Part 869 - Regulations for the United States Warehouse Act  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 869.1 - Applicability.
§ 869.2 - Administration.
§ 869.3 - Definitions.
§ 869.4 - Fees.
§ 869.5 - Penalties.
§ 869.6 - Suspension, revocation and liquidation.
§ 869.7 - Return of suspended or revoked certificates of licensing or certificates of authorization.
§ 869.8 - Appeals.
§ 869.9 - Dispute resolution and arbitration of private parties.
§ 869.10 - Posting of certificates of licensing, certificates of authorization or other USWA documents.
§ 869.11 - Lost or destroyed certificates of licensing, authorization or agreements.
§ 869.12 - Safe keeping of records.
§ 869.13 - Information of violations.
§ 869.14 - Bonding and other financial assurance requirements.
Subpart B - Warehouse Licensing
§ 869.100 - Application.
§ 869.101 - Financial records and reporting requirements.
§ 869.102 - Financial assurance requirements.
§ 869.103 - Amendments to license.
§ 869.104 - Insurance requirements.
§ 869.105 - Care of agricultural products.
§ 869.106 - Excess storage and transferring of agricultural products.
§ 869.107 - Warehouse charges and tariffs.
§ 869.108 - Inspections and examinations of warehouses.
§ 869.109 - Disaster loss to be reported.
§ 869.110 - Conditions for delivery of agricultural products.
§ 869.111 - Fair treatment.
§ 869.112 - Terminal and futures contract markets.
Subpart C - Inspectors, Samplers, Classifiers, and Weighers
§ 869.200 - Service licenses.
§ 869.201 - Agricultural product certificates; format.
§ 869.202 - Standards of grades for other agricultural products.
Subpart D - Warehouse Receipts
§ 869.300 - Warehouse receipt requirements.
§ 869.301 - Notification requirements.
§ 869.302 - Paper warehouse receipts.
§ 869.303 - Electronic warehouse receipts.
Subpart E - Electronic Providers
§ 869.400 - Administration.
§ 869.401 - Electronic warehouse receipt and USWA electronic document providers.
§ 869.402 - Providers of other electronic documents.
§ 869.403 - Audits.
§ 869.404 - Schedule of charges and rates.