Part 556 - Leasing of Sulfur or Oil and Gas and Financial Assurance Requirements in the Outer Continental Shelf  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 556.0 - Authority for information collection.
§ 556.1 - Purpose.
§ 556.2 - Policy.
§ 556.4 - Authority.
§ 556.5 - Definitions.
§ 556.7 - Cross references.
§ 556.8 - Leasing maps and diagrams.
§ 556.10 - Information to States.
§ 556.11 - Helium.
§ 556.12 - Supplemental sales.
§ 556.100 - Statement of policy.
§ 556.101 - Purpose.
§ 556.102 - Authority.
§ 556.103 - Cross references.
§ 556.104 - Information collection and proprietary information.
§ 556.105 - Acronyms and definitions.
§ 556.106 - Service fees.
§ 556.107 - Corporate seal requirements.
Subpart B - Oil and Gas Five Year Leasing Program
§ 556.16 - Receipt and consideration of nominations; public notice and participation.
§ 556.17 - Review by State and local governments and other persons.
§ 556.19 - Periodic consultation with interested parties.
§ 556.20 - Consideration of coastal zone management program.
§ 556.200 - What is the Five Year leasing program?
§ 556.201 - Does BOEM consider multiple uses of the OCS?
§ 556.202 - How does BOEM start the Five Year program preparation process?
§ 556.203 - What does BOEM do before publishing a proposed Five Year program?
§ 556.204 - How do governments and citizens comment on a proposed Five Year program?
§ 556.205 - What does BOEM do before approving a proposed final Five Year program or a significant revision of a previously-approved Five Year program?
Subpart C - Planning and Holding a Lease Sale
§ 556.22 - General.
§ 556.300 - What reports may BOEM and other Federal agencies prepare before a lease sale?
§ 556.301 - What is a Call for Information and Nominations?
§ 556.302 - What does BOEM do with the information from the Call?
§ 556.303 - What does BOEM do if an area proposed for leasing is within three nautical miles of the seaward boundary of a coastal State?
§ 556.304 - How is a proposed notice of sale prepared?
§ 556.305 - How does BOEM coordinate and consult with States regarding a proposed notice of sale?
§ 556.306 - What if a potentially oil- or gas-bearing area underlies both the OCS and lands subject to State jurisdiction?
§ 556.307 - What does BOEM do with comments and recommendations received on the proposed notice of sale?
§ 556.308 - How does BOEM conduct a lease sale?
§ 556.309 - Does BOEM offer blocks in a sale that is not on the Five Year program schedule (called a Supplemental Sale)?
Subpart D - Qualifications
§ 556.23 - Information on areas.
§ 556.25 - Areas near coastal States.
§ 556.400 - When must I demonstrate that I am qualified to hold a lease on the OCS?
§ 556.401 - What do I need to show to become qualified to hold a lease on the OCS and obtain a qualification number?
§ 556.402 - How do I make the necessary showing to qualify and obtain a qualification number?
§ 556.403 - Under what circumstances may I be disqualified from acquiring a lease or an interest in a lease on the OCS?
§ 556.404 - What do the non-procurement debarment rules require that I do?
§ 556.405 - When must I notify BOEM of mergers, name changes, or changes of business form?
Subpart E - Issuance of a Lease
§ 556.26 - General.
§ 556.28 - Tract size.
How Does BOEM Act on Bids?
§ 556.516 - What does BOEM do with my bid?
§ 556.517 - What may I do if my high bid is rejected?
Restrictions on Joint Bidding
§ 556.511 - Are there restrictions on bidding with others and do those restrictions affect my ability to bid?
§ 556.512 - What bids may be disqualified?
§ 556.513 - When must I file a statement of production?
§ 556.514 - How do I determine my production for purposes of the restricted joint bidders list?
§ 556.515 - May a person be exempted from joint bidding restrictions?
How to Bid
§ 556.500 - Once qualified, how do I submit a bid?
§ 556.501 - What information do I need to submit with my bid?
Awarding the Lease
§ 556.520 - What happens if I am the successful high bidder and BOEM accepts my bid?
§ 556.521 - When is my lease effective?
§ 556.522 - What are the terms and conditions of the lease and when are they published?
Subpart F - Lease Term and Obligations
§ 556.29 - Proposed notice of sale.
§ 556.31 - State comments.
§ 556.32 - Notice of sale.
Length of Lease
§ 556.600 - What is the primary term of my oil and gas lease?
§ 556.601 - How may I maintain my oil and gas lease beyond the primary term?
§ 556.602 - What is the primary term of my sulfur lease?
§ 556.603 - How may I maintain my sulfur lease beyond the primary term?
§ 556.606 - What must a lessee do if BOEM elects to extract helium from a lease?
Lease Obligations
§ 556.604 - What are my rights and obligations as a record title owner?
§ 556.605 - What are my rights and obligations as an operating rights owner?
Subpart G - Transferring All or Part of the Record Title Interest in a Lease
§ 556.35 - Qualifications of lessees.
§ 556.37 - Lease term.
§ 556.38 - Joint bidding provisions.
§ 556.40 - Definitions.
§ 556.41 - Joint bidding requirements.
§ 556.43 - Chargeability for production.
§ 556.44 - Bids disqualified.
§ 556.46 - Submission of bids.
§ 556.47 - Award of leases.
§ 556.49 - Lease form.
§ 556.50 - Dating of leases.
§ 556.700 - May I assign or sublease all or any part of the record title interest in my lease?
§ 556.701 - How do I seek approval of an assignment of the record title interest in my lease, or a severance of operating rights from that record title interest?
§ 556.702 - When will my assignment result in a segregated lease?
§ 556.703 - What is the effect of the approval of the assignment of 100 percent of the record title in a particular aliquot(s) of my lease and of the resulting lease segregation?
§ 556.704 - When may BOEM disapprove an assignment or sublease of an interest in my lease?
§ 556.705 - How do I transfer the interest of a deceased natural person who was a lessee?
§ 556.706 - What if I want to transfer record title interests in more than one lease at the same time, but to different parties?
§ 556.707 - What if I want to transfer different types of lease interests (not only record title interests) in the same lease to different parties?
§ 556.708 - What if I want to transfer my record title interests in more than one lease to the same party?
§ 556.709 - What if I want to transfer my record title interest in one lease to multiple parties?
§ 556.710 - What is the effect of an assignment of a lease on an assignor's liability under the lease?
§ 556.711 - What is the effect of a record title holder's sublease of operating rights on the record title holder's liability?
§ 556.712 - What is the effective date of a transfer?
§ 556.713 - What is the effect of an assignment of a lease on an assignee's liability under the lease?
§ 556.714 - As a restricted joint bidder, may I transfer an interest to another restricted joint bidder?
§ 556.715 - Are there any interests I may transfer or record without BOEM approval?
§ 556.716 - What must I do with respect to the designation of operator on a lease when a transfer of record title is submitted?
Subpart H - Transferring All or Part of the Operating Rights in a Lease
§ 556.800 - As an operating rights owner, may I assign all or part of my operating rights interest?
§ 556.801 - How do I seek approval of an assignment of my operating rights?
§ 556.802 - When may BOEM disapprove the transfer of all or part of my operating rights interest?
§ 556.803 - What if I want to assign operating rights interests in more than one lease at the same time, but to different parties?
§ 556.804 - What if I want to assign my operating rights interest in a lease to multiple parties?
§ 556.805 - What is the effect of an operating rights owner's assignment of operating rights on the assignor's liability?
§ 556.806 - What is the effective date of an assignment of operating rights?
§ 556.807 - What is the effect of an assignment of operating rights on an assignee's liability?
§ 556.808 - As an operating rights owner, are there any interests I may assign without BOEM approval?
§ 556.809 - [Reserved]
§ 556.810 - What must I do with respect to the designation of operator on a lease when a transfer of operating rights ownership is submitted?
Subpart I - Financial Assurance
§ 556.52 - Bond requirements for an oil and gas or sulphur lease.
§ 556.53 - Additional bonds.
§ 556.54 - General requirements for bonds.
§ 556.55 - Lapse of bond.
§ 556.56 - Lease-specific abandonment accounts.
§ 556.57 - Using a third-party guarantee instead of a bond.
§ 556.58 - Termination of the period of liability and cancellation of a bond.
§ 556.59 - Forfeiture of bonds and/or other securities.
§ 556.900 - Financial assurance requirements for an oil and gas or sulfur lease.
§ 556.901 - Base and supplemental financial assurance.
§ 556.902 - General requirements for bonds or other financial assurance.
§ 556.903 - Lapse of financial assurance.
§ 556.904 - Decommissioning accounts.
§ 556.905 - Third-party guarantees.
§ 556.906 - Termination of the period of liability and cancellation of financial assurance.
§ 556.907 - Forfeiture of bonds or other financial assurance.
Subpart J - Bonus or Royalty Credits for Exchange of Certain Leases
§ 556.62 - Assignment of lease or interest in lease.
§ 556.63 - Service fees.
§ 556.64 - How to file transfers.
§ 556.65 - Attorney General review.
§ 556.67 - Separate filings for assignments.
§ 556.68 - Effect of assignment of a particular tract.
§ 556.70 - Extension of lease by drilling or well reworking operations.
§ 556.71 - Directional drilling.
§ 556.72 - Compensatory payments as production.
§ 556.1000 - Leases formerly eligible for a bonus or royalty credit.
Subpart K - Ending a Lease
§ 556.76 - Relinquishment of leases or parts of leases.
§ 556.77 - Cancellation of leases.
§ 556.1100 - How does a lease expire?
§ 556.1101 - May I relinquish my lease or an aliquot part thereof?
§ 556.1102 - Under what circumstances will BOEM cancel my lease?
Subpart L - Leases Maintained Under Section 6 of OCSLA
§ 556.79 - Effect of regulations on lease.
§ 556.80 - Leases of other minerals.
§ 556.1200 - Effect of regulations on lease.
§ 556.1201 - Section 6(a) leases and leases other than those for oil, gas, or sulfur.
Subpart M - Environmental Studies
§ 556.82 - Environmental studies.
§ 556.1300 - Environmental studies.
Subpart N - Bonus or Royalty Credits for Exchange of Certain Leases Offshore Florida
§ 556.90 - Which leases may I exchange for a bonus or royalty credit?
§ 556.91 - How much bonus or royalty credit will BOEM grant in exchange for a lease?
§ 556.92 - What must I do to obtain a bonus or royalty credit?
§ 556.93 - How is the bonus or royalty credit allocated among multiple lease owners?
§ 556.94 - How may I use the bonus or royalty credit?
§ 556.95 - How do I transfer a bonus or royalty credit to another person?
Appendix to Part 556 - Oil and Gas Cash Bonus Bid