Part 52 - Processed Fruits and Vegetables, Processed Products Thereof, and Certain Other Processed Food Products  

Subpart A - Requirements Governing Inspection and Certification
§ 52.1 - Administration of regulations.
Fees and Charges
§ 52.41 - Payment of fees and charges.
§ 52.42 - Schedule of fees.
§ 52.43 - Fees to be charged and collected for sampling when performed by a licensed sampler.
§ 52.44 - Inspection fees when charges for sampling have been collected.
§ 52.45 - Inspection fees when charges for sampling have not been collected.
§ 52.46 - Fee for appeal inspection.
§ 52.47 - Changing types of service.
§ 52.48 - Charges for plant survey and inspection.
§ 52.49 - Charges for copies of inspection documents and/or inspection data.
§ 52.50 - Travel and other expenses.
§ 52.51 - Charges for inspection services on a contract basis.
§ 52.53 - Approved identification.
§ 52.54 - Debarment of services.
§ 52.55 - Political activity.
§ 52.56 - Purchase of commodity samples for review.
§ 52.57 - Compliance with other laws.
§ 52.58 - Identification.
§ 52.59 - OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
§ 52.34 - How samples are drawn by inspectors or licensed samplers.
§ 52.35 - Accessibility for sampling.
§ 52.36 - How officially drawn samples are to be identified.
§ 52.37 - How official samples are to be identified and shipped.
§ 52.38 - Sampling plans and procedures for determining lot compliance.
§ 52.39 - Issuance of certificate of sampling.
§ 52.40 - Identification of lots sampled.
§ 52.38a - Definitions of terms applicable to statistical sampling.
§ 52.38b - Statistical sampling procedures for on-line inspection by attributes of processed fruits and vegetables.
§ 52.38c - Statistical sampling procedures for lot inspection of processed fruits and vegetables by attributes.
Licensing of Samplers and Inspectors
§ 52.29 - Who may become licensed sampler.
§ 52.30 - Application to become a licensed sampler.
§ 52.31 - Inspectors.
§ 52.32 - Suspension or revocation of license of licensed sampler or licensed inspector.
§ 52.33 - Surrender of license.
Inspection Service
§ 52.4 - Where inspection service is offered.
§ 52.5 - Who may obtain inspection service.
§ 52.6 - How to make application.
§ 52.7 - Information required in connection with application.
§ 52.8 - Filing of application.
§ 52.9 - Record of filing time.
§ 52.10 - When application may be rejected.
§ 52.11 - When application may be withdrawn.
§ 52.12 - Disposition of inspected sample.
§ 52.13 - Basis of inspection and grade or compliance determination.
§ 52.14 - Order of inspection service.
§ 52.15 - Postponing inspection service.
§ 52.16 - Financial interest of inspector.
§ 52.17 - Forms of certificates.
§ 52.18 - Issuance of certificates.
§ 52.19 - Issuance of corrected certificates.
§ 52.20 - Issuance of an inspection report in lieu of an inspection certificate.
§ 52.21 - Disposition of inspection certificates.
§ 52.22 - Report of inspection results prior to issuance of formal report.
§ 52.2 - Terms defined.
§ 52.3 - Designation of official certificates, memoranda, marks, other identifications, and devices for purposes of the Agricultural Marketing Act.
Requirements for Plants To Be Approved and for Plants Using Contract In-Plant Inspection Services
§ 52.81 - Plant survey.
§ 52.82 - Basis of survey and plant inspection.
§ 52.83 - Reporting results of the plant survey and inauguration of inspection services.
Requirements for Plants to Be Approved and for Plants Using Contract in-Plant Inspection Services 1
Appeal Inspection
§ 52.23 - When appeal inspection may be requested.
§ 52.24 - Where to file for an appeal inspection and information required.
§ 52.25 - When an application for an appeal inspection may be withdrawn.
§ 52.26 - When appeal inspection may be refused.
§ 52.27 - Who shall perform appeal inspection.
§ 52.28 - Appeal inspection certificate.
Subpart B - United States Standards for Grades of Canned Red Tart Pitted Cherries
Liquid Media and Brix Measurements
§ 52.773 - Liquid media and Brix measurements.
Lot Compliance
§ 52.783 - Ascertaining the grade of a lot.
Factors of Quality
§ 52.776 - Ascertaining the grade of a sample unit.
§ 52.777 - Ascertaining the rating for the factors which are scored.
§ 52.778 - Color.
§ 52.779 - Freedom from pits.
§ 52.780 - Defects.
§ 52.781 - Character.
Sample Unit Size
§ 52.775 - Sample unit size.
Score Sheet
§ 52.784 - Score sheet for canned red tart pitted cherries.
Fill of Container
§ 52.774 - Fill of container.
Allowances for Quality Factors
§ 52.782 - Allowances for quality factors.
Identity and Grades
§ 52.771 - Identity.
§ 52.772 - Grades.
Lot Compliance
§ 52.811 - Ascertaining the grade of a lot.
Sample Unit Size
§ 52.803 - Sample unit size.
Lot Compliance
Allowances for Quality Factors
§ 52.810 - Allowances for quality factors.
Sample Unit Size
Score Sheet
Factors of Quality
Factors of Quality
§ 52.804 - Ascertaining the grade of a sample unit.
§ 52.805 - Ascertaining the rating for each factor.
§ 52.806 - Color.
§ 52.807 - Freedom from pits.
§ 52.808 - Freedom from defects.
§ 52.809 - Character.
Product Description and Grades
§ 52.801 - Product description.
§ 52.802 - Grades of frozen red tart pitted cherries.
Product Description and Grades
Score Sheet
§ 52.812 - Score sheet for frozen red tart pitted cherries.
Allowances for Quality Factors
Factors of Quality
§ 52.1004 - Ascertaining the grade.
§ 52.1005 - Ascertaining the rating for the factors which are scored.
§ 52.1006 - Color.
§ 52.1007 - Uniformity of size.
§ 52.1008 - Absence of defects.
§ 52.1009 - Character.
Score Sheet
Product Description, Styles, and Grades
Score Sheet
§ 52.1011 - Score sheet for dates.
Factors of Quality
Product Description, Styles, and Grades
§ 52.1001 - Product description.
§ 52.1002 - Styles of dates.
§ 52.1003 - Grades of dates.
Lot Inspection and Certification
Lot Inspection and Certification
§ 52.1010 - Ascertaining the grade of a lot.
Subpart E - United States Standards for Grades of Processed Raisins
§ 52.1841 - Product description.
§ 52.1842 - Product description of Layer or (Cluster) raisins with seeds.
§ 52.1843 - Summary of types (varieties) of processed raisins.
§ 52.1844 - Definition of terms.
Type IV - Sultana Raisins
§ 52.1854 - Sizes of Sultana raisins.
§ 52.1855 - Grades of Sultana raisins.
§ 52.1855 - Grades of Sultana raisins.
Type I - Seedless Raisins
§ 52.1845 - Sizes of seedless raisins.
§ 52.1846 - Grades of seedless raisins.
§ 52.1846 - Grades of seedless raisins.
Type V - Zante Currant Raisins
§ 52.1856 - Sizes of zante currant raisins.
§ 52.1857 - Grades of zante currant raisins.
§ 52.1857 - Grades of zante currant raisins.
Type II - Golden Seedless Raisins
§ 52.1847 - Colors of golden seedless raisins.
§ 52.1848 - Sizes of golden seedless raisins.
§ 52.1849 - Grades of golden seedless raisins.
§ 52.1849 - Grades of golden seedless raisins.
Type VI - Mixed Types of Raisins
§ 52.1858 - Grades of mixed types or varieties of raisins.
Type III - Raisins With Seeds
§ 52.1850 - Sizes of raisins with seeds - except layer or cluster.
§ 52.1851 - Sizes of raisins with seeds - layer or cluster.
§ 52.1852 - Grades of raisins with seeds - except layer or cluster.
§ 52.1852 - Grades of raisins with seeds—except layer or cluster.
§ 52.1853 - Grades of raisins with seeds - layer or cluster.
§ 52.1853 - Grades of raisins with seeds—layer or cluster.
Moisture, Uniformity of Size, Defects
§ 52.3185 - Moisture limits.
§ 52.3186 - Definitions for uniformity of size.
§ 52.3187 - Definitions and explanations of defects.
Work Sheet
Work Sheet
§ 52.3188 - Work sheet for dried prunes.
Product Description, Varietal Types, Sizes, Grades
Product Description, Varietal Types, Sizes, Grades
§ 52.3181 - Product description.
§ 52.3182 - Varietal types of dried prunes.
§ 52.3184 - Grades of dried prunes.
§ 52.3183a - Styles of dried prunes.
§ 52.3183b - Count-sizes of whole unpitted dried prunes.
Moisture, Uniformity of Size, Defects
Subpart G - United States Standards for Grades of Canned Ripe Olives
Product Description, Types, Styles, and Grades
§ 52.3751 - Product description.
§ 52.3752 - Types of canned ripe olives.
§ 52.3753 - Styles of canned ripe olives.
§ 52.3754 - Size designations for whole and pitted styles.
§ 52.3755 - Minimum drained weights.
§ 52.3756 - Grades of canned ripe olives.
§ 52.3757 - Standard sample unit size.
§ 52.3758 - Determining the grade of a sample unit.
§ 52.3759 - Determining the rating for the factors which are scored.
§ 52.3760 - Color.
§ 52.3761 - Defects.
§ 52.3762 - Character.
§ 52.3763 - Determining the grade of a lot.
§ 52.3764 - Score sheet.
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Canned Ripe Olives
Product Description, Types, Styles, and Grades
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Red Tart Pitted Cherries
Lot Compliance
§ 52.811 - Ascertaining the grade of a lot.
Sample Unit Size
§ 52.803 - Sample unit size.
Lot Compliance
Allowances for Quality Factors
§ 52.810 - Allowances for quality factors.
Sample Unit Size
Score Sheet
Factors of Quality
Factors of Quality
§ 52.804 - Ascertaining the grade of a sample unit.
§ 52.805 - Ascertaining the rating for each factor.
§ 52.806 - Color.
§ 52.807 - Freedom from pits.
§ 52.808 - Freedom from defects.
§ 52.809 - Character.
Product Description and Grades
§ 52.801 - Product description.
§ 52.802 - Grades of frozen red tart pitted cherries.
Product Description and Grades
Score Sheet
§ 52.812 - Score sheet for frozen red tart pitted cherries.
Allowances for Quality Factors
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Canned Ripe Olives 1
Product Description, Types, Styles, and Grades
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Okra
Product Description, Styles, and Grades
§ 52.1511 - Product description.
§ 52.1512 - Styles of frozen okra.
§ 52.1513 - Grades of frozen okra.
Factors of Quality
§ 52.1514 - Ascertaining the grade of a sample unit.
§ 52.1515 - Ascertaining the rating of the factors which are scored.
§ 52.1516 - Color.
§ 52.1517 - Defects.
§ 52.1518 - Character.
Lot Compliance
§ 52.1519 - Ascertaining the grade of a lot.
Score Sheet
§ 52.1520 - Score sheet for frozen okra.
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Cauliflower
§ 52.721 - Product description.
§ 52.722 - Styles.
§ 52.723 - Requirements for style.
§ 52.724 - Definitions of terms.
§ 52.725 - Grades.
§ 52.726 - Factors of quality.
§ 52.727 - Requirements for classified quality factors.
§ 52.728 - Sample size.
§ 52.729 - Acceptance criteria.
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Canned Red Tart Pitted Cherries 1
Liquid Media and Brix Measurements
Sample Unit Size
Factors of Quality
Identity and Grades
Score Sheet
Lot Compliance
Allowances for Quality Factors
Fill of Container
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Canned Red Tart Pitted Cherries
Lot Compliance
Sample Unit Size
Identity and Grades
Factors of Quality
Allowances for Quality Factors
Score Sheet
Liquid Media and Brix Measurements
Fill of Container
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Dates
Factors of Quality
§ 52.1004 - Ascertaining the grade.
§ 52.1005 - Ascertaining the rating for the factors which are scored.
§ 52.1006 - Color.
§ 52.1007 - Uniformity of size.
§ 52.1008 - Absence of defects.
§ 52.1009 - Character.
Score Sheet
Product Description, Styles, and Grades
Score Sheet
§ 52.1011 - Score sheet for dates.
Factors of Quality
Product Description, Styles, and Grades
§ 52.1001 - Product description.
§ 52.1002 - Styles of dates.
§ 52.1003 - Grades of dates.
Lot Inspection and Certification
Lot Inspection and Certification
§ 52.1010 - Ascertaining the grade of a lot.
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Dried Prunes
Moisture, Uniformity of Size, Defects
§ 52.3185 - Moisture limits.
§ 52.3186 - Definitions for uniformity of size.
§ 52.3187 - Definitions and explanations of defects.
Work Sheet
Work Sheet
§ 52.3188 - Work sheet for dried prunes.
Product Description, Varietal Types, Sizes, Grades
Product Description, Varietal Types, Sizes, Grades
§ 52.3181 - Product description.
§ 52.3182 - Varietal types of dried prunes.
§ 52.3184 - Grades of dried prunes.
§ 52.3183a - Styles of dried prunes.
§ 52.3183b - Count-sizes of whole unpitted dried prunes.
Moisture, Uniformity of Size, Defects
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Field Peas and Frozen Black-Eye Peas
§ 52.1661 - Product description.
§ 52.1662 - Styles.
§ 52.1663 - Types.
§ 52.1664 - Definitions of terms.
§ 52.1665 - Sample unit size.
§ 52.1666 - Grades.
§ 52.1667 - Factors of quality.
§ 52.1668 - Classification of defects and grade compliance.
§ 52.1669 - Classification of color and grade compliance.
§ 52.1670 - Determining flavor, odor, presence of grit, maturity, tenderness, and texture.
§ 52.1671 - Lot acceptance for style.
§ 52.1672 - Sample size.
§ 52.1673 - Lot acceptance for quality.
§ 52.1674 - Defect tally.
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Processed Raisins 1
Type II—Golden Seedless Raisins
Type I—Seedless Raisins
Type VI—Mixed Types of Raisins
Type V—Zante Currant Raisins
Type IV—Sultana Raisins
Type III—Raisins With Seeds
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Processed Raisins
Type V—Zante Currant Raisins
Type V - Zante Currant Raisins
Type III - Raisins With Seeds
Type III—Raisins With Seeds
Type I—Seedless Raisins
Type II—Golden Seedless Raisins
Type VI—Mixed Types of Raisins
Type IV—Sultana Raisins
Type II - Golden Seedless Raisins
Type I - Seedless Raisins
Type VI - Mixed Types of Raisins
Type IV - Sultana Raisins
Subpart - Regulations Governing Inspection and Certification
Fees and Charges
Requirements for Plants To Be Approved and for Plants Using Contract In-Plant Inspection Services 1
Inspection Service
Appeal Inspection
Requirements for Plants to Be Approved and for Plants Using Contract in-Plant Inspection Services 1
Licensing of Samplers and Inspectors
Subpart - United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Green Beans and Frozen Wax Beans
§ 52.2321 - Product description.
§ 52.2322 - Styles.
§ 52.2323 - Types.
§ 52.2324 - Kinds of pack.
§ 52.2325 - Definitions of terms.
§ 52.2326 - Grades.
§ 52.2327 - Factors of quality.
§ 52.2328 - Allowances for defects.
§ 52.2329 - Sample size.
§ 52.2330 - Quality requirement criteria.