§ 1965.214 - Offering and processing of incentives.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Borrower does not respond to incentive offer. If the borrower does not respond to the incentive offer within 30 calendar days of the date of the letter offering incentives, the State Office will advise the National Office by means of FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Guide Letter 1965-E-1 (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office) to remove the name from the waiting list. Tenants and any agencies notified in accordance with § 1965.206 (b) of this subpart will be notified by the Servicing Office that the borrower has ceased to pursue the prepayment request and prepayment will not take place.

    (b) Borrower rejects the incentive offer. If the borrower rejects the incentive offer within 30 calendar days, a determination of the continued need for the housing as subsidized housing will be made in accordance with § 1965.215 (b) and exhibit E of this subpart. Tenants will be notified that the borrower has rejected the incentive offer and that a decision will be made by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 whether to accept the prepayment. The tenants will be informed of the factors used in making the decision.

    (c) Borrower indicates acceptance of the incentive package. If the borrower indicates a willingness to accept an incentive package which includes an equity loan, a complete loan application in accordance with exhibit A-11 of subpart E of part 1944 of this chapter will be required. If an appraisal of the property has not been completed as required in § 1965.212 of this subpart, one will be made at this time in accordance with FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Instruction 1922-B (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office). The Servicing Official will determine the feasibility of the loan, including any needed reamortization of existing loans. No equity loan is to be made without sufficient RA to protect current tenants against new or increased rent overburden.

    (d) Application for transfer with incentives. If a transfer is to take place simultaneously with the incentive, a complete transfer application package, in accordance with § 1965.65 of subpart B of part 1965 of this chapter, will be submitted. A completed application for an equity loan, if applicable, will be completed and submitted in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. The determination of borrower eligibility, evaluation of the transfer and any equity loan will be made concurrently. If a proposed transferee is determined not to be eligible for the transfer and assumption, appeal rights concerning transferee eligibility will be provided to the proposed transferee. If the FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 decision is upheld, the borrower will be given an additional 15 days to reconsider whether to accept the original incentive offer.

    (e) Notification that incentives are ready for funding. When the borrower indicates that the final incentive offer is acceptable, and the processing of the incentive application is complete, the Servicing Official will notify the State Office, which in turn will notify the National Office of all required information through use of FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Guide Letter 1965-E-1 (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office).

    (1) All interested agencies contacted in accordance with § 1965.206 (b) of this subpart and tenants will be advised that prepayment of the loan will not take place. If the ownership is to be transmitted, tenants will be so advised. Any rent increases resulting from acceptance of an incentive offer will be processed in accordance with § 1965.204(b) of this subpart.

    (2) The National Office will issue authorizations to obligate incentives to the extent possible, depending upon the availability of loan funds and RA. Authorizations will be issued in the order in which complete prepayment requests were received as set forth in § 1965.205 of the subpart. To fully utilize all available prepayment incentive loan funds and RA, projects with fully processed incentive packages may be authorized prior to authorizing packages with earlier receipt dates for which incentives have not been fully processed. Any other required National Office authorizations will be given at the same time.

    (f) Processing the incentives. When authorization to proceed is received, the Servicing Office will process the incentives, with or without a transfer and make the following amendments to the loan and RA agreements with the assistance of the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), as appropriate:

    (1) If the annual return on investment is increased, a statement will be added to the loan agreement specifying that, “The maximum annual return on investment is being increased by $___ for a total maximum annual return of $___.” No equity level or rate of return need be mentioned.

    (2) If a conversion of profit type is made, the procedures of paragraph IV A 2 d of exhibit B of subpart C of part 1930 of this chapter will be followed. If the interest subsidy is increased, a new Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1944-7, “Multiple Family Housing Interest Credit and Rental Assistance Agreement,” will be executed.

    (3) Any change in the amount of RA will require the execution of a new RA agreement or a change in the existing RA agreement, as described in paragraph V C of exhibit E of subpart C of part 1930 of this chapter.

    (4) Loans for equity will be made in accordance with subpart E of part 1944 of this chapter. In accordance with § 1951.517 (b)(1) of subpart K of part 1951 of this chapter, the equity loan will be established as a Predetermined Amortization Schedule System (PASS) loan and all existing loans on the project will be converted to PASS. All assumptions and transfers will be processed in accordance with § 1965.65 of subpart B of this part. All existing project loans may be consolidated and reamortized in accordance with §§ 1965.68 and 1965.70 of subpart B of this part, unless consolidation is not necessary to maintain feasibility of the project for the current tenants or reduce the level of monthly rental subsidies. All delinquent loans must be brought current, cost items paid in full, and project operating and reserve accounts brought current. All project operating and reserve accounts will remain at authorized levels during and after the closing of the incentive package, regardless of whether a transfer was included as part of the prepayment. All taxes, assessments and other liens must be prorated, brought current or paid in full as appropriate. Deferred maintenance identified in previous inspections must be performed before any equity may be received by the borrower or transferor, as applicable.

    (g) Restrictive-use provisions. The restrictive-use provisions contained in exhibit A-1 of this subpart will be inserted in the deed, security instruments, loan agreement/resolution, assumption agreement, and/or reamortization agreement, as appropriate with the advice of OGC.