§ 1965.215 - Borrower rejection of incentive offer—approving/disapproving prepayment.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Approving or disapproving prepayments. If the borrower rejects the incentive offer and indicates a preference to prepay, prepayment may be approved in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section within 180 days of the decision that the prepayment can be accepted if the determinations required in paragraph (c) of this section can be made. Exhibit E of this subpart provides additional guidance for making the necessary determinations. The State Director or other designated official in the National Office, with the recommendation of the Servicing Official, will make the decision to either approve or disapprove the prepayment request.

    (b) Determining the need for housing. (1) The Servicing Office or other designated office will review the following, using exhibit E of this subpart as a guide:

    (i) Local market conditions;

    (ii) Information submitted as support for the prepayment request;

    (iii) Responses to the 30-day tenant comment period;

    (iv) the effect of the prepayment on minorities, handicapped individuals, and families with children; and

    (v) Any other relevant information.

    (2) The results of the determination of need will be documented in the case file.

    (c) Conditions under which prepayment may be approved. In certain instances, prepayment may be approved after a borrower has rejected the incentive offer. If the decision is made to approve a prepayment request, restrictive-use provisions will be inserted in the deed, deed of release or satisfaction, if the project is determined to be needed under the provisions of the following paragraphs (1)(i) and (ii) of this section. The borrower will also execute the applicable restrictive-use agreement. If the project has section 8 assistance, the local HUD Area Office must be notified. To determine whether a prepayment offer can be approved, the following decision steps must be followed by the Servicing Office:

    (1) The loan is not currently subject to restrictive-use provisions nor prohibition on prepayment. To determine whether a loan not subject to restrictive-use provisions or prohibition on prepayment may prepay, and if so, what restrictions must be inserted in the release documents, the following determinations must be made.

    (i) If the Servicing Office cannot make the determination that housing opportunities to minorities will not be materially affected as a result of the prepayment, the borrower may prepay if the borrower agrees to the following restrictions and inclusion of the applicable restrictive language found in paragraph (A) or (B) of exhibit A-4 of this subpart, and to execute the applicable Restrictive-Use Agreement found in exhibit G-2 or G-3 of this subpart;

    (A) Maintain the housing for low- and moderate-income people for a minimum period of 20 years from the date of the closing of the last loan or servicing action. At the end of the restrictive-use period, offer to sell the housing to a qualified nonprofit organization or public agency in accordance with paragraph (e)(9) of this section and paragraph (A) of exhibit A-4 of this subpart; or

    (B) If 20 years from the date of the closing of the last loan or servicing action has already lapsed, offer to sell the housing to a qualified nonprofit organization or public agency in accordance with paragraph (e)(9) of this section and paragraph (B) of exhibit A-4 of this subpart;

    (ii) If the Servicing Office determines that housing opportunities to minorities will not be materially affected as a result of prepayment, but that there is an inadequate supply of safe, decent, and affordable rental housing within the market area, the borrower may prepay if the borrower agrees to the following restrictions and inclusion of the applicable restrictive-use language found in paragraph (C) of exhibit A-4 of this subpart and agrees to execute the Restrictive-Use Agreement found at exhibit G-4 of this subpart:

    Maintain the housing for current eligible tenants in occupancy as of the date of the prepayment for the life of the project or until the current tenants are no longer eligible for the housing under FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 regulations, or the tenants choose to vacate of their own will. The owner will ensure the tenants will not be displaced due to a change in the use of the housing, an increase in the rental or other charges as a result of the prepayment, or a decrease in income. Existing tenants are protected to ensure that none experience new or increased rent overburden until each voluntarily moves from the project.

    (iii) If the Servicing Office determines that housing opportunities to minorities will not be materially affected as a result of prepayment, and that there is an adequate supply of safe, decent, and affordable rental housing within the market area for the foreseeable future, the borrower may prepay without restrictions. The provisions of paragraph (c)(3) of this section will apply.

    (2) The loan is subject to restrictive-use provisions and the borrower agrees to continue to adhere to the provisions after prepayment. In accordance with exhibit A-3 of this subpart, the borrower agrees to continue to maintain the housing in accordance with the restrictions already in effect. The borrower must also agree to execute the Restrictive-Use Agreement found at exhibit G-1 to this subpart.

    (3) It is determined by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 that restrictions are not needed. If actions in accordance with § 1965.206 (b)(2) of this subpart and paragraph (e)(3) of this section have been taken to ensure that alternative rental housing will be made available to each tenant upon displacement, the prepayment may be accepted without restrictions if:

    (i) For loans not subject to restrictive-use provisions nor prohibition on prepayment, it is determined by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 that housing opportunities for minorities will not be materially affected as a result of the prepayment. Exhibit E of this subpart will be used to assist in making this determination.

    (ii) For loans subject to restrictive-use provisions, it is determined Federal or other financial assistance provided to residents will no longer be provided, due to no fault, action or lack of action on the part of the borrower. If a borrower applies to have restrictions removed after prepayment because Federal or other financial assistance will no longer be provided, the restrictions will be released only if the loss of Federal or other financial assistance could not have been reasonably anticipated at the time of acceptance of the prepayment.

    (iii) Regardless of whether or not the loan is subject to restrictive-use provisions, a determination is made by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 that there is no longer a need for the housing (in accordance with exhibit E of this subpart).

    (4) Projects with both LH loans and grants. If a prepayment is accepted on an LH loan for a project which also has an LH grant, restrictive-use provisions for the project may be released only under the conditions specified in the Grant Agreement.

    (5) Documentation. Thorough documentation of the reasons and decision to approve prepayment will be entered in the casefile and appended to the prepayment report. Any additional materials used to reach the decision will be included in the casefile.

    (d) Borrower notification of approval or disapproval of prepayment. The Servicing Office or other designated office will notify the borrower as to whether the prepayment has been approved or disapproved within:

    (1) 15 days of the borrower's rejection of an incentive offer for loans not subject to restrictive-use provisions nor prohibited from prepayment; or

    (2) 60 days of a complete prepayment request by a borrower subject to restrictive-use provisions.

    (e) Processing acceptance of prepayment. After approval of a prepayment, the following actions must be taken:

    (1) Completion of the prepayment report and notification of the National Office. If prepayment is approved, the Servicing Office or other designated office will complete a prepayment report in the format of exhibit B of this subpart, and submit the report with all documentation on each prepaid loan to the State Director or other designated official for indefinite retention. Any information for the report supplied by the borrower must include documentation and verification by the Servicing Office. For prepayment of on-farm labor housing units, only items relevant to the on-farm units need be completed. The State Office will notify the National Office in the format of FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Guide Letter 1965-E-1 (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office) indicating that the prepayment has been accepted. A copy of the prepayment report will be included in the materials forwarded to the National Office.

    (2) Notify interested agencies. All interested agencies notified in accordance with § 1965.206 (b)(4) of this subpart will be notified of the decision to accept the prepayment. Agencies which may aid displaced tenants will be advised of any anticipated displacement, the level at which post-prepayment rents will be set and any restrictive-use provisions which will remain in the deeds of release. Other agencies will be advised that no offer to sell will be made.

    (3) Notify tenants. The Servicing Office will send an additional notice to tenants at least 60 days prior to the prepayment. The prepayment may not take place less than 60 days from the tenant notification or 180 days from the initial notification unless an exception is allowed in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section. Tenant notices will be sent certified mail to each tenant and also posted at the project in public areas. Copies of the notice will remain posted at the project until the prepayment is accepted and all existing tenants voluntarily vacate their units. The notice and attachments will contain all of the following information appropriate for the prepayment action and any other relevant information necessary to allow tenants to make informed choices (FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Guide Letter 1965-E-3 (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office) and attachments are provided as a guide for this purpose). The notice will contain the following applicable statements and information:

    (i) All relevant information concerning the prepayment has been reviewed and FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 has decided to accept the prepayment on (date).

    (ii) Fully detailed reason(s) describing why the prepayment was approved. Also include the reasons for acceptance of the prepayment in less than 180 days (if applicable).

    (iii) At the time of prepayment, rents are expected to be $______.

    (iv) The tenant will be affected by this change on (date the tenant's current lease expires, date of the prepayment or other mandated date, whichever is later.)

    (v) (The following statement should be included if the loan is being prepaid but will retain restrictive-use provisions.) All current eligible tenants may continue to occupy the housing until the tenants decide to voluntarily move, the tenants no longer meet eligibility requirements or the restrictive-use provisions expire on (insert expiration date), whichever is sooner. The rents of current eligible tenants may not be increased as a result of current owner actions to exceed levels which create new or increased rent overburden as established by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 regulations, in accordance with title V of the Housing Act of 1949, during the period of eligible tenant occupancy during the restricted period. However, declines in tenant income shall not require corresponding reductions in rent levels. A tenant, or those wishing to occupy the housing (if applicable), as well as the Government, may seek enforcement of the provisions. Annual income recertifications will continue to be required in order to protect eligible tenant rents. The preceding requirements are binding on the current owner and any successors in interest.

    (vi) (The following statement should be included if the project has project-based section 8 rents.) Eligible tenant rents will continue to be subsidized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) until (insert the date the section 8 contract expires). (If applicable, include the following.) If section 8 subsidies are not continued after (insert the date the section 8 contract expires), the owner of the project will continue eligible tenant rents at levels that will not create or increase rent overburden until (insert date the restrictive-use expires. However, declines in tenant income shall not require corresponding reductions in rent levels.

    (vii) (The following statement should be included if project-based HUD section 8 or other subsidies will expire prior to 2 years after the prepayment.) Eligible tenants currently residing in the project who may subsequently be displaced or experience rent overburden due to the prepayment may qualify for certain protections. The following protections are available to eligible tenants who believe they have experienced displacement or rent overburden:

    (A) Letters of Priority Entitlement (LOPE) to other FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 housing. Tenants may apply for LOPEs up until the day the tenants’ rents are scheduled to be increased. These letters will be valid for 60 days after issuance. All LOPEs will be issued in accordance with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as codified in subpart E of part 1901 of this chapter.

    (B) Tenants currently receiving rental assistance (RA) will be able to continue to receive RA if they move to other FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 financed housing in which they are eligible for RA.

    (C) Tenants choosing to stay in their units after prepayment and pay higher rents, with or without Federal, State or other subsidy, are entitled to do so, unless evicted for a cause unrelated to prepayment.

    (viii) Eligible tenants residing in prepaying projects will also be sent:

    (A) A list of project names, locations, number of apartments, senior citizen or family designation, and unit sizes of other FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 projects in the market area.

    (B) The names and locations of other subsidized housing; and

    (C) Addresses and telephone numbers of the applicable HUD area office, and other agencies which administer housing subsidies or aid in relocation anywhere in the market area.

    (ix) Tenants will be allowed to review the information used to make any of the determinations regarding acceptance of the prepayment, prepayment rent increases and alternatives to prepayment.

    (4) Issue LOPEs. Upon request by a tenant for an LOPE, the Servicing Official will prepare the letter and forward the letter to the tenant (FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Guide Letter 1965-E-4 (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office) may be used as a guide). The LOPE, which is to be addressed to FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 borrowers, will include:

    (i) A tenant with an LOPE has 60 days to apply in writing to other FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 projects in any location in the country.

    (ii) A tenant with an LOPE is to be placed at the top of all waiting lists in FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 projects applied to, which have appropriate units the tenant qualifies for. Such tenants will follow only those tenants with LOPEs who were previously placed on the waiting list. Handicapped tenants on the list for handicapped units which have appropriate design features will maintain priority over non-handicapped tenants with LOPEs.

    (iii) The tenant will not be removed from the priority position on the waiting list until the tenant moves to a unit utilizing an LOPE or is purged from the waiting list in accordance with exhibit B or subpart C of part 1930 of this chapter.

    (iv) If the tenant holding the LOPE is receiving RA in the prepaying project, and uses the LOPE to move to a Plan II project for which the tenant would qualify for RA, the RA will be transferred to the project to which the tenant moves. The RA will be reassigned to that tenant without competition. RA brought to a project by a tenant from a prepaying project will remain at the receiving project if the tenant subsequently moves to another FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 project.

    (v) If the tenant's current security deposit of (a specified amount) has not been released by the prepaying project by the date a tenant moves, the new landlord will be encouraged to defer collection of the new security deposit until the tenant's current deposit is refunded, even if the date of release is after the date the tenant occupies the new unit.

    (5) Approval of tenant leases. Prior to accepting the prepayment, the Servicing Office will also review and approve a modified tenant lease to be used for all protected tenants during any applicable restrictive-use period. This lease will explain the restrictive-use provisions, who is protected, describe the limits on rents during the period of restrictions, explain that no tenant can have a lease renewal denied for other than “good cause” (which cannot include income level), that charges, rules and regulations, and services may not change substantially from those aplicable at present, and explain all other provisions necessary to protect affected tenants including Fair Housing Act Amendment provisions. The lease shall retain provisions for annual income certification. The approved lease, with signatures of both the borrower and FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354, will be maintained by the Servicing Office until expiration of the restrictive-use period, although FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 will not be responsible for monitoring compliance. If the owner wishes to make subsequent modifications to the lease, FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 will review the lease to ensure that none of the modifications are contrary to the intent of this regulation.

    (6) Borrower responsibilities after prepayment. Prior to accepting the prepayment, the Servicing Official will meet with the borrower to discuss borrower obligations under restrictive-use and fair housing provisions remaining in effect after the prepayment is accepted. The Servicing Official will review the applicable restrictive-use requirements, if any, in detail with the borrower. In particular, the Servicing Official will explain that the applicable provisions of subpart C of part 1930 of this chapter specific to tenant rights and relations shall remain in effect during the restrictive-use period. Owners of prepaid projects will be responsible for ensuring that rental procedures, verification and certification of income and/or employment, lease agreements, rent or occupancy charges, and termination and eviction remain consistent with the provisions set forthin subpart C of part 1930 of this chapter, and also adhere to applicable local, State, and Federal laws. The borrower will be informed that it is the borrower's responsibility to obtain FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 concurrence with any changes to the preceding rental procedures that may deviate from those approved at the time of the prepayment prior to implementing the changes. Any changes proposed must be consistent with the objectives of the program and the regulations. Documentation, including annual income recertifications, shall be maintained to evidence compliance in the event there is a future complaint or audit. The former borrower must be able to document that acceptable waiting lists were maintained, units were rented to appropriate tenants, and rents were established at appropriate levels in accordance with the applicable restrictive-use provisions. The former borrower must also agree to make the documentation available for Government inspection upon request. The former borrower and any successors in interest will be required to provide the following signed and dated certification to the applicable Servicing Office or other designated office within 30 days of the beginning of each calendar year for the full period of the restrictive-use provisions:

    (7) Servicing Office responsibilities after prepayment. Upon prepayment, the Servicing Office will send a notice to all tenants informing the tenants of the acceptance of the prepayment. The borrower will be notified that a copy of the notice must be posted and maintained in public areas in the project until all restrictive-use provisions expire. FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Guide Letter 1965-E-5 (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office) will be used for the notice. The Servicing Office or other designated office will monitor receipt of the certaification referred to in paragraph (e)(6) of this section and maintain case files on the prepaid project until such time as the restrictive-use provisions expire. The Servicing Office or other designated office will take such actions as necessary to follow-up on receipt of the annual certifications from each prepaid borrower. If the Servicing Office is unable to obtain borrower cooperation, the Servicing Office shall refer the case to the State Office for transmittal to the National Office for further servicing guidance and/or enforcement actions.

    (8) Payment in full and release of security. Prior to releasing security instruments, FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 must be certain that full payment has been received. Security instruments will be released in accordance with § 1965.90 (b) of subpart B of part 1965 of this chapter.

    (9) Sale to nonprofit organization or public agency at end of restrictive-use period. Borrowers who are subject to the restrictive-use provisions contained in paragraph (A) or (B) of exhibit A-4 of this subpart are required to attempt to sell the project to a nonprofit organization or public agency at the end of the restrictive-use period. Advertising the project for sale will be carried out in the same manner and time period as required for sale to nonprofits or public agencies within the program as stated in § 1965.216 (b), (c), and (d) of this subpart. Advertising will be conducted for a minimum of 180 days beginning at least 6 months prior to the expiration of the restrictive-use period. If 6 months do not remain between the date of prepayment and the end of the restrictive-use period the project will be advertised for sale for a minimum of 180 days.

    (f) Denial, postponement, waiver, or withdrawal of prepayment request—(1) Denial of prepayment request. Borrowers for whom there is no prohibition on prepayment will be denied a request to prepay if the conditions required for prepayment stated in paragraph (c) of this section and exhibit E of this subpart cannot be met, or if information submitted with the prepayment request to prepay, the Servicing Official will send a letter to the borrower stating the reasons for the denial and the right to appeal the rejection, in accordance with subpart B of part 1900 of this chapter and §§ 1965.213 and 1965.215 and exhibits D and E of this subpart. The letter denying the prepayment reuest may revise the original incentive offer if new information documenting the loss the borrower may suffer if not allosed to prepay has been brought to the attention of the Servicing Office. If a letter is sent offering a revised incentive, rights to appeal the denial will not be included.

    (2) Postponement of prepayment requests. Prepayment requests will be denied if the request was received less than 180 days in advance of the project prepayment date unless the Servicing Office determines that there is sufficient time to consider tenant comments, verify information submitted with the prepayment report, and verify that all tenant leases are extended for a 180-day period from the date of the prepayment request and include current rents and conditions. Prepayment will be postponed if necessary to allow sufficient time for the second tenant notification to be sent at least 60 days prior to the prepayment, unless all tenant leases are extended to the end of the 60 days, and at least 30 days has passed since the first notification letters were sent. The extension of tenant leases does not substitute for the insertion of restrictive-use provisions in the release documents or for allowing sufficient time for tenant comments.

    (3) Withdrawal or cancellation of prepayment requests. Prepayment authorization will be cancelled if the prepayment is not received within 180 days of the final approval of the prepayment.

    (g) Borrower appeals of prepayment disapproval. The borrower may appeal the decision to deny prepayment without restrictive-use provisions within 30 days of the receipt of the rejection, in accordance with subpart B of part 1900 of this chapter. The incentive offer may be appealed at the same time if the borrower chooses. Tenants will be notified if a borrower appeal is pending, given the right to send written testimony to the appeal officer, and have one representative at the appeal hearing. If the decision to deny prepayment is upheld or the incentive offer is modified, the borrower will be given an additional 30 days to respond to the incentive offer. Based upon the borrower response and whether the loan is subject to restrictive-use provisions, the Servicing Office will act in accordance with appropriate sections of this subpart. Borrowers subject to restrictive-use provisions will not be granted appeal rights.