Part 3550 - Direct Single Family Housing Loans and Grants  

Subpart A - General
§ 3550.1 - Applicability.
§ 3550.2 - Purpose.
§ 3550.3 - Civil rights.
§ 3550.4 - Reviews and appeals.
§ 3550.5 - Environmental requirements.
§ 3550.6 - State law or State supplement.
§ 3550.7 - Demonstration programs.
§ 3550.8 - Exception authority.
§ 3550.9 - Conflict of interest.
§ 3550.10 - Definitions.
§ 3550.11 - State Director assessment of homeownership education.
§ 3550.50 - OMB control number.
§§ 3550.11--3550.49 - [Reserved]
§§ 3550.12--3550.49 - [Reserved]
Subpart B - Section 502 Origination
§ 3550.51 - Program objectives.
§ 3550.52 - Loan purposes.
§ 3550.53 - Eligibility requirements.
§ 3550.54 - Calculation of income and assets.
§ 3550.55 - Applications.
§ 3550.56 - Site requirements.
§ 3550.57 - Dwelling requirements.
§ 3550.58 - Ownership requirements.
§ 3550.59 - Security requirements.
§ 3550.60 - Escrow account.
§ 3550.61 - Insurance.
§ 3550.62 - Appraisals.
§ 3550.63 - Maximum loan amount.
§ 3550.64 - Down payment.
§ 3550.65 - [Reserved]
§ 3550.66 - Interest rate.
§ 3550.67 - Repayment period.
§ 3550.68 - Payment subsidies.
§ 3550.69 - Deferred mortgage payments.
§ 3550.70 - Conditional commitments.
§ 3550.71 - Special requirements for condominiums.
§ 3550.72 - Community land trusts.
§ 3550.73 - Manufactured homes.
§ 3550.74 - Nonprogram loans.
§ 3550.75 - Certified loan application packaging process.
§ 3550.100 - OMB control number.
§§ 3550.75--3550.99 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Section 504 Origination and Section 306C Water and Waste Disposal Grants
§ 3550.101 - Program objectives.
§ 3550.102 - Grant and loan purposes.
§ 3550.103 - Eligibility requirements.
§ 3550.104 - Applications.
§ 3550.105 - Site requirements.
§ 3550.106 - Dwelling requirements.
§ 3550.107 - Ownership requirements.
§ 3550.108 - Security requirements (loans only).
§ 3550.109 - Escrow account (loans only).
§ 3550.110 - Insurance (loans only).
§ 3550.111 - Appraisals (loans only).
§ 3550.112 - Maximum loan and grant.
§ 3550.113 - Rates and terms (loans only).
§ 3550.114 - Repayment agreement (grants only).
§ 3550.115 - WWD grant program objectives.
§ 3550.116 - Definitions applicable to WWD grants only.
§ 3550.117 - WWD grant purposes.
§ 3550.118 - Grant restrictions.
§ 3550.119 - WWD eligibility requirements.
§§ 3550.120--3550.149 - [Reserved]
§ 3550.150 - OMB control number.
§§ 3550.115--3550.149 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Regular Servicing
§ 3550.151 - Servicing goals.
§ 3550.152 - Loan payments.
§ 3550.153 - Fees.
§ 3550.154 - Inspections.
§ 3550.155 - Escrow account.
§ 3550.156 - Borrower obligations.
§ 3550.157 - Payment subsidy.
§ 3550.158 - Active military duty.
§ 3550.159 - Borrower actions requiring RHS approval.
§ 3550.160 - Refinancing with private credit.
§ 3550.161 - Final payment.
§ 3550.162 - Recapture.
§ 3550.163 - Transfer of security and assumption of indebtedness.
§ 3550.164 - Unauthorized assistance.
§ 3550.200 - OMB control number.
§§ 3550.165--3550.199 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - Special Servicing
§ 3550.201 - Purpose of special servicing actions.
§ 3550.202 - Past due accounts.
§ 3550.203 - General servicing actions.
§ 3550.204 - Payment assistance.
§ 3550.205 - Delinquency workout agreements.
§ 3550.206 - Protective advances.
§ 3550.207 - Payment moratorium.
§ 3550.208 - Reamortization using promissory note interest rate.
§ 3550.209 - [Reserved]
§ 3550.210 - Offsets.
§ 3550.211 - Liquidation.
§ 3550.250 - OMB control number.
§§ 3550.212--3550.249 - [Reserved]
Subpart F - Post-Servicing Actions
§ 3550.251 - Property management and disposition.
§ 3550.252 - Debt settlement policies.
§ 3550.253 - Settlement of a debt by compromise or adjustment.
§ 3550.300 - OMB control number.
§§ 3550.254--3550.299 - [Reserved]