Part 97 - Plant Variety and Protection  

§ 97.1 - General.
Attorneys and Agents
§ 97.150 - Right to be represented.
§ 97.151 - Authorization.
§ 97.152 - Revocation of authorization; withdrawal.
§ 97.153 - Persons recognized.
§ 97.154 - Government employees.
§ 97.155 - Signatures.
§ 97.156 - Addresses.
§ 97.157 - Professional conduct.
§ 97.158 - Advertising.
Cease and Desist Proceedings
§ 97.600 - Administrative provisions.
§ 97.2 - Meaning of words.
Review of Decisions by Court
§ 97.500 - Appeal to U.S. Courts.
Priority Contest2
§ 97.205 - Definition; when declared.
§ 97.206 - Preparation for priority contest between applicants.
§ 97.207 - Preparation of priority papers and declaration of priority contest.
§ 97.208 - Burden of proof.
§ 97.209 - Preliminary statement on novel variety developed in the United States.
§ 97.210 - Preliminary statement on novel variety developed in a foreign country.
§ 97.211 - Statements sealed before filing.
§ 97.212 - Correction of a statement on motion.
§ 97.213 - Failure to file statements.
§ 97.214 - Access to preliminary statements.
§ 97.215 - Dissolution at the request of the Commissioner.
§ 97.216 - Concession; abandonment.
§ 97.217 - Affidavits and exhibits.
§ 97.218 - Matters considered in determining a priority.
§ 97.219 - Recommendation by the Commissioner.
§ 97.220 - Decision by the Commissioner.
§ 97.221 - Status of claims of defeated applicant.
§ 97.222 - Second priority contest.
Fees and Charges
§ 97.175 - Fees and charges.
§ 97.176 - Fees payable in advance.
§ 97.177 - Method of payment.
§ 97.178 - Refunds.
§ 97.179 - Copies and certified copies.
The Application
§ 97.5 - General requirements.
§ 97.6 - Application for certificate.
§ 97.7 - Deposit of Voucher Specimen.
§ 97.8 - Specimen requirements.
§ 97.9 - Drawings and photographs.
§ 97.10 - Parts of an application to be filed together.
§ 97.11 - Application accepted and filed when received.
§ 97.12 - Number and filing date of an application.
§ 97.13 - When the owner is deceased or legally incapacitated.
§ 97.14 - Joint applicants.
§ 97.15 - Assigned varieties and certificates.
§ 97.16 - Amendment by applicant.
§ 97.17 - Papers of completed application to be retained.
§ 97.18 - Applications handled in confidence.
§ 97.19 - Publication of pending applications.
§ 97.20 - Abandonment for failure to respond within the time limit.
§ 97.21 - Extension of time for a reply.
§ 97.22 - Revival of an application abandoned for failure to reply.
§ 97.23 - Voluntary withdrawal and abandonment of an application.
§ 97.24 - Assignee.
Appeal to the Secretary
§ 97.300 - Petition to the Secretary.
§ 97.301 - Commissioner's answer.
§ 97.302 - Decision by the Secretary.
§ 97.303 - Action following the decision.
Protest Proceedings
§ 97.200 - Protests to the grant of a certificate.
§ 97.201 - Protest proceedings.
Public Use Declaration
§ 97.700 - Public interest in wide usage.
§ 97.3 - Plant Variety Protection Board.
Marking or Labeling Provisions
§ 97.140 - After filing.
§ 97.141 - After issuance.
§ 97.142 - For testing or increase.
§ 97.143 - Certified seed only.
§ 97.144 - Additional marking or labeling.
General Procedures in Priority, Protest, or Appeal Proceedings
§ 97.400 - Extensions of time.
§ 97.401 - Miscellaneous provisions.
§ 97.402 - Service of papers.
§ 97.403 - Manner of service.
Availability of Office Records
§ 97.190 - When open records are available.
Reissuance of Certificate
§ 97.122 - Certified seed only election.
§ 97.800 - Publication of public variety descriptions.
§ 97.900 - Form of official identification symbol.
Correction of Errors in Certificate
§ 97.120 - Corrected certificate - office mistake.
§ 97.121 - Corrected certificate - applicant's mistake.
Examinations, Allowances, and Denials
§ 97.100 - Examination of applications.
§ 97.101 - Notice of allowance.
§ 97.102 - Amendments after allowance.
§ 97.103 - Issuance of a certificate.
§ 97.104 - Application or certificate abandoned.
§ 97.105 - Denial of an application.
§ 97.106 - Reply by applicant; request for reconsideration.
§ 97.107 - Reconsideration and final action.
§ 97.108 - Amendments after final action.
Assignments and Recording
§ 97.130 - Recording of assignments.
§ 97.131 - Conditional assignments.
§ 97.132 - Assignment records open to public inspection.