Part 1479 - 2003-2005 CROP DISASTER PROGRAM  

§ 1479.1 - Applicability.
§ 1479.2 - Administration.
§ 1479.3 - Definitions.
§ 1479.4 - Application process.
§ 1479.5 - County committee determinations of general applicability.
§ 1479.6 - Loss criteria.
§ 1479.7 - Producer eligibility.
§ 1479.8 - Calculation of assistance.
§ 1479.9 - Availability of funds; payments.
§ 1479.100 - Applicability.
§ 1479.101 - Administration.
§ 1479.102 - Definitions.
§ 1479.103 - Producer eligibility.
§ 1479.104 - Time for filing application.
§ 1479.105 - Limitations on payments and other benefits.
§ 1479.106 - Requirement to purchase crop insurance and non-insurable coverage.
§ 1479.107 - Miscellaneous provisions.
§ 1479.108 - Additional general provisions.
§ 1479.109 - Eligible disaster conditions.
§ 1479.110 - Qualifying 2003, 2004, or 2005-crop losses.
§ 1479.111 - Rates and yields; calculating payments.
§ 1479.112 - Production losses, producer responsibility.
§ 1479.113 - Determination of production.
§ 1479.114 - Calculation of acreage for crop losses other than prevented planted.
§ 1479.115 - Calculation of prevented planted acreage.
§ 1479.116 - Quantity adjustments for diminished quality for certain crops.
§ 1479.117 - Value loss crops.
§ 1479.118 - Other provisions for specialty crops.
§ 1479.119 - 2005-crop losses only.
§ 1479.120 - Quality losses for 2003, 2004, and 2005 crops.
§ 1479.121 - Virginia crop losses.
§ 1479.122 - North Carolina fruit and vegetable crop losses.
§ 1479.123 - Misrepresentation, and scheme or device.
§ 1479.124 - Offsets, assignments, and debt settlement.
§ 1479.125 - Compliance with highly erodible land and wetland conservation provisions.