Part 550 - Oil and Gas and Sulfur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf  

Subpart A - General
Information and Reporting Requirements
§ 550.186 - What reporting information and report forms must I submit?
§ 550.194 - How must I protect archaeological resources?
§ 550.195 - [Reserved]
§ 550.196 - Reimbursements for reproduction and processing costs.
§ 550.197 - Data and information to be made available to the public or for limited inspection.
§§ 550.187--550.193 - [Reserved]
Right-of-Use and Easement
§ 550.160 - When will BOEM grant me a right-of-use and easement (RUE), and what requirements must I meet?
§ 550.161 - What else must I submit with my application?
§ 550.162 - May I continue my right-of-use and easement after the termination of any lease on which it is situated?
§ 550.163 - If I have a State lease, will BOEM grant me a right-of-use and easement?
§ 550.164 - If I have a State lease, what conditions apply for a right-of-use and easement?
§ 550.165 - If I have a State lease, what fees do I have to pay for a right-of-use and easement?
§ 550.166 - If BOEM grants me a RUE, what financial assurance must I provide?
§ 550.167 - How may I obtain or assign my interest in a RUE?
Special Types of Approvals
§ 550.140 - When will I receive an oral approval?
§ 550.141 - May I ever use alternate procedures or equipment?
§ 550.142 - How do I receive approval for departures?
§ 550.143 - How do I designate an operator?
§ 550.144 - How do I designate a new operator when a designation of operator terminates?
§ 550.145 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?
§ 550.146 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?
§ 550.147 - Who is responsible for fulfilling leasehold obligations?
§ 550.135 - What will BOEM do if my operating performance is unacceptable?
§ 550.136 - How will BOEM determine if my performance is unacceptable?
Performance Standards
§ 550.115 - How do I determine well producibility?
§ 550.116 - How do I determine producibility if my well is in the Gulf of Mexico?
§ 550.117 - How does a determination of well producibility affect royalty status?
§ 550.118 - [Reserved]
§ 550.119 - Will BOEM approve subsurface gas storage?
§ 550.120 - What standards will BOEM use to regulate leases, rights-of-use and easement, and rights-of-way?
§§ 550.120--550.121 - [Reserved]
§ 550.121 - What must I do to protect health, safety, property, and the environment?
§ 550.122 - What effect does subsurface storage have on the lease term?
§ 550.123 - Will BOEM allow gas storage on unleased lands?
Inspection of Operations
§ 550.130 - [Reserved]
§ 550.125 - Service fees.
§ 550.126 - Electronic payment instructions.
Authority and Definition of Terms
§ 550.101 - Authority and applicability.
§ 550.102 - What does this part do?
§ 550.103 - Where can I find more information about the requirements in this part?
§ 550.104 - How may I appeal a decision made under BOEM regulations?
§ 550.105 - Definitions.
Primary Lease Requirements, Lease Term Extensions, and Lease Cancellations
§ 550.181 - When may the Secretary cancel my lease and when am I compensated for cancellation?
§ 550.182 - When may the Secretary cancel a lease at the exploration stage?
§ 550.183 - When may BOEM or the Secretary extend or cancel a lease at the development and production stage?
§ 550.184 - What is the amount of compensation for lease cancellation?
§ 550.185 - When is there no compensation for a lease cancellation?
§ 550.198 - [Reserved]
§ 550.199 - Paperwork Reduction Act statements—information collection.
Subpart B - Plans and Information
Review and Decision Process for the DPP or DOCD
§ 550.266 - After receiving the DPP or DOCD, what will BOEM do?
§ 550.267 - What actions will BOEM take after the DPP or DOCD is deemed submitted?
§ 550.268 - How does BOEM respond to recommendations?
§ 550.269 - How will BOEM evaluate the environmental impacts of the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.270 - What decisions will BOEM make on the DPP or DOCD and within what timeframe?
§ 550.271 - For what reasons will BOEM disapprove the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.272 - If a State objects to the DPP's or DOCD's coastal zone consistency certification, what can I do?
§ 550.273 - How do I submit a modified DPP or DOCD or resubmit a disapproved DPP or DOCD?
Contents of Development and Production Plans (DPP) and Development Operations Coordination Documents (DOCD)
§ 550.241 - What must the DPP or DOCD include?
§ 550.242 - What information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.243 - What general information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.244 - What geological and geophysical (G&G) information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.245 - What hydrogen sulfide (H2S) information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.246 - What mineral resource conservation information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.247 - What biological, physical, and socioeconomic information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.248 - What solid and liquid wastes and discharges information and cooling water intake information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.249 - What air emissions information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.250 - What oil and hazardous substance spills information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.251 - If I propose activities in the Alaska OCS Region, what planning information must accompany the DPP?
§ 550.252 - What environmental monitoring information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.253 - What lease stipulations information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.254 - What mitigation measures information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.255 - What decommissioning information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.256 - What related facilities and operations information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.257 - What information on the support vessels, offshore vehicles, and aircraft you will use must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.258 - What information on the onshore support facilities you will use must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.259 - What sulphur operations information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.260 - What Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.261 - What environmental impact analysis (EIA) information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
§ 550.262 - What administrative information must accompany the DPP or DOCD?
Contents of Exploration Plans (EP)
§ 550.211 - What must the EP include?
§ 550.212 - What information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.213 - What general information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.214 - What geological and geophysical (G&G) information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.215 - What hydrogen sulfide (H2S) information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.216 - What biological, physical, and socioeconomic information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.217 - What solid and liquid wastes and discharges information and cooling water intake information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.218 - What air emissions information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.219 - What oil and hazardous substance spills information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.220 - If I propose activities in the Alaska OCS Region, what planning information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.221 - What environmental monitoring information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.222 - What lease stipulations information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.223 - What mitigation measures information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.224 - What information on support vessels, offshore vehicles, and aircraft you will use must accompany the EP?
§ 550.225 - What information on the onshore support facilities you will use must accompany the EP?
§ 550.226 - What Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.227 - What environmental impact analysis (EIA) information must accompany the EP?
§ 550.228 - What administrative information must accompany the EP?
Conservation Information Documents (CID)
§ 550.296 - When and how must I submit a CID or a revision to a CID?
§ 550.297 - What information must a CID contain?
§ 550.298 - How long will BOEM take to evaluate and make a decision on the CID?
§ 550.299 - What operations require approval of the CID?
Ancillary Activities
§ 550.207 - What ancillary activities may I conduct?
§ 550.208 - If I conduct ancillary activities, what notices must I provide?
§ 550.209 - What is the BOEM review process for the notice?
§ 550.210 - If I conduct ancillary activities, what reporting and data/information retention requirements must I satisfy?
Review and Decision Process for the EP
§ 550.231 - After receiving the EP, what will BOEM do?
§ 550.232 - What actions will BOEM take after the EP is deemed submitted?
§ 550.233 - What decisions will BOEM make on the EP and within what timeframe?
§ 550.234 - How do I submit a modified EP or resubmit a disapproved EP, and when will BOEM make a decision?
§ 550.235 - If a State objects to the EP's coastal zone consistency certification, what can I do?
Post-Approval Requirements for the EP, DPP, and DOCD
§ 550.280 - How must I conduct activities under the approved EP, DPP, or DOCD?
§ 550.281 - What must I do to conduct activities under the approved EP, DPP, or DOCD?
§ 550.282 - Do I have to conduct post-approval monitoring?
§ 550.283 - When must I revise or supplement the approved EP, DPP, or DOCD?
§ 550.284 - How will BOEM require revisions to the approved EP, DPP, or DOCD?
§ 550.285 - How do I submit revised and supplemental EPs, DPPs, and DOCDs?
§§ 550.286--550.295 - [Reserved]
General Information
§ 550.200 - Definitions.
§ 550.201 - What plans and information must I submit before I conduct any activities on my lease or unit?
§ 550.202 - What criteria must the Exploration Plan (EP), Development and Production Plan (DPP), or Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) meet?
§ 550.203 - Where can wells be located under an EP, DPP, or DOCD?
§ 550.204 - When must I submit my IOP for proposed Arctic exploratory drilling operations and what must the IOP include?
§ 550.205 - [Reserved]
§ 550.206 - How do I submit the IOP, EP, DPP, or DOCD?
§§ 550.204--550.205 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Pollution Prevention and Control
§§ 550.300--550.301 - [Reserved]
§ 550.302 - Definitions concerning air quality.
§ 550.303 - Facilities described in a new or revised Exploration Plan, Development and Production Plan, or Development Operations Coordination Document.
§ 550.304 - Existing facilities.
Subpart D - Leasing Maps and Diagrams
§ 550.400 - Leasing maps and diagrams.
Subparts E--I - XXX
Subpart J - Pipelines and Pipeline Rights-of-Way
§ 550.1011 - Financial assurance requirements for pipeline right-of-way (ROW) grant holders.
Subpart K - Oil and Gas Production Requirements.
Other Requirements
§ 550.1165 - What must I do for enhanced recovery operations?
§ 550.1166 - What additional reporting is required for developments in the Alaska OCS Region?
§ 550.1167 - What information must I submit with forms and for approvals?
Well Tests and Surveys
§ 550.1153 - When must I conduct a static bottomhole pressure survey?
Classifying Reservoirs
§ 550.1154 - How do I determine if my reservoir is sensitive?
§ 550.1155 - What information must I submit for sensitive reservoirs?
Subparts L--M - XXX
Subpart N - Outer Continental Shelf Civil Penalties
Bonding Requirements
§ 550.1490 - What standards must my BOEM-specified surety instrument meet?
§ 550.1491 - How will BOEM determine the amount of my bond or other surety instrument?
Penalties Without a Period to Correct
§ 550.1460 - May I be subject to penalties without prior notice and an opportunity to correct?
§ 550.1461 - How will BOEM inform me of violations without a period to correct?
§ 550.1462 - How may I request a hearing on the record on a Notice of Noncompliance regarding violations without a period to correct?
§ 550.1463 - Does my request for a hearing on the record affect the penalties?
§ 550.1464 - May I request a hearing on the record regarding the amount of a civil penalty if I did not request a hearing on the Notice of Noncompliance?
Financial Solvency Requirements
§ 550.1495 - How do I demonstrate financial solvency?
§ 550.1496 - How will BOEM determine if I am financially solvent?
§ 550.1497 - When will BOEM monitor my financial solvency?
General Provisions
§ 550.1470 - How does BOEM decide what the amount of the penalty should be?
§ 550.1471 - Does the penalty affect whether I owe interest?
§ 550.1472 - How will the Office of Hearings and Appeals conduct the hearing on the record?
§ 550.1473 - How may I appeal the Administrative Law Judge's decision?
§ 550.1474 - May I seek judicial review of the decision of the Interior Board of Land Appeals?
§ 550.1475 - When must I pay the penalty?
§ 550.1476 - Can BOEM reduce my penalty once it is assessed?
§ 550.1477 - How may BOEM collect the penalty?
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Civil Penalties
§ 550.1400 - How does BOEM begin the civil penalty process?
§ 550.1401 - Index table.
§ 550.1402 - Definitions.
§ 550.1403 - What is the maximum civil penalty?
§ 550.1404 - Which violations will BOEM review for potential civil penalties?
§ 550.1405 - When is a case file developed?
§ 550.1406 - When will BOEM notify me and provide penalty information?
§ 550.1407 - How do I respond to the letter of notification?
§ 550.1408 - When will I be notified of the Reviewing Officer's decision?
§ 550.1409 - What are my appeal rights?
Criminal Penalties
§ 550.1480 - May the United States criminally prosecute me for violations under Federal oil and gas leases?
Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act Civil Penalties Definitions
§ 550.1450 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Penalties After a Period to Correct
§ 550.1451 - What may BOEM do if I violate a statute, regulation, order, or lease term relating to a Federal oil and gas lease?
§ 550.1452 - What if I correct the violation?
§ 550.1453 - What if I do not correct the violation?
§ 550.1454 - How may I request a hearing on the record on a Notice of Noncompliance?
§ 550.1455 - Does my request for a hearing on the record affect the penalties?
§ 550.1456 - May I request a hearing on the record regarding the amount of a civil penalty if I did not request a hearing on the Notice of Noncompliance?
Subparts O--S - XXX