§ 1944.157 - Eligibility requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Eligibility of applicant for an LH loan. To be eligible for an LH loan the applicant must:

    (1) Be a farmowner, family farm partnership, family farm corporation, or an association of farmers whose farming operations demonstrate a need for farm labor housing, or an organization, as these terms are defined in § 1944.153, which will own the housing and operate it on a nonprofit basis; or a nonprofit limited partnership in which the general partner is a nonprofit entity.

    (2) Except for State and local public agencies, or a political subdivision thereof, be unable to provide the necessary housing from their own resources and be unable to obtain the necessary credit from any other source upon terms and conditions they could reasonably be expected to fulfill. If an association of farmers or family farm corporation or partnership, the individual members, individually and jointly, must be unable to provide the necessary housing by utilizing their own resources and be unable, by pledging their personal liability, to obtain other credit that would enable them to provide housing for farm workers at rental rates they can afford to pay. The individual resources of family farm corporation or partnership members with less than a ten percent corporate or partnership interest need not be considered.

    The State Director may make an exception to the requirement that an individual farmowner, family farm corporation, family farm partnership or an association be unable to obtain the necessary credit elsewhere when all of the following conditions exist:

    (i) There is a need in the area for housing for domestic farmworkers who are migrants and that applicant will provide such housing;

    (ii) There are no qualified State or political subdivisions or public or private nonprofit organizations currently available or likely to become available within a reasonable period of time that are willing and able to provide the housing; and

    (iii) The interest rate for such loans is in accordance with subpart A of part 1810 of this chapter (FmHA Instruction 440.1).

    (3) Provide from its own resources the borrower contribution required by § 1944.160 and have sufficient initial operating capital to pay costs such as property and liability insurance premiums, fidelity bond premiums if required, utility hookup deposits, maintenance equipment, movable furnishings and equipment, printing lease forms, and other initial expenses. LH loans made to nonprofit organizations and to State or local public agencies or political subdivisions thereof may include up to 2 percent of the development cost for initial operating expenses.

    (4) After the loan is made, have income sufficient to pay operating expenses, make necessary capital replacements, make the payments on the loan and other authorized debts, and accumulate reasonable reserves as required.

    (5) Possess the legal and actual capacity, character, ability, and experience to carry out the undertakings and obligations required for the loan, including the obligation to maintain and operate the housing and related facilities for the purpose for which the loan is made. Organizations operating in more than one local area will be required to indicate their ability to provide local management and supervision of the day-to-day operation of the housing project.

    (6) Intend to use the housing for labor to be used in the farming operations of the applicant or farming operations of its members if an individual farmowner, family farm corporation or partnership, or an association of farmers.

    (7) Own the housing and related land or become the owner when the loan is closed. An owner may include, in addition to the owner of full marketable title, a lessee of a tract of land owned by a State, political subdivision, public body or public agency, or Indian tribal lands which are not available for purchase. It may also include a lease of land when the State Director determines that long-term leasing of sites by nonpublic bodies is a well established practice and such leaseholds are fully marketable in the area, provided:

    (i) The applicant is unable to obtain fee title to the property.

    (ii) A recorded mortgage constituting a valid and enforceable lien on the applicant's leasehold will be given as security.

    (iii) The amount of the labor housing (LH) loan against the property will not exceed the maximum security value or Maximum Debt Limit (MDL) determined in accordance with subpart E, or subparts B and C of part 1922 of this chapter, as appropriate.

    (iv) The unexpired term of the lease on the date of loan approval is at least 25 percent longer than the repayment period of the loan and rental charged for the lease should not exceed the rate charged for similar leases in the area.

    (v) The borrower's interest may not be subject to summary foreclosure or cancellation.

    (vi) The lease must:

    (A) Not restrict the right to foreclose the LH mortgage or to transfer the lease.

    (B) Permit FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 to bid at foreclosure sale or to accept voluntary conveyance of the security in lieu of foreclosure.

    (C) Permit FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 after acquiring the leasehold through foreclosure, or voluntary conveyance in lieu of foreclosure, or in event of abandonment by the borrower, to occupy the property, or to sublet the property and to sell the leasehold for cash or credit.

    (D) Permit the borrower, in the event of default or inability to continue with the lease and the LH loan, to transfer the leasehold, subject to the LH mortgage, to a transferee with assumption of the LH debt and grant obligation.

    (vii) The advice of the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) will be obtained as to legal sufficiency of the lease. When the State Director is uncertain as to whether a loan can be made on a leasehold, the request should be submitted to the National Office for evaluation and instructions.

    (8) If it is a private broad-based nonprofit organization or a nonprofit organization of farmworkers, meet the following additional requirements:

    (i) In the event of its dissolution, be legally bound to transfer its net assets to a nonprofit organization of a similar type or a public body for use for domestic farm labor housing or other public purposes if the need for farm labor housing no longer exists.

    (ii) Responsibility for management of the housing must be vested in the applicant's board of directors.

    (A) A broad-based nonprofit organization must be governed by a board of directors of not less than five members who are experienced in such fields as real estate management, finance, or related businesses and who will not be users of the farm workers housed in the project.

    (B) A nonprofit organization of farmworkers must have representation on the board from the area where the housing is located. Directors may be elected who are not members of the organization but are experienced in such fields as real estate management, finance, or related businesses provided member directors represent a majority of the board.

    (iii) Be prohibited from requiring or preventing employment on any particular farm or farms as a condition of occupancy.

    (iv) Except for an organization of farmworkers, be certified as exempt from Federal income taxation.

    (9) Be an individual farmowner who is a citizen of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the territories and possessions of the United States, or the trust territory of the Pacific Islands or residents in one of the foregoing areas after being legally admitted for permanent residence or an indefinite parole. If the applicant is an organization, other than a State or political subdivision, the majority of the members and controlling interests must be individuals who meet the citizenship requirements for individual farmowners as stated above.

    (b) Eligibility of applicant for an LH grant. To be eligible for an LH grant the applicant must meet the applicable requirements in § 1944.157 (a) and:

    (1) Be an organization, as defined in § 1944.153 with an assured life over a period of years sufficient to carry out the purpose of providing low-rent housing for domestic farm labor. This should not be less than the anticipated useful life of the project as suitable housing for domestic farm labor, assuming proper maintenance and repair of the property. Ordinarily, this should not be less than 50 years.

    (2) When the grant is closed, be the owner (as defined in this subpart) of the housing and related facilities, including the site.

    (3) Be unable to provide the necessary housing from its own resources, including any power to levy taxes, assessments, or charges, and be unable to obtain the necessary credit through an LH loan or from other sources upon terms and conditions the applicant could reasonably be expected to fulfill.

    (4) Possess the legal and actual capacity, ability, and experience to incur and carry out the undertakings and obligations required, including the obligations to maintain and operate the housing and related facilities for the purpose for which the grant is made.

    (5) Legally obligate itself not to divert income from the housing to any other business, enterprise, or purpose.

    (c) Eligibility of applicant for an LH technical assistance grant. To be eligible for an LH technical assistance grant, the applicant must:

    (1) Be a private or public nonprofit agency;

    (2) Have the knowledge, ability, technical expertise, or practical experience necessary to develop and package loan and grant applications for LH under the section 514 and 516 programs; and,

    (3) Possess the ability to exercise leadership, organize work, and prioritize assignments to meet work demands in a timely and cost efficient manner. The grantee may arrange for other nonprofit agencies to provide services on its behalf; however, RHS will expect the grantee to provide the overall management necessary to ensure the objectives of the grant are met. Nonprofit agencies acting on behalf of the grantee must also meet the above stated eligibility requirements.

    (d) Authorized representative of applicant. FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 will deal only with the applicant or its bona fide representative and technical advisers. The authorized representative of the applicant must be a person who has no pecuniary interest in the award of the architectural or construction contracts, management contracts, the purchase of equipment, or the purchase of land for the housing site.