§ 4280.118 - Grant applications for RES and EEI projects with total project costs of $200,000 and greater.  

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  • § 4280.118 Grant applications for RES and EEI Projects projects with total project costs of less than $200,000 , but more than $80,000and greater.

    Grant applications for RES and EEI projects with Total Project Costs of less than total project costs of $200,000 , but more than $80,000, may and greater must provide the information specified in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section or, if the Applicant elects to do so, the information specified , as applicable. Each applicant is encouraged, but is not required, to self-score the project using the evaluation criteria in § 4280.117. In order to submit an application under this section, the criteria specified in paragraph 121.


    of this section must be met. The content for applications submitted under this section is specified in paragraph (b) of this section. Unless otherwise specified in this subpart, the construction planning and performing development procedures and the payment process that will be used for awards for applications submitted under this section are

    Forms and certifications. Each application must contain the forms and certifications specified in paragraphs (







    , respectively

    through (10), as applicable, of this section


    , except paragraph (a) Criteria for submitting applications for projects with total project costs of less than $200,000, but more than $80,000. In order to submit an application under this section, each of the conditions specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (7) of this section must be met.

    (1) The Applicant must be eligible in accordance with § 4280.112.

    (2) The project must be eligible in accordance with § 4280.113.

    (3) Total Project Costs must be less than $200,000, but more than $80,000.

    (4) Construction planning and performing development must be performed in compliance with paragraph (c) of this section. The Applicant or the Applicant's prime contractor assumes all risks and responsibilities of project development.

    (5) The Applicant or the Applicant's prime contractor is responsible for all interim financing, including during construction.

    (6) The Applicant agrees not to request reimbursement from funds obligated under this program until after project completion and is operating in accordance with the information provided in the application for the project.

    (7) The Applicant must maintain insurance as required under § 4280.122(b), except business interruption insurance is not required.

    (b) Application content. Applications submitted under this section must contain the

    (5) is optional.

    (1) Form RD 4280-3C, “Application for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects Total Project Costs of $200,000 or Greater”.

    (2) Form SF-424, “Application for Federal Assistance.”

    (3) Form SF-424C, “Budget Information - Construction Programs.”

    (4) Form SF-424D, “Assurances - Construction Programs.”

    (5) Identify the ethnicity, race, and gender of the applicant. Identify if the borrower is a veteran. This information is optional and is not required for a complete application but may be used by the Agency to award priority points.

    (6) Environmental documentation in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970. The applicant should contact the Agency to determine what documentation is required to be provided.

    (7) The applicant must identify whether or not the applicant has a known relationship or association with an Agency employee. If there is a known relationship, the applicant must identify each Agency employee with whom the applicant has a known relationship.

    (8) Certification that the applicant is a legal entity in good standing (as applicable) and operating in accordance with the laws of the State(s) or Tribe(s) where the applicant has a place of business.

    (9) Certification by the applicant that the equipment required for the project is available, can be procured and delivered within the proposed project development schedule, and will be installed in conformance with manufacturer's specifications and design requirements. This would not be applicable when equipment is not part of the project.

    (10) Certification by the applicant that the project will be constructed in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, agreements, permits, codes, and standards.

    (b) Applicant information. Provide information specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section and must be presented in the same order. Each Applicant is encouraged, but is not required, to self-score the project using the evaluation criteria in § 4280.120 and to submit with their application the total score, including appropriate calculations and attached documentation or specific cross-references to information elsewhere in the application.

    (1) Forms and certifications. The application must contain the items identified in § 4280.117(a). In addition, the Applicant must submit a certification that the Applicant meets each of the criteria for submitting an application under this section as specified in paragraph (a) of this section.

    (2) Applicant information. The application must contain the items identified in § 4280.117(b), except that the information specified in § 4280.117(b)(3) is not required.

    (3) Project information. The application must contain the items identified in § 4280.117(c).

    (4) Technical report. Each application must contain a technical report in accordance with § 4280.110(h) and Appendix A or B, as applicable, of this subpart.

    (c) Construction planning and performing development. Applicants submitting applications under this section must comply with the requirements specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section for construction planning and performing development.

    (1) General. Paragraphs (a)(1), (2), and (4) of § 4280.124 apply.

    (2) Small acquisition and construction procedures. Small acquisition and construction procedures are those relatively simple and informal procurement methods that are sound and appropriate for a procurement of services, equipment, and construction of a RES or EEI project with a Total Project Cost of not more than $200,000. The Applicant is solely responsible for the execution of all contracts under this procedure, and Agency review and approval is not required.

    (3) Contractor forms. Applicants must have each contractor sign, as applicable:

    (i) Form RD 400-6, “Compliance Statement,” for contracts exceeding $10,000; and

    (ii) Form AD-1048, “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions,” for contracts exceeding $25,000.

    (d) Payment process for applications for res and eei projects with total project costs of less than $200,000, but more than $80,000.

    (1) Upon completion of the project, the grantee must submit to the Agency a copy of the contractor's certification of final completion for the project and a statement that the grantee accepts the work completed. At its discretion, the Agency may require the Applicant to have an Inspector certify that the project is constructed and installed correctly.

    (2) The RES or EEI project must be constructed, installed, and operating as described in the technical report prior to disbursement of funds. For RES, the system must be operating at the steady state operating level described in the technical report for a period of not less than 30 days, unless this requirement is modified by the Agency, prior to disbursement of funds. Any modification to the 30-day steady state operating level requirement will be based on the Agency's review of the technical report and will be incorporated into the Letter of Conditions.

    (3) Prior to making payment, the Agency will be provided with Form RD 1924-9, “Certificate of Contractor's Release,” and Form RD 1924-10, “Release by Claimants,” or similar forms, executed by all persons who furnished materials or labor in connection with the contract

    to allow the Agency to determine the eligibility of the applicant.

    (1) Type of applicant. Eligible applicants must meet the definition of agricultural producer or rural small business as defined in § 4280.103. Agricultural producers seeking funding for a RES or EEI project may apply as either a rural small business or as an agricultural producer, provided they meet the applicable eligibility requirements. The applicant must provide the primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code applicable to the applicant's business concern and certify on the Agency approved application form that they meet the definition of agricultural producer or rural small business. The Agency reserves the right to request supporting documentation to verify applicant eligibility.

    (2) Applicant description. Describe the ownership of the applicant, including the information specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section as applicable. Include a description of the applicant's farm/ranch/business operation, including how long the applicant has been in operation.

    (i) Describe how the applicant meets the ownership and control requirements as identified in § 4280.112(b).

    (ii) For each entity(ies) it controls or entity(ies) it is controlled by, provide a list of the individual owners with their contact information. Describe the relationship between the applicant and the other entity(ies), including percent ownership and control, management, passive investor ownership, and as applicable products exchanged. Organizational charts to demonstrate structure should be submitted when applicable.

    (3) Financial information. Financial information is required on the total operation of the applicant and all entity(ies) it controls or entity(ies) that control the applicant.

    (i) All financial information (e.g., financial statements, balance sheets, financial projections, income statements) must be submitted in accordance with accounting practices acceptable to the Agency. Such practices can include, but are not limited to, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the industry's standard accounting practice.

    (ii) For sole proprietorships and other situations where business assets are held personally, financial statements must be prepared using only the assets and liabilities directly attributable to the business. Assets, plus any improvements must be valued at the lower of cost or market value.

    (iii) The Agency may request additional financial statements, financial models, cash flow information, updated financial statements, and other related financial information to determine the financial feasibility of a Project. Required financial statements:

    (A) Historical financial statements. Provide Agency-acceptable historical balance sheets and income statements the lesser of the last 3 fiscal years or all years of operation.

    (B) Current balance sheet and income statement. Provide a current Agency-acceptable balance sheet and year-to-date income statement dated within 90 days of submission of the complete application.

    (C) Pro forma financial statements. Provide balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements or financial model starting from the current financial statements through a minimum of 2 years of the project performing at full operational capacity or stable operations. Financial projections must be supported by a list of assumptions showing the basis for the projections.

    (4) Previous grants and loans. State whether the applicant has received and accepted any grants or guaranteed loan commitments under this subpart or any guaranteed loans under 7 CFR 5001. If the applicant has, identify each such grant award or guaranteed loan commitment and describe the progress the applicant has made on each project for which the grant or loan was received, including projected schedules and actual completion dates.

    (c) Project information. Provide information concerning the proposed project as a whole and its relationship to the applicant's operations, including the following:

    (1) Identification as to whether the project is for a RES or an EEI project. Include a description and the location of the project.

    (2) A description of the process that will be used to conduct all procurement transactions to demonstrate compliance with § 4280.125(a)(1).

    (3) Indicate if the proposed project will have a positive effect on resource conservation (e.g., water, soil, forest), public health (e.g., potable water, air quality), and the environment (e.g., compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) renewable fuel standard(s), greenhouse gases, emissions, particulate matter).

    (4) Identify the amount of funds and the source(s) the applicant is proposing to use for the project. Provide written commitments for funds at the time the application is submitted to receive points under this scoring criterion.

    (i) If financial resources come from the applicant, documentation may include bank statements that demonstrates availability of funds.

    (ii) If a third party is providing financial assistance, the applicant must submit a commitment letter signed by an authorized official of the third party. The letter must be specific to the project and must identify the dollar amount and any applicable rates and terms. If the third-party commitment is a loan, the commitment must be firm; a letter-of-intent or pre-qualification letter subject to underwriting requirements or contingencies are not acceptable. An acceptable condition may be based on the receipt of the REAP grant or an appraisal.

    (d) Technical report. Each application must contain a technical report prepared in accordance with § 4280.110(g) and Appendix A or C, as applicable, of this subpart.

    (e) Construction planning and performing development. Each application submitted must be in accordance with § 4280.125 for planning, designing, bidding, contracting, and constructing RES and EEI projects as applicable.