Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 7 - Agriculture |
Subtitle A - Office of the Secretary of Agriculture |
Part 1 - Administrative Regulations |
Subpart O - Conditions in FERC Hydropower Licenses |
Document Filing and Service |
§ 1.612 - Where and how must documents be filed?
§ 1.612 Where and how must documents be filed?
(a) Place of filing. Any documents relating to a case under §§ 1.610 through 1.660 must be filed with the appropriate office, as follows:
(1) Before NFS refers a case for docketing under § 1.626, any documents must be filed with NFS by directing them to the “Deputy Chief, NFS.”
(i) For delivery by regular mail, address to USDA Forest Service, Attn: Lands Staff, Mail Stop 1124, 1400 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20250-1124.
(ii) For delivery by hand or private carrier, deliver to USDA Forest Service, Yates Bldg. (4 SO), 201 14th Street SW., Washington, DC (SW. corner of 14th Street and Independence Ave. SW.); phone (202) 205-1248; facsimile (703) 605-5117. Hand deliverers must obtain an official date-time-stamp from Lands Staff.
(2) The Forest Service will notify the parties of the date on which NFS refers a case for docketing under § 1.626. After that date, any documents must be filed with:
(i) The Hearing Clerk, if OALJ will be conducting the hearing. The Hearing Clerk's address, telephone number, and facsimile number are set forth in § 1.602; or
(ii) The hearings component of or used by another Department, if that Department will be conducting the hearing. The name, address, telephone number, and facsimile number of the appropriate hearings component will be provided in the referral notice from the Forest Service.
(b) Method of filing.
(1) A document must be filed with the appropriate office under paragraph (a) of this section using one of the following methods:
(i) By hand delivery of the original document and two copies;
(ii) By sending the original document and two copies by express mail or courier service; or
(iii) By sending the document by facsimile if:
(A) The document is 20 pages or less, including all attachments;
(B) The sending facsimile machine confirms that the transmission was successful; and
(C) The original of the document and two copies are sent by regular mail on the same day.
(2) Parties are encouraged, and may be required by the ALJ, to supplement any filing by providing the appropriate office with an electronic copy of the document on compact disc or other suitable media. With respect to any supporting material accompanying a request for hearing, a notice of intervention and response, or an answer, the party may submit in lieu of an original and two hard copies:
(i) An original; and
(ii) One copy on a compact disc or other suitable media.
(c) Date of filing. A document under this subpart is considered filed on the date it is received. However, any document received after 5 p.m. at the place where the filing is due is considered filed on the next regular business day.
(d) Nonconforming documents. If any document submitted for filing under this subpart does not comply with the requirements of this subpart or any applicable order, it may be rejected.