and legal obligations, including, but not limited to, court-imposed assessments, fines, and restitution. You also have the responsibility to make use of your funds in a manner consistent with your release plans, your family needs, and for other obligations that you may have.